Shoulder Flashcards
Special tests
Test rotator cuff
Supraspinatus - Empty can test - Arms flexed to about 70 degrees, a bit wider than shoulder width apart, thumbs pointed downwards - Push down on patients forearms • Infraspinatus/teres minor - External rotation against resistance • Subscapularis - Gerber’s lift-off test - Hand behind back, held a couple or inches away from spine - “Don’t let me push your hand back”
Special tests
• Hawkins-Kennedy Test
- Shoulder abducted to 90, elbow flexed to 90, palm facing down
- Rotate shoulder so that palm goes downwards
- Pain suggests supraspinatus impingement
• Scarf test - Ask patient to touch their opposite shoulder
- Can be reinforced by applying pressure on the elbow
- Pain suggestive of ACJ pathology/injury
Shoulder abduction
Arms by sides, palms forward, thumb upwards, raise arms slowly
out to the sides until they are above the head
• Lower arc pain
- ~80-90 degrees
- Suggestive of supraspinatus impingement
• High arc pain
- >120 degrees
- Suggestive of ACJ injury/pathology
Shoulder flexion
Raise hands above head
Shoulder external rotation
Arms by sides, elbow flexed to 90º and fixed to side
• Rotate arm outwards
• Loss of external rotation common in frozen shoulder
Shoulder internal rotation
Reach up your back as high as possible
Shoulder extension
Bring arms back
Up to 60 normal
Palpation of shoulder
SCJ • Clavicle • ACJ • Acromion • Borders of scapula • Greater tubercle of humerous • Coracoid • Biceps tendon • Supra- spinatus, infraspinatus and deltoid muscles
Shoulder power
Deltoid - axillary nerve
Sensation of shoulder
Deltoid axillary nerve
Vascular shoulder
Radial pulse
Passive movement of shoulder
Only do it if pain or limitation on active movement
Function of shoulder
Hands behind head
• Hands behind back
• Right hand touching left shoulder (and vice-versa)
Shoulder inspection
Overall alignment
• Deformity - one shoulder often sits slightly higher than the other,
steps in clavicle, dislocation, winging of scapula (long thoracic
nerve injury)
• Scars - arthroscopy, shoulder surgery
• Wasting - trapezius (squaring of the shoulders), deltoid, triceps,
biceps, supraspinatus, infraspinatus
• Swelling - inflammation, bursitis
• Skin changes - erythema, bruising
• Don’t forget to check axilla