Shoulder AK Muscle Tests Flashcards
Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Origin, Insertion, Nerve Supply, Actions and indications
O: Arises form medial half of the anterior Surface of the clavicle
I: Into the crest of the Greater Tubercle of the Humerus
N: C5, C6, C7 & Lateral Pectoral Nerve
Actions: Flexion of the humerus and Adduction
Indications: Shoulder Instability, Decreased Shoulder Range of Motion, Chest Pains centered around the clavicle

Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Meridian, Nutrition, Neurolymphatic (Chapman) and Neurovascular
Meridian: Stomach
Nutrition: Betaine, HCL, Zinc
Chapman: Ant- Left 6th Intercostal
Post - Between T6- T7 on Left
Neurovascular: Frontal Eminences
Pec Major Sternal
(Origin,Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Border of the sternum until the 7th rib
Insertion: Greater Tubercle of the Humerus
Innervation: C6, C7, C8, T1

PEC Sternal
(Actions, Indication)
Actions: Flex Humerus, Adduction of the humerus
Indications: Shoulder Pain, Restriction in Range of Motion
PEC Sternal
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Liver Nutrition: B-12, Chezyn, zinc
NL: Ant - 5th intercoastal space
Post: between T5 - T6
NV: Lateral to frontal eminences

PEC Minor
(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Ribs 3, 4 and 5
Insertion: Coracoid process of the scapula
Innervation: C6, C7, C8 and Medial Pectoral Nerve

PEC Minor
(Action, Indication)
Action: Flex Shoulder, Anterior Movement of the Scapula, Helps in inspiration
Indication: Entrapment of veins, nerves and arteries, Edema, weak Arm
PEC Minor
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Stomach
Nutrition: Biliary Salts, hepatropin PMG, Vit A
NL: Ant- Xyphoid process;
Post - None
NV: No
Lattisimus Dorsi
(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Crest of Illium, Sacrum, Lumbars
Insertion: Intertubercular groove of Humerus
Innervation: C6, C7, C8 and long scapular nerve

Lattisimus Dorsi (Action, Indication)
Action: Internal Rotation of the humerus, Extend Shoulder, Adduction, Indication: Pain in Lower ribs, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Shoulder Pain
Lattisimus Dorsi
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Spleen (Pancreas)
Nutrition:Pancreatic Enzyme, Chrome, Selenium, Beat leaf extract, Vit A, Betaine
NL: Ant - left 7th ICS;
Post: T7-T8 area in left
NV:Superior to temporal bone on a line but sligthly posterior to the external auditory meatus
Serratus Anterior
(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Superior aspect of first 9 ribs.
Insertion: Medial Border of the Scapula
Innervation: Long Thoracic Nerve, C5, C6, C7

Serratus Anterior
(Action Indication)
Action: Stabilizes scapula during flexion and abduction.
Indication: Shoulder instability, Difficulty raising arm, Pains with forced inspiration

Serratus Anterior
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Lung Nutrition: Vit C, Pneumotropin PMG, Beta Carotene
NL: Ant- ICS 3,4 and 5
Post -Between T3 - T4 and T4-T5
NV - Bregma (Frontal and parietal cranial bones jct)

(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Minor: Spinous C7 & T1, Ligamentum Nuchae Major: Spinous T2 - T5
Insertion: Minor: Medial Border root of the spine of the scapula Major: Medial border from spine to inferior angle
Innervation: C-5, Dorsal Scapular Nerve

(Action, Indication)
Action: Draws and elevates scapula towards the spine; Gives stability to the scapula and the shoulder Assists in Adduction and Extension Prevents winging of the scapula
Indication: Retraction of the scapula Shoulder posterior and slightly superior Shoulder instability Decrease shoulder range of mtion Chest pains around the clavicle

(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Liver
Nutrition: Liver Extract; Vit A
NL: Ant: 6th intercostal from mamillary line to sternum Post: Between T6 -T7
NV: Bilatral frontal bone eminences.

Levator scapula
(Origin, Insertion, innervation)
Origin: Transverse processes of C1 & C2; Posterior tubercles of C3 & C4
Insertion: Superior aspect of medial border of Scapula Innervation: C 3, C4, C5 & Dorsal Scapular Nerve

Levator Scapula
(Action, Indications)
Action: Elevates the scapula Rotates Scapula on the Rib Cage Unilateraly Rotates the neck Pulls glenoid fossa inferiorly Limit Degree of cervical flexion (both Lev. Scap)
Indications: Scapulo Costal Syndrome Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Stresses such as abnormal sleeping positions, carrying heavy weights

Levator Scapula
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Lung (Parathyroid)
Nutrition: Cal-Mag Plus, Calcium Lactate, Cataple D
NL: Ant- 1st ICS next to sternum
Post - Belly of Teres Minor; Lateral Scapula
NV: Bregma (Parieto-Frontal Junct.)

Teres Major
(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Arises on inferior angle of the scapula
Insertion: Lesser tubercle of the humerus along fibers of Lat. Dorsi
Innervation: C5, C6 & Lower scapular nerve
Teres Major
(Action, Indication)
Action: Assists in internal rotation, Adduction & extension of the humerus
Indication: Pain is in posterior shoulder, weakness can cause pal to rotate forward
Teres Major
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL & NV)
Meridian: Governing Vessel (Spine)
Nutrition: Organic Round minerals, Zinc Lv Chelate, Chezyn, Trace minerals, B-12, Zinc Picolinate
NL: Ant - 2nd ICS 2 inches from sternum
Post- T2-T3 Bennet: Over temporal bone, just posterior to greater sphenoid wing
Teres Minor
(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Lateral border of scapula near the middle of the scapula.
Insertion: Into the most inferior aspect of the greater tuberosity of the humerus
Nerve: C5 & C6, Axillary nerve

Teres Minor
(Action, indication)
Action: External rotation of the humerus in the glenoid cavity. Aids in stabilization of the head of the humerusin the glenoid cavity.
Indication: Shoulder instability. Decreased ROM
Teres Minor
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, Bennet)
Meridian: Tripple warmer (Thyroid)
Nutrition: Promaline Iodine, Thymus PMG, Cataplex C
NL: Ant- Located in the second ICS just adjacent to Sternum
Post - Intetransverse space between T2 - T3
Bennet: Temporal bone just behind sphenoid cavity
(Origin, Insertion, Nerve)
Origin: Supraspinous fossa
Insertion: Superior aspect of greater tubercle of humerus
Nervation: C-5, Subscapular nerve

(Action, Indication)
Action: Abducts the humerus holding the head of the humerus into the glenoid fossa. Functions during arm swinging in normal walking. Inhibits the end of extreme arm swing.
- If extemely weak the patient will laterally bend the the torso to initiate abduction of the arm.
- Shoulder dislocation
- Patient has problem raising arm and keeping arm above horizontal line
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Conception Vessel (Brain)
Nutrition: RNA, Neuroplex, Neurotropin PMG
NL: Ant - Located below coracoid process on belly of PEC minor.
Post - Lies over posterior aspect lat mass of atlas
NV: Over Bregma

(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin: Infraspinous Fossa
Insertion: Posterior aspect of greater tuberosity and to shoulder joint capsule
Nervation: C5 & C6 & Suprascapular nerve

(Action, Indication)
- Externally rotates the arm along the teres minor.
- Stabilizes the head of the humerusin the glenoid cavity while arm is elevated
- Weakness cause shortening of the subscap; this conditions is easily noted as the scapula is pulled laterally
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Triple warmer (Thymus)
Nutrition: Thymus, Thymus PMG, Cataplex C, Gluthathione
NL: Ant - 5th ICS Space adjacent to sternum
Post: Located over lamina of T-12
Bennet: Over sternum over the angle of Louis

(Origin, insertion, Nerve)
Origin: Arises form ventral surfaces of scapula
Insertion: Attaches to anterior surface of the humerus at the lesser tubercle
Nerve: C5, C6 & Upper & Lower scapular nerves

(Action, Indication)
Action: Major internal rotator of humerus of humerus. Assist Adduction. Stabilize Humeral HEad in Glenoid Cavity.
Indication: Instability of Humerus. Tendency to dislocate humeral head. Decrase ROM of Humerus. Frozen Shoulder.

(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Heart
Nutrition: Cataplex B, cardio Plus, Myotropic PMC
NL: Ant - Located in the 2nd ICS adjacent to sternum.
Post: Between T2 - T3
NV: Bregma

(Origin, Insertion, Nerve)
Origin: First Rib Junstion with it’s costal cartilage.
Insertion: Inserts on the groove of the posterior surface of the clavicle.
Nerve: C5 & C6
(Action, Indication)
Action: Draws the clavicle inferior and anterior. Assist in protraction of the clavicle.
Indication: Chronic shoulder instability. Proper function is essential for stabilizing the clavicel.
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, Bregma)
Meridian: Heart
Nutrition: Cataplex G, Calsol
NL: Ant: Located in KD 27 (costo sternal junction)
Post: Located in Lamina of 1st thoracic
NV: None
Upper Trapezius
(Origin, Insertion, Innervation)
Origin:: Arises from EOP, Medial 1/3 of ligamentum Nuchae and Spinous of C-7
Insertion: Into the acromion process and lateral 1/3 of clavicle.
Innervation: C2, C3 & C4 and Spinal Accesory Nerve

Uppper Trapezius
(Action, Indication)
Action: Elevates Shoulder, Rotates Scapula so glenoid fossa phases superiorly, Lateral Flexion of the Neck.
Indication: Torticullis, Whiplash, Dropping shoulder in size of weakness.
Upper Trapezius
(Meridian, Nutrition, NL, NV)
Meridian: Kidneys (Eye, Ears)
Nutrition: Vit’s ABCG; EFA’s; Ca++
NL: Ant- Located along the biciptal groove of Humerus
Post: Posterior Arc of C1
NV: Above Zygomatic Arch (Over SPhenoid and Temp. Bone Junct.)