short term control of arterial blood pressure Flashcards
Why do we need to control arterial blood pressure?
- in order to ensure adequate blood flow to organs
What are baroreceptors?
- **baro = pressure **
- baroreceptor is a** type of sensory nerve ending** (receptor) that is packed with mitochondria & connected to a myelinated or non-myelinated afferent axon
- baroreceptors are present in the adventitia of arteries at 2 main locations
what are the** 2 locations that arterial baroreceptors** are located?
- aortic arch
- carotid sinus
Describe the carotid sinus?
- a thin walled dilatation at the origin of the internal carotid artery
- afferent fibres from the carotid sinus baroreceptors **FORM the carotid sinus nerve **
- this then** joins the glossopharyngeal nerve ** to reach the petrous ganglion which continues to the NTS
Describe the** aortic baroreceptors**
- aortic baroreceptors are found on the **arch of the aorta **
- the baroreceptors afferent fibres form the aortic or ‘depressor’ nerve and then **ascend into the vagus nerve **
- the vagus nerve then ascends into the **nodose ganglion **and the central axons terminate in the NTS
what is the NTS?
- **Nucleus tractus solitarius **
- located in the medulla oblongata
What do baroreceptors respond to?
- stretch
- eg a rise in arterial pressure, stretches the arterial wall which excites the receptor terminals
What is the baroreflex?
- a reflex / mechanism the body uses in order to maintain a stable blood pressure / homeostasis
- rapid **negative feedback loop **- in which an elevated blood pressure causes heart rate and blood pressure to decrease….. or a decreased blood pressure will cause an increase in HR and BP in order to restore normal levels
Describe the mechanism of the baroreflex
- the reflex starts with stretchreceptors (baroreceptors) located in the walls of the carotid sinus & aortic arch
- in response to high blood pressure, the walls of the CS and AA stretch which causes the** baroreceptors to fire AP’s rapidly**
- the AP’s are** sent via the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves** to the nucleus tractus solitarius in the medulla
- in response to high BP the NTS activates the PSNS (parasymp)and inhibits the SNS
- PSNS activation & SNS inhibition work together to maximise BP reduction
How does the SNS increase blood pressure?
- it **increases arterial tone **which increases the TPR & venous tone which increases the CVP
- it** increases cardiac contractility** and heart rate which increases cardiac output
In response to high blood pressure, an activation of the PSNS and an inhibiton of the SNS occurs … what **effect **does this have?
- a fall in SNS activity causes peripheral vasodilatation which reduces the total peripheral resistance
How are carotid sinus baroreceptors related to pulse pressure?
- carotid baroreceptors signal not only the MAP but also the size of the oscillation (periodic variation) about the mean pressure ie the pulse pressure
- the greater the pulse pressure, the greater the average baroreceptor activity
what are 2**triggers **of the baroreflex?
- a change in body positon from supine (lying down) to upright
- **haemorrhage **
Describe how **changing body position **impact blood pressure?
- when a person moves quickly from lying down to a standing position, there is a fall in venous return to the heart (as gravity shifts blood from chest to veins in legs)
- this then leads to a reduction in stroke volume, cardiac output and therefore a reduction in blood pressure
- this is known as postural or orthostatic hypotension
How do baroreceptors respond to orthostatic hypotension?
- they rapidly restore normal blood pressure
- a reduction in BP causes a reduced rate of AP firing which results in an increase in SNS activity to the heart and blood vessels
- heart rate is increased and there is a rise in total peripheral resistance
How does a haemorrhage impact blood pressure?
- a haemorrhage decreases blood volume
- a decrease in blood volume will cause a decrease in blood pressure as blood vol is proportional to bp
- a decrease in blood volume will cause a decrease in CVP, cardiac output and therefore mean arterial pressure
How do baroreceptors respond to haemorrhage & what effects does this have on the CNS?
- as the blood pressure is so low, the baroreceptor traffic slows down a lot
- it causes increased cardiac SNS activity and reduced vagal PSNS activity - this causes tachycardia and increased heart contratility
- increased SNS activity also causes vasoconstriction of peripheral resistance vessels
What are catecholamines?
- any class of aromatic amines that include the neurotransmitters adrenaline & noradrenaline
what 2 adrenoceptors does Noradrenline interact with?
- alpha adrenoceptors
- B1 adrenoceptors
What happens when noradrenaline interacts with the alpha adrenoceptor?
vasoconstriction occurs & therefore an increases TPR - total peripheral resistance and therefore increases blood pressure
what happens when noradrenaline binds to a** B1 adrenoceptor**?
- increases cardiac output by increasing the stroke volume & heart rate via B1 adrenoceptor
How does adrenaline impact blood pressure?
has little impact on blood pressure
When a baroreflex is triggered to** lower blood pressure**, why is TPR reduced?
- a diminished stimulation of vascular smooth muscle cell alpha adrenoceptor as the sympathetic nerve activity is reduced (ie less noradrenaline binding to alpha adrenoceptors to increase TPR)