Signs and Symbols Formative Flashcards
A sign can be anything that represents something else. For example, smoke is known to be a sign of fire.
A symbol is a representation of a deeper reality with several layers of meaning.
To have a variety of open ended and diverse meanings that can shift and change.
Any repeated action or method that are used in order to give meaning, method or access to a particular symbol.
Requires interpretation and consideration from the person viewing and experiencing them.
List two differences between signs and symbols
- Signs have a very direct meaning
- Symbols have a deeper meaning
Three headings of sacraments
- Initiation
- Healing
- Service
Special types of symbols and rituals that allow us to experience God in our lives.
Special types of symbols and rituals that allow us to experience God in our lives.
List two similarities between signs and symbols
- They are both visual representations
- They both provide information
Sacraments of initiation
- Baptism
- Eucharist
- Confirmation
Sacraments of healing
- Reconciliation
- Anointing of the sick
Sacraments of service
- Holy orders
- Marriage
List all 7 sacraments
- Baptism
- Eucharist
- Confirmation
- Reconciliation
- Anointing of the sick
- Holy orders
- Marriage
Parts of the mass
Introductory rites
The liturgy of the word
The liturgy of the eucharist
concluding rites