SI: Resistance to Social Influence Flashcards
Social support - conformity
Pressure decreases if others aren’t conforming
Dissenter doesn’t have to give ‘right’ answer - Asch
This frees others to follow their own conscience
Social support - obedience
Pressure decreases if others disobey
Obedience dropped from 65% to 10% when pp was joined by disobedient confederate - acts as a ‘model’ - Milgram variations
Gave confidence to reject position of authority
Gamson et al
When participants placed in GROUPS, 88% resisted pressure to conform by producing evidence to help oil company run smear campaign
Locus of control
How much a person believes that they have control over their own behaviour
Who created the locus of control concept?
Rotter (1966)
Internal locus of control
great deal of control over their own behaviour
takes responsibility for their actions
External locus of control
Behaviour controlled by other forces such as luck or fate
A high internal LOC at one end, high external LOC at the other end
Low internal and low external lying in between
Characteristics of people with high internal LOC
More achievement orientated More self confident Higher intelligence Less need for social approval less likely to conform
How is locus of control measured?
a scale - internal control at one end, external control at the other
Why does presence of an ally help resist SI?
breaks unanimity of group in conformity situations
Why does presence of disobedient role models help resist SI?
challenges legitimacy of authority
Asch is to do with
milgram is to do with
Holland et al
repeated Milgrams experiement
Internals = 38% didn’t continue to highest shock lvl (shoes independence)
External = 23% didn’t continue to highest shock lvl