Sicilienne General Knowledge Flashcards
Who is the composer?
Philippe Gaubert
When was he born?
French flautist, conducter and composer
What nationality was he?
awarded a premier prix in 1894
Fully explain the title?
Sicilienne - Sicilian dance 6/8 or 12/8 time Lilting rhythm Usually in a minor key Melody has a flowing feel, gently undulating in pitch
Explain the time signature
68 means 6 quaver beats in a bar
Name the main key or tonality
D minor
Where are the key changes?
A b.1-2 Introduction
b.3-10 Main theme mostly in Dminor (b.6 F major, b.7
back to Dminor)
b.11-26 Main theme restated and varied (b. 13-14 piano
imitates the flute, b.15-19 sudden shift to F minor, b.20
opening phrase of theme returns in D minor)
B. b.27-36 Episode, beg. F major (b.33-34 use hemiola
rhythm, b.34-36 E major but never fully arriving in that
b.37-49 Episode theme restated in Fmajor
b.50-60 Episode theme continues, mostly in Dmajor
Name and explain the formal structure
Ternary form (ABA)
Identify any recurring themes or other distinguishing features of each section
Melody has a flowing feel, gently undulating in pitch
Name the style or period to which the piece belongs
Early 20th Century
Time frame of the piece
Early 20th Century
Identify some characteristics typical of the style or period
grace, flowing accompaniment styles, lyrical
Name other composers at the same time with similar style
Debussy, Ravel, Franck
What language are the terms in
dotted crotchet = 56-68
tempo range of 56-68 dotted crotchet beats per minute
poco riten
hold back speed a little
a tempo
return to former speed
a tempo mais un peu plus vite
a little livelier than the former speed
alternative version
Tempo l
Return to original speed
pause or fermata
Hold for longer than the written value
What does “arranged by” mean?
Revision of a previously composed work