What is the golden time for managing shoulder dystocia?
5 minutes. Beyond this, the fetus is prone to hypoxia and injury.
What is the incidence of shoulder dystocia?
What is the hallmark sign of shoulder dystocia?
Turtle’s sign.
What occurs during shoulder dystocia?
The anterior shoulder becomes obstructed by the maternal pubic bone after the head is delivered.
What are potential fetal complications of shoulder dystocia?
Fetal asphyxia, brachial plexus injury, and clavicular fracture.
What are risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
Previous history, macrosomia, maternal diabetes, obesity, prolonged labor, and narrow pelvis.
What fetal weight is considered macrosomia in diabetic mothers?
Greater than 4 kg.
What fetal weight is considered macrosomia in non-diabetic mothers?
Greater than 4.2 kg.
What should be avoided during shoulder dystocia management (4Ps)?
Pulling, pushing, panicking, and pivoting the head.
What does the acronym HELPERR stand for in shoulder dystocia management?
H: Help, E: Evaluate for episiotomy, L: Legs (McRoberts maneuver), P: Pressure (suprapubic), E: Enter (rotational maneuvers), R: Remove the posterior arm, R: Roll the patient to hands and knees.
What does the acronym ALARMER stand for in shoulder dystocia management?
A: Ask for help, L: Lift/hyperflex (McRoberts), A: Anterior shoulder disimpaction, R: Rotate posterior shoulder, M: Manual removal of posterior arm, E: Episiotomy, R: Roll into all fours.
What is the purpose of the McRoberts maneuver?
To increase the pelvic diameter and change the angle of the birth canal to dislodge the shoulder.
How is suprapubic pressure applied to manage shoulder dystocia?
By pressing down on the pubic bone to help dislodge the anterior shoulder.
What maneuver is used for anterior shoulder disimpaction?
Mazzanti maneuver or Rubin’s maneuver.
What maneuver is used for posterior shoulder rotation?
Wood’s or Screw maneuver.