Signs and Symptoms of Mental Disorder Flashcards
State of awareness
Perception modified by one’s own emotions and thoughts.
State of functioning of special senses
A. Disturbances of Consciousness Organic Pathology
- Disorientation
- Clouding of Consciousness
- Stupor
- Delirium
- Coma
- Coma Vigil
- Twilight State
- Somnolence
Disturbance of orientation in time, place, or person.
Clouding of Consciousness
Incomplete clear mindedness with disturbance in perception.
lack of reaction to an awareness of surroundings
Bewildered reaction associated with fear and hallucinations
Profound degree of unconsciousness
Coma Vigil
Coma in which patient is asleep but ready to be aroused.
Twilight State
disturbed consciousness with hallucination
abnormal drowsiness
B. Disturbances in ATTENTION
- Distractibility
- Selective Inattention
- Hypervigilance
the amount of EFFORT EXERTED in focusing portions of experience
inability to concentrate attention
Selective Inattention
blocking out those things that generate anxiety
C. Disturbance in SUGGESTIBILITY
complaint and uncritical response to an idea or influence
- Folie a deux
- Hypnosis
Folie a deux /Folie a trois
communicate emotional illness between two or more person’s
artificially induced modification of consciousness
the complex feeling with psychic, somatic, and behavioral components related to affect and mood
the expression of emotion as observed by others
Types of Affect
- Inappropriate Affect- dis harmony between the emotional feeling tone and idea accompanying it.
- Blunt Affect- Affect disturbance manifested by a severe reduction in the intensity of externalized feeling tone.
- Flat Affect- absence of any signs of affective expression.
- Labile Affect- rapid and abrupt changes in emotional feeling tone
sustained emotion, subjectively experienced and reported
Types of MOOD
- Dysphoric Mood- unpleasant
- Euthymic Mood- normal range
- Expansive Mood- expression without restraint
- Irritable Mood- easily annoyed
- Mood Swing- oscillation between euphoria and depression
- Elevated Mood- air of confidence
- Euphoria- intense elation
- Ecstacy- intense rapture
- Depression- psychopathological feeling of sadness
- Anhedonia- loss of interest and withdrawal
- Grief- sadness of real loss
- Alexithymia- difficulty I’m describing emotions
C. Other Emotions
- Anxiety- feeling of apprehension
- Free-Floating Anxiety- unfocused fear
- Fear- anxiety cause by recognized and realistic danger
- Agitation- severe anxiety associated with motor restlessness
- Tension- increase motor and psychological activity-unpleasant
- Panic- intense attracts of anxiety
- Apathy- dulled emotional tone
- Ambivalence- coexistence of two opposing impulses
D. Physiological Disturbances Associated with Mood
- Anorexia- loss of decrease of appetite
- Hyperphagia- increase in appetite
- Insomnia- diminished ability to sleep
• Initial
•Terminal - Hypersomnia- excessive sleeping
- Diurnal Variation- mood is regularly worst in the morning.
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
aspect of psyche that includes impulses, motivations, wishes, drives, instincts, craving as expressed by behavior or moto activity
pathological imitation of movements if one person by another
motor anomalies
Types of Catatonia
a. Catalepsy- immobile position
b. Catatonic Excitement- purposeless motor activity
c. Catatonic Stupor- markedly slowed motor activity
d. Catatonic Rigidity- voluntary assumption of Ridgid posture
e. Waxy flexibility- the patient can be molded into position
motiveless resistance to all attempts to be moved
temporary loss of muscle tone
automatic performance of an act
Command Automatism
automatic following of suggestions
Voiceless without structural abnormalities
a. Psychomotor Agitation- excessive motor and cognitive overactivity
b. TIC- involuntary, spasmodic motor movement
c. Somnambolism- motor activity during sleep
d. Compulsion- uncontrollable impulse to perform an act repetitively
•Dipsomania- compulsion to drink alcohol
•Kleptomania- compulsion to steal
•Nymphomania- excessive need for coitus in a woman
•Satyriasis- excessive need for coitus in a man
•Trichotillomania- compulsion to pull out one’s hair.
•Ritual- compulsive in nature
decrease motor activity and cognitive activity
simple imitation motor activity
Acting Out
direct expression of unconscious with impulse action
IV. Thinking
goal directed flow of ideas, symbols, and associations initiated by problem
A. Specific Disturbances in form of thought
- Neologism- new words created
- Word Salad- mixture of words or phrases
- Circumstantiality- indirect speech that is delayed but gets to desired goal
- Tangentiality- inability to have goal directed association of thoughts
- Preservation- persisting response to prior stimulus
- Verbigeration- meaningless repetition
- Echolalia- psychological repeating of words of one person by another
- Condensation- fusion of various concepts
- Derailment- sudden deviation in trail of thoughts w/o blocking
- Flight of Ideas- constant shifting from one idea to another
- Clang Association- association of words similar in sound
- Blocking- abrupt interruption in train of thinking
B. Specific Disturbance in CONTENT OF THOUGHT
- Poverty of Content- thought that gives little information
- Overvalued Idea- unreasonable, sustained belief
- Delusion- false belief
- Trend of Thought- centering of thought content in a particular idea
- Ecomania- pathological self preoccupation
- Monomania- preoccupation with a single object
- Hypochondria- exaggerated concern over one’s health
- Obsession- irresistible thought or feeling that cannot be eliminated
- Compulsion- need to act in an impulse, if resisted produces anxiety
- Coprolalia- compulsive adherence of obscene words
- Phobia- exaggerated and pathological dread of specific type of stimulus
Bizarre Delusion
very strange belief
Systematized Delusion
False belief united by a single event
Mood- Congruent Delusion
delusion with mood appropriate content
Nihilistic Delusion
false feeling that others or the world is non-existent or ending
Delusion of Poverty
false belief that one is bereft of all material possessions
Somatic Delusion
false belief involving functioning of one’s body
Paranoid Delusion
Delusion of reference, control and grandeur
Delusion of Persecution
false belief that patient is being harassed
Delusion of Grandeur
Exaggerated conception of one’s importance, power, or identity
Delusion of Reference
false belief that the behavior or others refers to oneself
Delusion of Self Accusation
False feeling of remorse and guilt
Delusion of Control
false feeling that one’s will or feelings are being controlled by external forces
Thought Withdrawal
Delusion that one’s thoughts are being removed by others
Thought Insertion
Delusion that thoughts are being implanted by others
Thought Broadcasting
Delusion that one’s thoughts can be heard by others
Thought Control
Delusion that one’s thoughts are being controlled by others
Delusion of Infidelity
false belief derived from pathological jealousy
delusional belief of women that a man is deeply in love and her CLEREMBAULT’S SYNDROME
Pseudologia Fantastica
Patient belief in reality of his fantasies and acts on them
Simple Phobia
dread of discrete object
Social Phobia
dread of public humiliation
dread of high places
dread of open places
Dread of pain
dread of close places
dread of strangers
Dread of animals
dread of storms
Dread of blood
dread of being alone
dread of germs
Dread of darkness
Dread of crowds
Dread of fire
Objects are seen larger
Objects are seen smaller
subject senses of being unreal
subjective sense that environment is strange or unreal
V. Speech
ideas, thoughts, feelings, expressed through use of words
A. Disturbance in Speech
- Poverty of Speech- restriction in the amount of speech used
- Dysprosody- Loss of normal speech melody
- Dysarthria- difficulty in articulation, not in words finding
VI. Perception
transferring physical stimulation into psychological information
A. Disturbance of Perception
- Hallucination- false sensory perception not associated with real external stimuli
- Illusion- misperception of misinterpretation of real external sensory stimuli
Types of Hallucination
•Hynagogic Hallucination- false sensory perception while falling asleep
•Hynopompic Hallucination- false perception occuring while awakening
Auditory Hallucination- false perception of sound
•Visual Hallucination- false perception in sight
Olfactory Hallucination- false perception in smell
•Gustatory Hallucination- false perception of taste
•Tactile Hallucination- false perception of touch
•Lilliputian Hallucination- false perception which objects are seen as reduced in size
•Hallucinosis- associated with chronic alcohol abuse
crawling sensation under the skin
Phantom Limb
sensation on amputated leg
B. Disturbances associated with Organic Mental Disorder
Inability to recognize and interpret the significance of sensory impressions
Inability to recognize illness
Inability to recognize a body part
Visual Agnosia
Inability to recognize objects or person
Inability to recognize objects by touch
Inability to recognize faces
Inability to carry out specific task