Shoulder Special Tests Flashcards
Tests for: Stability of biceps tendon; rupture of transverse ligament
Elbow flexed to 90º, forearm pronated.
Palpate biceps tendon during ER, elbow and shoulder extension
Positive: pain; tendon popping out of groove
If pain in biceps tendon during Yergason’s …
Speed’s Test
What test checks for transverse tendon rupture?
Speed’s Test
Tests for: bicipital tendonitis
Seated. Elbow extended, shoulder flexed to 90º, forearm supinated
Resist pressure toward shoulder flexion, applied at wrist
Positive: pain in bicipital groove
What tests for biceps tendonitis?
Empty Can Test
AKA Supraspinatus Strength Test
Tests for: supraspinatus tendonitis, strain, or weakness
Seated; arm abducted to 90º, horizontally adducted to 30º, full internal rotation
Resist pressure downwards, applied at wrist
Positive: weakness, or supraspinatus pain
What test checks for supraspinatus injury/weakness?
Empty Can test
Drop Arm test
Drop Arm Test
Tests for: rotator cuff tear, especially supraspinatus
Passively abduct arm to 90º.
Patient slowly eccentrically returns arm to starting point
Positive: can’t control eccentric contraction; drops arm, jerky release
What test checks for rotator cuff tear?
Drop arm test (especially supraspinatus)
Lift off Sign
Tests for: subscapular lesion
Cop hold position. Lift hand from back. Resist presssure pushing arm back toward body
Positive: inability to lift arm from back, or resist pressure
What test checks for subscapular lesion?
Lift Off
Pectoralis Major Contracture Test
Tests for: Pec major HT
Lie supine on table, hands clasped behind head; lowers elbows toward table.
Therapist applies gentle pressure at elbows.
Positive: elbows do not reach table
Acromioclavicular Shear Test
Tests: integrity of AC joint
Seated, arms relaxed at side.
Therapist places cupped hands over shoulder. One palm at clavicle, the other on scapular spine.
Positive: pain, excessive movement
How to test AC joint sprain?
AC shear test
Rests for: anterior instability of GH joint (after dislocation)
seated, arms rested at side, elbow flexed.
AROM then PROM. Test at 0, 45, 90 and 120 abduction
Positive: apprehension, pain.
(90; some at 45 or 120, rarely at 0)
How to test for anterior instability of GH joint after a dislocation?
Feagin Test
Tests for: inferior instability of GH joint
Arm abducted to 90º. Wrist either rests on therapist’s shoulder or forearm held by therapist.
Push down on shoulder (inferior glide)
Positive: sulcus appears above corocoid process; apprehension
How to test for instability of the inferior joint capsule?
Feagin test
Push-Pull Test
Tests for: posterior instability of the joint capsule
Supine. Shoulder at edge of table. Elbow bent.
Arm abducted to 90º, flexed to 30º
One hand on shoulder, other holding wrist
Apply downward pressure on humerus while pulling up on wrist
Positive: excessive movement, pain, apprehension
Neer Impingement Test
Tests for: overuse injury to supraspinatus, sometimes biceps tendon
PROM arm into full flexion through scapular plane. Then medially rotate. The take forcibly to end range, jamming greater tuberosity against acromion process
Positive: pain face.
Hawkins-Kennedy Test
Tests for: overuse injury to supraspinatus
PROM flexion to 90°, then full medial rotation
Positive: pain
How to test for overuse/impingement injury to supraspinatus?
Neer Impingement
Adhesive Capsulitis Abduction Test
Tests for: restricted ROM due to fibrosis/adhesion if axillary fold of inferior GH joint capsule.
Palpate inferior angle of scapula; other hand proximal to elbow.
Slow PROM GH abduction. Note when scapula begins to move.
Positive: pain; leathery end feel before 90°; movement of scapula before 90°
Test for adhesive capsulitis (inferior capsule)
Adhesive capsulitis abduction test.
Adson’s Test
Tests for: TOS (anterior scalene)
Seated. Extend, laterally rotate affected arm while monitoring radial pulse. IL cervical rotation, lift chin, hold breath for 15 seconds.
Positive: diminished radial pulse or recreation of symptoms.
Test for TOS (anterior scalene)
How does Adsons test for
Elevates first rib, narrowing space between it and anterior scalene, compressing VAN.
Shoulder Apprehension Test
After dislocation. Test position of injury
- if apprehension go right to RROM
- if no apprehension go to PROM
- if apprehension go right to RROM
- if no apprehension go to POP
PROM other ranges
RROM (in neutral) all muscles crossing joint.