Signalling Flashcards
What molecules are permeable/impermeable to the membrane?
What are the differences & similarities between a channel protein & a carrier protein?
Permeable: hydrophobic molecules (CO2, N2), water via osmosis (small, uncharged, polar)
Impermeable: ions, uncharged polar molecules (urea, glycerol, sucrose)
Partially permeable: glucose
Differences: channel protein has an aqueous pore, carrier protein has a solute-binding site & undergoes conformational change
Similarities: aid passive ion transport (doesn’t require energy) & ions move down the conc gradient
How is an electrochemical gradient established & how does it control the transport of ions? What causes ions to move across the membrane? What can impede ion transport?
What other gradient contributes to the transport of ions?
Membrane potential forms where one side of the membrane is slightly oppositely charged to the other.
Ions transported across the electrochemical gradient AND if they are moving towards an area of opposite charge (e.g +ve ion to -ve membrane)
Lack of a membrane potential (difference in electrical charge between inner & outer cell) & a reverse membrane potential impedes transport.
Concentration/ionic gradient & electrochemical charge/gradient affects transport.
How is an ion gradient generated?
How are ionic gradients used?
By active transport (use of energy from ATP hydrolysis)
Allows pump ions against the concentration gradient which generates ionic gradients.
Used by ion channels
Summarise the key steps of the Na+-K+ pump
How many sodium ions are transported out of the cell? How many potassium ions are transported into the cell?
What is the fundamental principle on how this ionic gradient is established?
Sodium ions bind to the P-type ATPase & ATP is hydrolysed causing a phosphate to bind onto the protein so it undergoes conformation change causing sodium to eject out of cell. This change causes a pocket to emerge for potassium so it binds. Protein de-phosphorylates & protein returns to original shape causing potassium to eject into cell.
3 Na+ out, 2 K+ in
Active transport: the use of ATP to produce an ionic gradient. Cycle of phosphorylation & de phosphorylation to transport ions across the membrane in both directions.
Calcium ions can be transported across the plasma membrane & the endoplasmic reticulum: what are the names of these protein channels?
What are transmembrane domains/regions in the plasma membrane protein? Why is this useful?
Summarise how the proteins pump calcium in or out of the membranes.
PMCA: plasma membrane calcium ATPase
SERCA: sarcoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (specialised for muscle cells)
Region with hydrophobic amino acid residues which help imbed the protein into the membrane. The inside of the lipid bilayer is hydrophobic while the outsides are hydrophilic.
The proteins work by calcium ions binding to the calcium-binding cavity & the phosphorylation of the protein allows conformational change for calcium to be ejected in or out of the cell.
- calcium is transported out of the membrane but into the ER.
What is the basis of secondary transport? How does it utilise active transport?
Summarise symport and antiport: how are they different or similar?
Secondary transport is the basis of using an already established ion gradient (from previous active transport) to transport other ions. Means that this process is not directly dependent on ATP, so it just uses carrier proteins.
Symport is when an ion/molecule transports another ion in the same direction across a membrane
Antiport is when an ion/molecule travels in the opposite direction to another ion against its gradient
Both are examples of co-transport & both use carrier proteins. However with symport, the co-transported ion travels down the gradient, whereas in antiport it travels against the gradient of the other ion.
How does NCX (sodium calcium exchanger) work as an antiporter? How many sodium/calcium ions are exchanged?
Does it require energy?
3 sodium ions move into the cell down a concentration gradient which has been generated by active transport with type P-ATPase & 1 ATP. 1 calcium ion uses this electrochemical gradient to transport them in the opposite direction (out of the cell)
The establishment of sodium’s electrochemical gradient requires 1 ATP, however the second gradient (in the opposite direction) for the calcium ion does not.
Summarise how a voltage-gated channel transport ions.
What does the simple ‘building block’ consist of? How large are the voltage-sensing & pore domains?
How do the voltage-gated channels differ with K+ and Na+?
When the membrane potential is reduced, the channel opens.
6 transmembrane regions from S1-S6. Voltage-sensing domain is S1-S4 and pore domain is S5-S6.
K+ channel has 4 of the building blocks in a tetrameric structure with a hole in the middle.
Na+ has 4 of the building blocks in 1 polypeptide chain which is wrapped in a four-fold symmetry, producing a hole in the centre.
What are the 2 structural features of the pore domain on the voltage-gated channel that facilitates K+ ion transport?
Why can Na+ not be transported through a K+ ion transport despite it being smaller?
K+ ions transported in their dehydrated form.
Selectivity filter: forms 4 bonds with oxygen in the domain’s subunits
Na+ ions can only form 2 bonds with oxygen in the domain’s subunits, therefore this is less energetically favourable & the selectivity filter prefers the stabilising the dehydrated K+
What region of the voltage-sensing domain of the voltage-gated channel is significant for sensing the voltage?
How does the voltage-sensing domain cause conformational change in the protein channel? In what position is the S4 protein when it is opened and closed?
In summary what drives the overall change of the protein channel?
The S4 region is responsible due to its regularly spaced positively charged arginine & lysine residues embedded in the hydrophobic environment. It senses the change in voltage (negative charge/electrons) that generates the membrane potential.
When the channel is closed, the S4 region is pointing down. When the membrane depolarises, the S4 region points up which drags the protein channel open.
It’s the residues that drive this conformational change of the channel.
What is the membrane potential?
How does it arise in 2 words?
What are the charges inside & outside of the resting potential?
The difference in voltage between the inside and the outside of the cell which includes the charge imbalances of all permeable ions.
Negative inside, positive outside
Ion gradients
Summarise the key points of producing K+ equilibrium potential.
What is an equilibrium potential of an ion?
With what equation can you calculate the equilibrium potential of a given ion?
When voltage = 0, a chemical gradient establishes where 2 K+ moves outside (from high to low conc) causing a voltage difference of -4
Voltage = -4, electrical gradient is established, causing a K+ to move inside at equilibrium, where the voltage difference is now -2.
The membrane is at its equilibrium potential
The potential generated when a given ion moves across a given membrane and is balanced by movement back into the cell.
Nernst equation
What is the membrane potential?
How does the resting membrane potential arise?
What ion’s equilibrium potential does it resemble?
What happens to the Na+ ion channels at the resting membrane potential?
The charge imbalance of all permeable ions, so the sum of all the different gradients & the permeabilities of all the ions.
The resting potential arises due to the influx of K+ out of the cell due to the leak channels.
It has a potential of -70 mV, similar to K+’s equilibrium potential of -90 mV.
Na+ ion channels are closed, so Na+ is impermeable to the membrane at rest.
How does the GHK equation more precisely calculate the membrane potential at a given time?
At resting potential, what can we assume about the permeabilities of the ions?
At action potential, what can we assume about the permeabilities of the ions?
How is the GHK equation simplified for the resting membrane potential?
It takes into account the permeability of Na+, K+ and Cl-
At the resting potential, permeabilities of Na+ and Cl- are 0 as only K+ is permeable to the membrane & move out of the cell.
At action potential, permeabilities of K+ and Cl- are cancelled as only Na+ is permeable to the membrane and moves into the cell.
It only uses the permeabilities of K+, so is the exact Nernst equation.
How does depolarisation occur in a neurone? Summarise in 2 steps.
How does this membrane potential change? To what ion’s equilibrium potential does it resemble now?
What happens to the Na+ voltage gated channels after depolarisation?
What does the charge go from before depolarisation to after?
- Voltage-gated Na+ channels respond to the change in voltage in the voltage-sensing domain causing them to open.
- Na+ passes into the cell causing an influx of positive charge & depolarisation of the membrane.
The membrane potential is now positive & resembles closely to sodium’s (+60 mV) from potassium’s (-90 mV)
They become inactivated to stop the ionic flow of Na+ so it doesn’t become too positive.
-70mV to +30mV
At what membrane potential to the K+ voltage-gated ion channels open?
How do these channels re-polarise the membrane in an action potential?
What is hyperpolarisation?
+30 mV (they open after a delay)
The membrane is more permeable to K+ & impermeable to Na+, so K+ flows out of the membrane to bring the membrane potential back to -70mV.
When the leak of K+ means the membrane potential goes more negative than -70mV briefly, but then the opening of some Na+ channels & closing of K+ channels brings this back to -70mV.
How does the action potential at the pre-synaptic cell carry on at the post-synaptic cell? Summarise in 3 key points.
In what way are the transmitters released?
What is the type of ion-channel on the post-synaptic membrane?
- Depolarisation opens the Ca2+ voltage-gated ion channels on the presynaptic cell, causing an influx of Ca2+ into presynaptic space.
- The influx stimulates the vesicles containing the transmitters to fuse with the presynaptic membrane.
- The transmitters are released and bind to the ion channels on the postsynaptic membrane, carrying on the action potential.
Quantal transmitter release (in packets)
Ligand-gated ion channels
How is an ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluRs) similar structurally & different to that of a voltage-gated receptor? 3 points.
How is it activated?
Once open, what ions are now permeable to the post-synaptic membrane?
What happens to the membrane as a result?
What kind of synapse is this? Inhibitory or excitatory?
Has an inverted pore topology, and is a tetramer. But has a ligand-binding domain instead of a voltage-sensing domain.
Glutamate (transmitter) binds to the ligand-binding domain.
Na+ and Ca2+ flow into the cell (down a concentration and electrical gradient) - higher conc & more positive outside than inside.
Causes depolarisation of the membrane
Excitatory- electrical signalling is enhanced due to the excitation in the post-synaptic cell/depolarisation
How is a GABAa receptor different structurally to a iGluRs? 2 points.
What is GABAa’s transmitter?
How is a GABAa receptor different chemically to a iGluRs?
What does the influx of the particular ion do to the post-synaptic membrane?
What kind of synapse is this?
Has 5 subunits (pentamer), has a disulfide bond in its ligand-gated domain
Binding of GABA to the ligand-binding domain on GABAa receptor causes an influx of Cl- into the cell
An influx of negative charge means the post synaptic membrane does not continue on the action potential as there is no depolarisation.
Inhibitory synapse.
How is a Nicotinic acetyl choline (nAchR) receptor similar/different to the GABAa receptor? 3 points (excluding different transmitters)
When acetyl choline binds to the receptor, what happens to the post-synaptic membrane?
On what other post-synaptic structures can nAchR receptors be found?
They are both pentamers, both have a cys-loop, but GABAa is inhibitory and nAchR is excitatory.
Causes an influx of Na+ into the cell, causing depolarisation of the membrane.
Neuromuscular junctions on muscle.
How does depolarisation (from the sodium influx) of the neuromuscular junction cause contraction? Summarise in 2 points.
What is this process also known as?
- The influx of sodium ions/depolarisation causes the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cell.
- The calcium ions cause the contraction of the muscle cell.
E-C coupling (excitation-contraction)
Where are receptors typically found and how does their signal molecule/stimulus differ?
Name & describe two methods to which a proteins/receptors can be switched on.
What is a second messenger?
- Cell-surface: hydrophilic molecules
- Intracellular: hydrophobic molecules
- Binding of a phosphate to a protein from the hydrolysis of ATP.
- Binding of GTP molecule to a protein (which can be replaced with GDP).
A molecule produced in response to the activation of a receptor from the exposure of an extracellular signalling molecule (first messenger).
What structural features does GPCRs have?
How are GPCRs activated (simply)?
7 transmembrane region, ligand-binding region, G-protein binding region
Through the binding of ligands: hormones, neurotransmitters and odourants
Describe the main structure of the G-proteins? (GTP-binding proteins)
Summarise the 3 steps that happens when a signal molecule binds to the extracellular ligand-binding site of the GPCR?
What is the role of a GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor)?
Heterotrimeric with an alpha, beta, and gamma subunit.
- A GDP bound G-protein binds to the ligand-binding site of the GPCR in the cytosol.
- GDP on the alpha subunit of the G-protein is exchanged for GTP.
- The complex dissociates from the GPCR into activated alpha-GTP subunit & activated beta-gamma subunit.
A protein that exchanges GDP to GTP.
How do the alpha subunits on the G-proteins control cAMP production when they bind to the GPCR?
What are the substrates & products in producing cAMP?
What is the enzyme responsible in mediating the effects/signals of cAMP?
Summarise in 3 steps how this enzyme mediates the effects of cAMP.
alpha s = activates adenylyl cyclase
alpha i = inactivates adenylyl cyclase
Substrate = ATP, products = pyrophosphate and cAMP
Protein kinase A
- cAMP binds to the regulatory subunits on PKA.
- Causing a conformational change of the enzyme
- So the catalytic subunits of the enzyme are released to phosphorylate substrate proteins.
By what enzyme can cAMP signals be terminated?
How does this enzyme terminate the signals?
Phosphodiesterases converts cAMP into AMP.
What type of signalling pathway does adrenaline use?
To what type of GPRC does adrenaline (signalling molecule) bind to? Where are these GPRCs most abundant?
What alpha subunit on the G-protein is coupled to this GPRC and what effect does this have on cAMP production?
How does this increase Ca2+ levels?
How does this increase in Ca2+ affect the heart?
cAMP pathway
beta-adrenergic receptors most abundant in the heart
alpha s subunit which stimulates the production of cAMP
cAMP activates protein kinase A which phosphorylates calcium ion channels.
Ca2+ increases the force of contraction in the heart.
Name 3 types of secondary messengers.
What alpha subunit on the G-Protein is responsible for binding with the GPCR to activate phospholipase C-ß?
Phospholipase C-ß is involved in producing 2 of these, what substrate is clipped to produce them?
How are physical properties of the substrate and the products similar?
Where do these 2 products go once they have been synthesised?
Alpha q
PI 4,5-biphosphate
PI 4,5-biphosphate had lipid tails and a hydrophilic head.
DAG is hydrophobic whereas IP3 is hydrophilic.
DAG stays in the membrane & IP3 diffuses into the cytoplasm
IP3 causes the intracellular release of a type of ion. What ion is this and how does it cause this effect?
By what protein is this ion’s effects’ mediated by? How is the protein activated?
How does the activated protein go on to activate kinase?
It activates calcium ion channels on the endoplasmic reticulum, causing an influx of Ca2+ into the cytosol.
The protein is activated when 4 calcium ions bind to the sites which changes its shape.
The change of the Ca2+ calmodulin’s shape means it binds to inactive kinase resulting in the formation of: Ca2+ calmodulin dependent protein kinase II
How does Ca2+ calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II continue to broadcast the signal to modulate cell function?
How can it self promote itself even further?
How can the Ca2+ signal be terminated?
How is this different to the termination of the cAMP signal?
It phosphorylates other proteins to activate them
It can phosphorylate itself.
Off-reactions involving Na+/Ca2+ exchangers and Ca2+ pumps (SERCA & PMCA) pump Ca2+ out of the cytosol to lower the concentrations to turn off the signalling processes.
Ca2+ ions can’t be degraded unlike cAMP.
Summarise how DAG works with Ca2+ to activate protein kinase C in 2 steps.
When Ca2+ levels increase by IP3, they bind to protein kinase C.
This stimulates the translocation of the complex to the plasma membrane, where DAG binds.
What kind of receptor is a tyrosine kinase?
How do they have a more compact structure than GPRCs?
How does this compact structure alter its signalling pathway?
What molecules activate the receptors? Give 4 examples.
An enzyme-linked receptor
Only have 1 or 2 transmembrane regions, and 2 domains: extracellular stimulus binding domain and an intracellular protein kinase domain.
Activates proteins quicker.
Growth hormones: EGF, PDGF, FGF, insulin
Summarise in 3 steps how receptor tyrosine kinases are activated.
- The ligand/growth hormone binds to the ligand-binding domain
- The receptor forms a dimer (2 subunits come together) and one of the dimers transphosphorylates the other (autophosphorylation)
- Other proteins are recruited
Mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathway (MAPK)
- How is the kinase activated?
- What proteins are recruited? What kind of protein is protein 2 and how does protein 3 differ from a G-protein in GPRCs?
- How is MAP kinase activated in a phosphorylation cascade?
- What are the 2 next steps?
- What process is dependent on FGF in the MAPKinase pathway?
- Binding of the signal molecule to the ligand-binding site forming a dimer & autophosphorylation.
- Grb-2 is an adaptor protein & recruits Sos.
Sos activates Ras through a replacement of GDP to GTP.
is a GEF
Ras is a monomeric G-protein. G-proteins in GPRCs are heterotrimers.
- MAPKKK activates the phosphorylates MAPKK, which activates the phosphorylation of MAPK.
- Effectors & cellular response.
- Mesoderm induction in embryo development. FGF is found in the mesoderm in embryos.
How is a receptor guanylyl cyclase similar in structure to a receptor kinase?
Where are these receptors present?
How are guanylyl cyclases activated?
What are these molecules involved in?
What second messenger is involved? How is this produced?
Extracellular domain, dimer & has intracellular domain (cyclase domain)
ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) & BNP (brain natriuretic peptide)
Sodium homeostasis
Cyclic GMP (cGMP) From GTP (removal of 2Pi)
What else can cyclic GMP produce? Where is this receptor located?
What domains does this have & what domains does it lack?
How does this alter their properties?
How are they activated?
What are the features of this activating molecule?
Soluble guanylyl cyclases- intracellular
Heme binding domain, cyclase domain (conversion GTP -> cGMP)
Lacks anchoring/extra cellular domains
Lack of anchoring domains means more soluble
NO binds to heme binding domain- causing conformational changes in cyclase domain
Gas, cell-permeable, short-lived & forms local signal (signalling happens where NO is produced)
How are cGMP levels reduced?
How are cAMP levels reduced?
How are the effects of cAMP mediated?
How are the effects of cGMP mediated? How is this different to cAMP?
Phosphodiesterase & water (into monophosphorylated GMP)
Its phosphodiesterase & water too
Protein kinase A- cAMP binds to regulatory subunits to dissociate catalytic unit to phosphorylate substrate
Protein kinase G- cGMP binds to regulatory domain= activation in catalytic domain.
Domains on the same subunit- no dissociation.
How does NO/cGMP signalling affect smooth muscle? (include a brief pathway)
What does the activation of cGMP go on to actually do? (more descriptive)
What enzyme specifically breaks down cGMP into 5’GMP?
What would happen if you inhibited this enzyme? What drug does this?
NO synthase is activated- causing diffusion of NO which binds to guanylyl cyclase forming cGMP. cGMP causes rapid relaxation of smooth muscle cell (in response to activation)
Activated cGMP-specific protein kinase & decreases calcium concentration (by stimulating pumping into ER & inhibiting entry into cell)
PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase 5)
Increase cGMP, increase activity of cGMP protein kinase, decrease levels Ca2+, further smooth muscle relaxation (erection). Viagra
What do receptor serine/threonine kinases phosphorylate with their catalytic domain?
What binds (how are they activated) to their ligand-binding/extracellular domain?
How many types of these receptors are there?
Serine & threonine
TGF-ß (transforming growth factor)
2 (I and II)
What type of molecule are TGF ß superfamily? What are some examples?
When are these ligands typically secreted?
What happens once the TGFß domain is activated (TGFß binds)?
What happens to the type I receptors after this event?
Secreted proteins: TGF ß, activin, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)
Early development
Type II receptor phosphorylates the type I receptor (transphosphorylation)
Phosphorylates specific smad proteins
On what does the phosphorylation of specific smad proteins depend on?
What do the different smad proteins go on to do once phosphorylated?
What type of pathway is this?
How is TGFß key to development?
The different type of TGFß ligand (e.g, TGFß phosphorylates a different smad protein to BMP)
Associate with smad4- phosphorylated-smad-smad4 complex then go into nucleus to activate target gene
Transcriptional- takes time (less rapid than neural signalling) but key in early development
In the endoderm & works with FGF to form mesoderm
Wnt signalling- what is the stimulus/activator?
What kind of receptor is it?
From what did it get its name?
What 3 pathways can it signal?
Wnt (secreted protein)
Wingless (Drosophila) & Int-1 (mice)
Canonical, planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, calcium pathway
What are the 4 proteins secreted & involved in canonical wnt signalling & what are their functions?
What does this tell you about the signalling event?
What happens to the transcription factor in resting state?
How does this occur?
What is the 2nd method involved for repressing the target genes?
Wnt = stimulus
Frizzled & Lrp5/6 = receptor (stimulus binds to)
Dishevelled = effector
ß-catenin = transcription factor
Involved in transcription, regulating gene expression & embryo development- slow event
Actively degraded- undergoes proteolysis.
ß-catenin forms complex with Axin, APC, Gsk3 & Ck1a (kinases) = destruction complex. ß-catenin is phosphorylated = active degradation so no transcription
What does Wnt do to the ß-catenin proteolysis pathway?
What are the 4 steps in the receptor activation/signalling?
What is Wnt signalling used in?
Prevents it
- Wnt binds to Frizzledd & LRP5/6 (co-receptor)
- Activates Dishevelled- which recruits axin (binds to prevent forming destruction complex)
- ß-catenin levels increase
- ß-catenin goes into nucleus & displaces groucho protein & activates transcription
Embryonic development & nerve circuits
What is the stimulus in Hedgehog signalling?
Hedgehog protein (secreted protein)
What is the stimulus in Hedgehog signalling?
How is it similar to Wnt signalling?
What are the 3 types?
What are the 4 proteins involved?
Briefly, what happens?
What does hedgehog signalling regulate?
Hedgehog protein (secreted protein)
Prevents proteolysis
Sonic, indian, desert
Hedgehog = stimulus Patched = receptor Smoothened = effector Cubitus interruptus (Gli in mammals) = transcription factor
Cubitus interruptus is degraded/undergoes proteolysis without the presence of hedgehog
Polarity of segments in embryo (development)