Sigmund Freud: PSYCHANALYSIS Flashcards
What is emotional disturbance?
What is an emotional release?
What is the force that prevented the patients from becoming aware of those and kept kept memories unconcious?
What are forces of which a person is unaware?
Unconcious processes
These are ideas or thoughts that would be repressed and rendered unconcious.
It is a blocking of a wish or desire from conciousness.
This is one of the Psychoanalytic method of
Assessment and Research that describes patients are asked to verbalized whatever comes to mind, no matter how insignificant, trivial, or even unpleasant the idea, thought, or pucture may seem.
Free Assiciation
This is one of the psychoanalytic method of assessment and research that has to do with dreams and slips.
Interpretation of Dreams and Slips
This bungled acts that implies the action of a material, and an impersonal force that brings something about.
This also implies an emotion or desire operating on the will of a person and leading him or her to act.
All events are _____________, that is, they have more than one meaning or explanation.
What is this type of dream that is remembered the next morning and also a disguised fulfullment of repressed wishes?
Manifest dream
This means meaning or motive underlying the manifest dream.
Latent dream
_________ is a process that disguises the unconcious dream wishes, and converts them into the manifest dream and has many elements.
Dream work
_________ is unique ro the individual dreamser and can be understood only in terms of the individual’s history and associations.
This can also be acquired universal meanings.
This is a bodily process that could be totally understood under a model of tensiin reduction.
_______ is an emotional and psychic energy derived from the biological drive of sexuality and testifies to this shift in his thoughts.
What is a psychological or mental representation of an inner bodily source of excitement?
Enumerate the four features of drive.
One of the four features of drive that means bodily stimumus or need.
One of the four features of drive that means amount of energy or intensity of the need.
One of the four features of drive that means goal and purpose (to reduce the excitation).
One of the four features of drive that means person or object in the environment through which the aim may be satisfied.
_______ or cathect means investing libidinal energy in a mental representation of an object that will satisfy a desire.
What are the two basic groups of impulsuve drives?
Eros and thanatos
One of the two basic groups of impulsuve drives that means forces that maintain life processes and ensure repriduction of species.
Also means life impulses or drives.
_______ is also one of the two basic groups of impulsuve drives that means biological realityand the sources of aggresiveness, and reflects the ultimate resolution of all of the life’s tension in death.
AKA death impulses or drives.
_____ primary purpose of sexual behavior