Short Story Terms Flashcards
List the 8 general characteristics of a short story.
- The length may vary from 1,500 - 30,000 words, but can be read in one sitting.
- It has an overall sense of unity and finality. Nothing is included that does not further the action. Therefore, nothing can be added or taken away.
- It deals with one situation and has no subplots, therefore conveying a single impression.
- There is a “conflict,” a struggle between two opposing forces (the motivation).
- There is a distinct climax or crisis which develops directly from the conflict.
- It has one central character and very few others, with no unnecessary characterization.
- The amount of time which passes and the location of the action are both limited.
- A single, dominant mood permeates the story.
What are the 6 elements of a short story?
- Setting
- Plot
- Character
- Theme
- Point of View
- Ending
- time during which the story occurs
- place where the action occurs
- mood or feeling which dominates the story
- includes antecedent action
Antecedent Action
This information is often presented through flashbacks or conversation to “fill the readers in” on any background information that they need to understand what is going on or why a character may act in a certain way.
- the sequence of events or actions that occur
- contains rising and falling action
Rising Action
Consists of:
- the initial incident
- conflict
- complication
- crisis
- climax
- turning point
Falling Action
- follows the rising action
- usually brief, contains the denouement
Initial Incident
The action or comment that gets the story going
A clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills
There are three types:
1. Man vs Man / Person vs Person - the main character against another person or group of people; the protagonist vs the antagonist
2. Man vs Environment / Person vs Environment - the main character against aspects of nature, society, or “fate”
3. Man vs himself / Person vs Self - inner struggle
The unexpected or that which makes the problem more difficult
The point when no solution seems possible
The point of most intense interest
Turning Point
Reader gets a hint of how the problem may be resolved
The final explanation or happening which makes clear the outcome
What are the three types of characters?
- Main character
- Secondary characters
- Minor characters
Main Character
The protagonist, the person who has the problem to overcome
Secondary Characters
Usually includes the antagonist who is the person, people, or forces against the protagonist
Minor Characters
- people whose roles make the story appear more realistic (ie. the taxi driver, the secretary, the phone operator, the shopkeeper etc.)
- they do not have a major function in the story, but without them, the story would not be realistic.
Revealing only one to two character traits