Shoulder Joint (Glenohumeral) Palpations Flashcards
Deltoid - Anterior
Origin - Anterior, lateral 1/3 clavicle
Insertion - deltoid tuberosity
Actions - Flex, IR
Deltoid - Middle
Origin - lateral aspect of acromion
Insertion -deltoid tuberosity
Actions - ABD, beyond 15 degrees
Deltoid - Posterior
Origin - Inferior edge of spine of scapula
Insertion - deltoid tuberosity
Action - Extension, ER
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin - inf. angle of scapula, spinous process of T6-12, last 4 ribs, thoracolumbar aponeurosi and posterior iliac crest
Insertion - intertubercular groove of humerus
Action - Ext, ADD, IR
Teres Major
Origin - inferior angle, lower 1/3 later border of scapula
Insertion - crest of lesser tubercle/intertubercular groove of humerus
Action - Ext. ADD, IR
Origin - supraspinatus fossa
Insertion - greater tubercle of humerus
Action - 15 degrees ABD; stab.
Origin - infraspinatus fossa
Insertion - greater tubercle
Action - ER; stab.
Teres Minor
Origin - upper 2/3 lateral border of scapula
Insertion - greater tubercle of humerus
Action - ER @ ABD; stab.
Action - IR; stab.
Pec Minor
Origin - anterior surface ribs 3-5
Insertion - coracoid process
Action - Protraction, depression
Pec Major
Origin - medial half of clavicle, sternum, cartilage (1-6 ribs)
Insertion - crest of greater tubercle
Action - ADD, IR, Flex
Origin - coracoid process of the scapula
Insertion - medial surface of mid humeral shaft
Action - Flex, IR, ADD
Serratus Anterior
Origin - surface of upper 9 lateral ribs
Insertion - anterior/medial border scapula
Action - protraction of scapula (boxers)
Trapezius Upper Fibers
Origin - base of skull, occipital protuberance
Insertion - posterior and lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Action - Head extension/CL rotiation; Elevation of scapula and upward rotation
Trapezius Middle Fibers
Origin - Spinous process of C7 and T1-3 vert
Insertion - medial acromion process and superior border of scapular spine
Action - retraction scapula