Shoulder And Arm Flashcards
All fibers:
▫️Abduct shoulder
Anterior fibers:
▫️Flex shoulder
▫️Medially rotate shoulder
▫️Horizontally addicted shoulder
Posterior fibers:
▫️Extend shoulder
▫️Laterally rotate shoulder
▫️Horizontally abduct shoulder
Upper fibers:
▫️Extend neck (bilaterally)
▫️Laterally flex head and neck to the same side (unilaterally)
▫️Rotate head and neck to opposite side (unilaterally)
▫️Elevate Scapula (unilaterally)
▫️Upwardly rotate Scapula (unilaterally)
Middle Fibers:
▫️Adduct Scapula
▫️Stabilize Scapula
Lower fibers:
▫️ Depress Scapula
▫️ Upwardly rotate Scapula
Latissimus Dorsi
▫️ Extend shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
▫️ Adduct shoulder
▫️ Medially rotate shoulder
Teres Major
▫️ Extend shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
▫️ Adduct shoulder
▫️ Medially rotate shoulder
▫️ Abduct shoulder
▫️ Stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity
Teres Minor
▫️ Laterally rotate shoulder
▫️ Adduct shoulder
▫️ Stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity
▫️ Laterally rotate shoulder
▫️ Adduct shoulder
▫️ Stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity
▫️ Medially rotate shoulder
▫️ Stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity
▫️ Adduct Scapula
▫️ Elevate Scapula
▫️ Downwardly rotate scapula
Levator Scapula
Unilaterally: ▫️ Elevate the Scapula ▫️ Downwardly rotate Scapula ▫️ Laterally flex head and neck ▫️ Rotate head and neck to same side
▫️ Extend head and neck
Serratus Anterior
With origin fixed: ▫️ Abduct the Scapula ▫️ Upwardly rotate the Scapula ▫️ Depress the Scapula ▫️ Hold medial border of the Scapula against rib cage
With the Scapula fixed:
▫️ May act to elevate the thorax during forced inhalation
Pectoralis Major
All fibers:
▫️Adduct shoulder
▫️ Medially rotate shoulder
▫️ Assist to elevate thorax during forces inhalation (with the arm fixed)
Upper fibers:
▫️ Flex shoulder
▫️ Horizontally addicted shoulder
Lower fibers:
▫️ Extend shoulder
Pectoralis Minor
▫️ Depress the Scapula
▫️ Abduct the Scapula
▫️ Downwardly rotate the Scapula
▫️ Assist to elevate thorax during forced inhalation (with the Scapula fixed)
- Depress the clavicle and draw it anteriorly
- Elevate the first rib (to assist during inhalation)
- Stabilize the sternoclavicular joint
Biceps Brachii
- Flex the elbow
- Supinate the forearm
- Flex the shoulder
Triceps Brachii
All Heads:
* Extend the elbow
Long head:
- Extend the shoulder
- Adduct the shoulder
- Flex the shoulder
* Adduct the shoulder