Shoulder Flashcards
What does a positive Dugas test indicate?
Inability to touch the opposite shoulder and/or inability of the elbow to touch the chest
Indicates Acute Glenohumeral Joint dislocation.
What is the indication of a positive Anterior Apprehension Test?
Noticeable look of apprehension or pain
Indicates Chronic Anterior Glenohumeral Joint dislocation.
What does a positive Posterior Apprehension Test indicate?
Noticeable look of apprehension or pain
Indicates Chronic Posterior Glenohumeral Joint dislocation.
What does a positive Drop Arm Test indicate?
Patient will not be able to lower the arm slowly or drops it suddenly
Indicates Rotator Cuff tear, usually supraspinatus.
What does a positive Dawbarn Test indicate?
Decrease in pain and/or tenderness
Indicates Subacromial bursitis.
What are the indications of a positive Yergason Test?
Localized pain or tenderness in the bicipital groove; Audible click, the biceps tendon subluxes or dislocates
Indicates Tendinitis and Instability of the biceps tendon possibly due to a torn transverse humeral ligament.
What does a positive Abbott-Saunders Test indicate?
Palpable or audible click
Indicates Subluxation or dislocation of the biceps tendon, possible rupture of the transverse ligament or tendon subluxation beneath the subscapularis muscle belly.
What does a positive Speed Test indicate?
Pain or tenderness in the bicipital groove
Indicates Tendonitis.
What does a positive Apley Test indicate?
Exacerbation of pain
Indicates Degenerative tendinitis of the rotator cuff muscles (usually Supraspinatus).
What does a positive Impingement Sign indicate?
Pain in the shoulder due to overuse injury to the supraspinatus & possibly biceps tendon.
What does a positive Roos Test indicate?
Ischemic pain, heaviness of the arms, or numbness and tingling of the hand.
Indicates thoracic outlet syndrome on the side involved. Perform for 3 minutes.
What does a positive Adson Test indicate?
Pain and/or paresthesia, decreased or absent pulse, pallor.
Compression of the neurovascular bundle by scalenus anticus or cervical rib. Hold Breath.
What does a positive Halstead Maneuver indicate?
Pain and/or paresthesia, decreased or absent pulse, pallor.
Compression of the neurovascular bundle by scalenus anticus or cervical rib. 1. Neutral Head 2. Head Extended 3. Head Extended & Rotated Breathe Normal.
What does a positive Costoclavicular Maneuver (Eden Test) indicate?
Pain and/or paresthesia, decreased or absent pulse, pallor.
Compression of the neurovascular bundle between the clavicle and 1st rib. 1. Neutral 2. Sit erect, force shoulders back, chest out, touch chin to chest & hold breath.
What does a positive Hyperadduction Maneuver (Wright Test) indicate?
Pain and/or paresthesia, decreased or absent pulse, pallor.
Compression of the Axillary artery by Pectoralis minor or Coracoid Process. (Thoracic outlet syndrome.)