Shoulder: Differential Diagnosis/Redflags/Extrinsic Pain Flashcards
What are the 8 signs that patho may be visceral?
pain is constant
insidious, no OH overuse
pain is pulsating/throbbing/knifelick/colicky
symptoms not relieved with rest
fever/nightsweats/vomitting/malaise/unexplained wt loss
pain worse during sleep
pain changes with function of organ
shoulder pain inc w/ act. that doesn’t stress the shoulder
What are the extrinsic cause of shoulder pain (neuro)?
muscular dystrophy
What are the extrinsic cause of shoulder pain (cardio)?
Aortic disease
axillary thrombosis
What are the extrinsic cause of shoulder pain (pulm)?
upper lobe pneumonia
pulmonary embolism
What are the extrinsic cause of shoulder pain (malignancy)?
pancoast tumor
metastatic cancer
What are the extrinsic cause of shoulder pain (abdominal)?
hepatic disease
splenic injury
perforated viscus
Red flag complaint of >50yo
inc risk of RC full tear or more serious patho
Red flag complaint of night pain
inc risk of serious patho or tumor
Red flag complaint of weight loss
inc risk of autoimmune/cancer
Red flag complaint of fever
inc risk of systemic infection
Red flag complaint of pain unrelated to activity
inc risk of referred source to visceral
Red flag complaint of pain not relieved by rest
inc risk of referred source of visceral
Red flag complaint of Hx of smoking
inc risk of lung cancer
Red flag complaint of Previous hx of cancer
inc risk of metastasis
Red flag complaint of Cardiac risk factor
inc risk of myocardial infarction to L shoulder
Red flag complaint of Pleuritic pain
inc risk of pancoastal tumor