Shoulder Flashcards
MM That Flex Shoulder
Pec Major (clav head(
Biceps Brachii
MM That Extend Shoulder
Post Deltoid Lats Teres Minor Long head of Triceps Sternocostal pec major
MM that Internally Rotate Shoulder
Sub Scap Teres Major Lat Dorsi Anterior Deltoid Pec major
MM That Externally Rotate Shoulder
Teres Minor
Post Deltoid
MM That Adduct/Extend Shoulder
Lat Pec Major Coricobrachialis Long head of Triceps Post Deltoid Anterior Deltoid Teres Major
MM That Abduct Shoulder
What are considered the secondary stabilizers of the shoulder?
Ligaments. At end ranges they exert a force on the humeral head by tightening.
What are the passive stabilizers of the shoulder?
What is closed packed position of the shoulder?
Full abduction and external rotation.
How much does the scapula move in compairison to the humerus?
Scap moves 1 degree for every 2 degrees of umeral motion.
What are the 5 categories of tests for shoulder injuries
Instability RCT AC Sprain Labral tear/Biceps Impingement
What are the tests for impingement?
Hawkins Kennedy
Neer’s Sign
Empty Can
What are the tests for RCT Pathology
Ext Rot Lag Sign (Specific) Drop Arm Test Bear Hug (Sub Scap) Belly Press (Sub scap) Hornblowers Test (Teres)
Labral Tear Tests
Kims/Jerks Test (crank)
Biceps Load Test (SLAP)
AC Joint Lesion Tests
Active Compressions