Shulder Anatomy Muscles And Target Motion Flashcards
The target motion of the trapezius are….
Scapula: retests inferiorly, retracts, elevates, and depresses
Spine: extends
The target motion of the rhomboid major are…
Retracts; rotates inferiorly
The target motion of the rhomboid minor are…
Retracts; rotates inferiorly
The target motion of the levator scapulae are…
Retracts and elevates
The target motion of the pectoral is major are…
Adducts and medially rotates the arm
The target motion of the latissimus dorsi are…
Adducts the arm; Rotates the arm medially at the shoulder
The target motion of the deltoid are…
Abducts the arm
The target muscle of the subscapularis are…
Medially rotates the arm; stabilizes the shoulder joint during movement of the pectoral girdle
The target motion of the supraspinatus are…
Abducts the arm; stabilizes shoulder joint
The target motion motion of the infraspinatus are…
Rotates elbow laterally, as during a tennis swing
The target motion of teres major are…
Extends, medially rotates and Adducts arm
The target motion of the teres minor are…
Rotates elbow laterally
The target motion of the coracobra chialis are…
Flexes and adducts arm
The target motion of the subclavius are…
The target motion of the pectoralis minor are…
Scapula: depresses
Ribs: elevates