Shrubs Flashcards
Sarcococca confusa (sweet box)
Evergreen shrub
glossy, deep green leaves
Very sweetly scented flowers in winter followed by glossy black berries
Cottage / informal garden. Plant by house entrance to enjoy scent.
h 1.5-2.5m, s 1-1.5m
Sheltered, moderately fertile, moist but well-drained humus-rich soil in shade.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Sunshine’
large green leaves with bright golden edges
Low maintenance, ground cover, steep banks
h 0.5-1m, s 0.5-1m
Full sun, well-drained soil
Skimmia japonica
Dome-shaped with dark green, leathery leaves.
White flowers in spring followed by bright red berries 8mm across through autumn and winter
Low maintenance, hedging, flower borders and beds
1.5 - 2.5m x 1-1.5m
humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in partial or full shade
will grow best in neutral or acidic soils, but will also thrive in humus-rich alkaline soils; plant both male and female plants to get fruits
Choisya ternata Sundance (‘Lich’)
Mexican orange [Sundance]
evergreen shrub of rounded habit
glossy bright yellow leaves and small clusters of fragrant white flowers in spring and early autumn
city garden, wall side border, mixed border
h 1.5-2.5m, s 1.5-2.5m
well-drained soil in a sheltered position in full sun
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’
bushy dwarf shrub with narrow, silvery-grey leaves
small deep violet-purple flowers in dense, aromatic spikes 3-4cm in length
h 0.1-0.5m, s 0.1-0.5m
well-drained soil in a sheltered, sunny position
Camellia × williamsii ‘Debbie’
large, vigorous evergreen shrub of open growth,
peony-form double, rose-pink flowers to 12cm in width in spring
North-facing wall/border. Acid soil
h 2.5-4m, s 2.5-4m
Suitable for woodland and acidic soils.
Position in a site sheltered from cold, dry winds and early morning sun as buds and flowers may be damaged by cold winds and late frosts.
Part shade
Mahonia japonica
evergreen shrub, winter flowering
large, spined, leathery pinnate leaves
small, fragrant light yellow flowers in spreading or drooping sprays from late autumn to early spring, followed by blue-black berries
architectural plant, wildlife garden, low maintenance
h 1-1.5m, s 1.5-2.5m
well-drained or moist but well-drained soil in shade or partial shade. Good for a woodland setting
Cotinus ‘Smokey Joe’ (smoke tree)
Deciduous bushy shrub, autumn display
Rounded leaves are fresh green in spring and summer before turning shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn.
Small pinkish-purple flowers are borne in feathery plumes in summer
h 2m, s 2m
Architectural plant, low maintenance, use in flower borders and beds
any well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade
Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’
Deciduous shrub, medium size
Suckering, forming a thicket of slender red stems
Leaves ovate, turning reddish in autumn; flowers small, cream, in flat heads; berries bluish-white
Winter garden, low maintenance, cottage/informal garden
h 2m, s 2m
Will grow in most soil conditions in sun or partial shade
Magnolia stellata
Deciduous shrub
slow-growing, medium sized, broadly rounded habit
Flowers white, to 10cm in width, with up to 18 narrowly oblong, spreading white tepals, in early spring before leaves
h 2m, s 3m
moist but well-drained neutral to acid soil in full sun or part shade with shelter from cold winds.
Potentilla fruticosa ‘King Cup’
Deciduous shrub, autumn interest
pinnate leaves with broad leaflets
bright golden-yellow flowers in summer and autumn
h 1-1.5m, s 0.5-1.0m
Coastal garden, city/courtyard garden
Easy to grow well in most soils but flowers fade more rapidly in full sun and last longer in moister soils
Hamamelis × intermedia ‘Robert’
Deciduous shrub
good autumn colour and produces fragrant, coppery-orange blooms in typical clusters of thin shredded-looking petals on bare stems in late winter
h 2.5-4m, s 2.5-4m
Woodland garden, cottage/informal garden
Easy to grow in an acid to neutral, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.
Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Esther Staley’ (lilac)
Deciduous shrub
Large, bushy upright shrub with heart-shaped leaves
Broadly conical panicles of fragrant, single, lilac-pink flowers in mid-spring
City/courtyard garden, cottage garden, cut flowers
h 2.5-4m, s 2.5-4m
Full sun, well-drained, fertile, humus-rich alkaline to neutral soils.
Buddleja davidii ‘Monum’
Deciduous shrub
compact shrub with lance-shaped leaves
fragrant, light purple flowers in dense cylindrical panicles in summer and autumn
Wildlife garden
h 2m, s 2m
fertile well drained soil in full sun
Pruning: pruned in February to March by cutting back all stems to within 5cm of the old wood in a ‘staghorn’ shape.
Daphne bholua
Winter interest
evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub to 2m, usually erect, sparsely branched, but may be more bushy in cultivation.
Very fragrant flowers borne in terminal and axillary clusters from midwinter to early spring are white, flushed purplish-pink. Black ovoid fruits follow
h 1.5 - 2.5m, s 1.0 - 1.5m
moderately fertile, humus-rich, well-drained but not dry soil in sun or part shade.
Ceanothus ‘Autumnal Blue’
Evergreen, autumn flowering
bushy, medium-sized evergreen shrub to 3m, with glossy dark green, 3-veined ovate leaves
compact oblong trusses of mid-blue flowers from late summer
h 2.5 - 4m, s 2.5 - 4m
well-drained soil in a sheltered position in full sun
Name 5 lime-hating trees or shrubs
- Amelanchier lamarckii
- Camellia x williamsii ‘Debbie’
- Liquidamber styraciflua ‘Moonbeam’
- Arbutus unedo
- Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’
- Acer palmatum ‘Sango-Kaku’