Shoulder & Arm: Bones & Bony Landmarks Flashcards
Three bones of the shoulder complex
Scapula, Clavicle, humerus
What type of joints are acromioclavicular and sterno clavicular
Single attachment between the axial and upper appendicular skeleton
Sternoclavicular joint
Which joint is formed by the humerus and scapula
Glenohumeral joint
Great base camp for locating other bony landmarks of the shoulder
Spine of the scapula
While prone how can you best position you clients hand to locate the inferior angle of the scapula
Placed at low back
A winged scapula indicates weakness in which muscle
Serratus anterior
The superior angle of the scapula serves as an attachment for ______________ and is deep to the __________.
Levator scapula, trapezius
When accessing the lateral border of the scapula which two muscle bellies will you have to palpate
Teres major and minor
How can you palpate the infraglenoid tubercle without causing pain
With broad part of thumbpad
The 3 scapula fossa contain which mucsles
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, subscapularis
The infraspinuos fossa can be isolated by which 3 bony landmarks
Spine of the scapula, medial border, lateral border
Palpating laterally along the supraspinous fossa, runs into which 2 bony landmarks
Acrimion and clavicle
To locate the subscapular fossa with one hand sink thumb onto the fossa surface, what can be done with the other hand
Manuever arm and scapula allowing thumbs to sink in further
How would you position client to access the medial portion of the subscapular fossa
Side lying with arm against side
Acrimion is the attachment site for which 2 muscles
Trapezius and deltoid
When palpating the clavicle, the ______ end rises superiorly while the _______ end curves inferiorly
Acromial, sternal
Which movements of the scapula allows therapist to feel the acromioclavicular joint space widen then diminish
Elevation and depression
The coracoid process is located in
Deltopectoral groove
Sculpting a circle around the edges of the coracoid process can help you get a better understanding of its
Shape and size
3 muscles that attach to the greater tubercle of the humerus
Supraspinatus Infraspinatus teres minor
Within the intertubercular groove pies the tendon of which muscle
Longhead of biceps brachii