Shoulder dystocia Flashcards
Shoulder dystocia - def
Any delivery that requires additional obstetric manoeuvres after gentle downward traction on the head has failed to deliver shoulders
Shoulder dystocia - path
Anterior shoulder impacted against symphysis pubis
Shoulder dystocia - risk factors
- Shoulder dystocia with previous birth
- Maternal obesity
- Diabetes
- Post-date pregnancy
- Fetal macrosomia
Shoulder dystocia - sx/dx (clinical) (2)
- **Dx (clinical) = when the routine practice of gentle, downward traction of the fetal head fails to deliver the anterior shoulder
- Suspect when fetal head retracts into perineum (turtle sign) after expulsion (bc shoulders impacted at pelvic inlet)
Shoulder dystocia - mx
H - call for help (additional midwife, senior obstetrician, neonatologist, anaesthetist)
E - episiotomy (helps with internal manoeuvres)
L - legs into McRoberts’ (hyperflexed at hips with thighs abducted and externally rotated)
P - suprapubic pressure applied to posterior aspect of anterior shoulder to dislodge it from under symphysis pubis
E - enter pelvis for internal manoeuvres
R - deliver posterior arm by sweeping fetal arm across face and chest
R - roll over to ‘all fours’
Failure of all the above - replacement of head into vagina and CS (Zavanelli)
Order in practice:
- McRoberts’ manoeuvre + suprapubic pressure
- Delivery of posterior arm
Shoulder dystocia - cx
- Hypoxia and neurological injury (cerebral palsy)
- Brachial plexus palsy
- Fracture of clavicle/humerus
- Genital tract trauma (including 3rd and 4th degree perineal tears)