Shoulder & Elbow Exam Flashcards
What muscle is an example of a third class lever?
Biceps concentrical contraction
The center of gravity in an adult is where?
Slightly anterior to S2
The shoulder is the most moveable joint in the body. how many joints and planes are used in shoulder movement?
Motion occurs at three joints or areas
The shoulder complex consists of what?
The shoulder complex consists of the scapula, clavicle, sternum, humerus, and rib cage and also includes the sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, glenohumeral joint and scapulathoracic articulation.
The shoulder is also called the what?
Glenohumeral joint
What parts make up the shoulder girdle?
The scapula and clavicle, and to a lesser degree the sternum
What makes up the shoulder joint?
The scapula and humerus
What joints allow motion of the shoulder girdle?
Sternoclavicular SC and acromioclavicular AC joints
What are the motions of the shoulder girdle?
Elevation, depression, protraction, retraction, and upward and downward rotation
What are the motions of the shoulder joint?
Flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, horizontal abduction and adduction, and medial and lateral rotation
Which five muscles attach to the scapula and or clavicle to provide shoulder girdle motion?
Trapezius, levator scapular, rhomboids, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor
Describe the location of the scapula.
Attaches indirectly to the rib cage between the 2nd and 7th ribs. The vertebral border is 2 to 3 inches lateral from the spinous processes. The spine of the scapula levels with the 3rd and 4th thoracic vert processes.
Where does the levator scapula muscle attach?
The superior angle of the scapula
What point on the scapula determines scapular rotation?
The inferior angle
What attaches to the vertebral border of the scapula?
The rhomboid and serratus anterior
What attaches to the scapular spine?
The middle and lower trapezius muscles
What attaches to the acromion process?
The upper trapezius
What attaches to the coracoid process?
The pectoralis minor (coracobrachialis?)
What and where are the three landmarks of the sternum?
The manubrium is the top/superior portion, the body is the middle most portion, and the xiphoid process is at the very bottom and is sword shaped.
At it Superior end, the sternum provides attachment for the what, followed beneath by attachments for what?
Superior end is attachment for the clavicle, beneath that is attachments for costal cartilage of the ribs
Which S shaped bone connects the upper extremity to the axial skeleton and at what joint?
The clavicle, at the sternoclavicular joint
Which joint attaches the clavicle to the scapula?
The acromioclavicular joint
Name the joints and ligaments of the shoulder girdle, there are four.
The sternoclavicular joint and the acromioclavicular joint. The costoclavicular ligament and the interclavicular ligament
Which joint provides the shoulder girdle with it’s only direct attachment to the truck?
The sternoclavicular joint
What type of joint and how many planes of movement describes the sternoclavicular joint?
The SC joint is a synovial joint with movement in three planes so it has 3° of freedom
What are the three major ligaments of the sternoclavicular joint?
Sternoclavicular, costoclavicular, interclavicular
What does the articular disc of the sternoclavicular joint provide?
Shock absorption and it contributes to joint motions
What does the sternoclavicular ligament connect and in which location?
The SC joint connects the clavicle to the sternum on both of the anterior and posterior surfaces and is therefore divided into the anterior and posterior SC ligaments. These both reinforce the joint capsule.
This ligament is short, flat, rhomboid shaped, and connects the clavicles inferior surface to the superior surface of the costal cartilage of the first rib? And what does it limit?
Costoclavicular ligament, primary purpose is to limit the amount of clavicular elevation
What ligament is located on top of the manubrium, connects the superior sternal ends of the clavicles, and limits the amount of clavicular depression?
The interclavicular ligament
What is the study of joint movement called?
What is the AC joint and what does it connect and how many planes of motion does it have?
The acromioclavicular joint connects the acromion process of the scapula with the lateral end of the clavicle. It is plane shaped, synovial joint with three planes of motion. Gliding motion occurs in all planes.
What are the ligaments included in the acromioclavicular joint?
The acromioclavicular ligament, the Coracoacromial ligament, the coracoclavicular ligament.
What does the acromioclavicular ligament attach and do?
It holds the acromion process and the clavicle and it prevents posterior dislocation of the clavicle
What does the coracoclavicular ligament connect and how is it divided and what does it prevent?
This connects the scapula to the clavicle by attaching to the inferior surface of the clavicles lateral end and to the superior surface of the scapula’s coracoid process. It is divided into a lateral trapezoid portion and the deeper medial conoid or coracoid portion. Together they prevent backward motion of the scapula and limit the rotation of the scapula. The coracoclavicular ligament is not directly located at the acromioclavicular joint.
What does the coracoacromial ligament connect and what does it do or provide?
It connects the coracoid process to the acromial process by attaching laterally on the superior surface of the coracoid process and runs up and out to the anterior surface of the acromial process. It forms a roof over the head of the humerus and serves as a protective arch providing support to the head when an upward force is transmitted along the humerus.
What is scapular tilt and how does it occur?
Scapular tilt occurs with glenohumeral hyperextension where the superior end of the scapula tilts forward and the inferior end tilts posteriorly. This happens in the wind up or prerelease of softball pitches. This is a normal movement of the shoulder.
What is scapular winging? What’s it’s cause?
The posterior lateral movement of the vertebral border of the scapula in the transverse plane. In other words the vertebral border of the scapula moves away from the rib cage. This is an abnormal movement that occurs with the weakness or paralysis of the serratus anterior.
What’s the difference between upward and downward rotation of the scapula?
In upward rotation the inferior angle of the scapula rotates up and away from the vertebral column while downward rotation is the return to the resting anatomical position.
Explain scapulohumeral rhythm.
This describes the movement relationship between the shoulder girdle and shoulder joint. The first 30° of shoulder joint motion is pure glenohumeral motion. After that for every 2° of shoulder flexion or abduction, the scapula rotates 1°. This 2:1 ratio is called scapulohumeral rhythm.
Which muscle is large and superficial and appears in a diamond shape when looking at both right and left sides and it is divided into three parts?
The trapezius muscle, upper, middle, and lower
Describe the upper trapezius with O I A N.
Origin occipital bone and nuchal ligament of up cervical spinous processes
Insertion is outer 3rd of clavicle and acromion process
Action is prime mover scapular elevation, upward rotation, assists in retraction
N is spinal accessory (Cranial n XI), at C3 and C4 sensory component
Describe the middle trapezius with O A I N
Origin is spinous processes C7-T3
Insertion scapular spine
Action prime in retraction, assists up rot
N is spinal accessory (CN XI), C3 and C4 sensory component
Describe the lower trapezius muscle with O A I N
Origin is spinous processes of middle and lower thoracic vertebrae
Insertion is base of scapular spine
Action is prime mover of depression and up rotation, assists retraction
All three trapezius muscles work together as synergists to retract the scapula. But which one is the prime mover of retraction?
The middle trapezius is the prime mover in retraction and the upper and lower assist.
The upper and lower trapezius are what during elevation and depression?
Antagonistic to each other
The upper and lower trapezius are what during upward rotation?
Agonistic to each other
Describe the levator scapula muscle with O A I N
Origin transverse processes of C1-C4
Insertion is vertebral border of scapula between the superior angle and spine
Action is prime in elevation and downward rotation, assists in retraction
N is 3rd and 4th cervical nerve and dorsal scapular nerve C5
Describe the rhomboids (major and minor) with O A I N
Origin is spinous processes C7-T5
Insertion is vertebral border of scapula between spine and inferior angle
Action is Prime in scapular retraction, elevation, downward rotation
N is dorsal scapular nerve C5
Describe the serratus anterior with O A I N
Origin is lateral surface of ribs 1-8
Insertion is vertebral border of scapula on the anterior surface
Action is scapular protraction and upward rotation, it prevents winging
N is long thoracic nerve, C5, C6, C7
What three shoulder muscles form a force couple of upward rotation?
The upper and lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscles form a force couple because they all pull in different directions to accomplish the same motion, upward rotation
Explain the force couple of upward rotation of the scapula
Force couple is when muscles pull in different directions to accomplish the same motion. The upper trapezius pulls up, the lower trapezius pulls down, the lower serratus anterior or polls out. The net effect is upward rotation of the scapula.
Describe the pectoralis minor with O A I N
Origin is anterior surface of ribs 3-5
Insertion is coracoid process of scapula
Action is scapular depression, protraction, and downward rotation and tilt
N is medial pectoral nerve, C8 and T1
Explain the force couple for downward rotation
The levator scapula pulls up, the rhomboids pull in, and the pectoralis minor pulls down. The net effect of all three moving in different directions is downward rotation.
In relation to reversal of muscle action, the shoulder girdle muscles assist what other joints?
The head and neck, The upper trap assist with cervical extension and lateral bending and rotation. The lower trap can assist in elevating the trunk which helps with crutch walking. The levator scapula can rotate and laterally bend the neck
Where does the shoulder girdle primarily get its muscle innervation?
The shoulder girdle gets its innervation fairly high off the spinal cord from a variety of sources proximal to terminal nerves of the brachial plexus
The shoulder girdle has what two types of motions?
Both linear and angular motions
The inferior angle is the point of reference for what type of shoulder motion?
Scapular rotation
Concentric and eccentric are what types of activities respectively?
Concentric is accelerating and eccentric is decelerating
Is there a joint motion with an isometric activity
No with isometric there is no joint motion
Closed kinetic chain means the distal segment is what? And open?
Closed kinetic chain means the distal segment is fixed, open Kinetic chain means the distal end is free to move
What happens if there is not normal scapulohumeral rhythm?
Without this one cannot normally and completely raise the arm above the head