Short questions 2008-2016 Flashcards
1b. What is the risk of using a given non-normal distribution in the context of Maximum-Likelihood estimation?
ML approach cannot be directly used since if the innovations do not follow the non-normal distribution, MLE will be inconsistent.
1c. To estimate the tail index, how would you decide to follow the extrema approach or the tail approach?
The tail approach requires that the whole sample of returns is iid, while the extrema approach only requires that the subsamples are iid. Therefore, we should check for iid-ness of returns before deciding which approach to follow.
1j. Give the definition of the Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall and explain why you should use the expected shortfall as a measure of risk instead of the Value-at- Risk.
The VaR of a portfolio is the minimum potential loss that the portfolio can suffer in the q% worst cases, over a given time horizon. It does not satisfy subadditivity and disregards the form of the pdf beyond the confidence level. The ES is the expected value of the loss of the portfolio in the q% worst cases over a given time horizon
1c. What are the main advantages of a copula over a joint distribution?
For joint distribution:
Marginal distributions are not Gaussian = impossible to define a joint distribution = two variables have different marginal distributions
Marginal distributions do not have a multivariate extension
In these contexts: use copula since:
Relate two marginal distributions instead of two series directly.
Not require any additional assumption on the non-linear dependence.
1d. How would you define concordance?
Concordance is an association, which says that 2 variables are concordant when small values of one are likely to be associated with small values of the other, and large values of one are likely to be associated with large values of the other.
1a. What is the dynamics of squared returns in an ARCH(p) process?
ε_t^2=σ_t^2 z_t^2=σ_t^2+σ_t^2 (z_t^2-1)=σ_t^2+v_t=E[ε_t^2 ]+v_t
ε_t^2=σ_t^2+v_t=ω+〖∑α〗i ε(t-i)^2+v_t
Therefore, ε_t^2 is an AR(p) process.
1b. What are the main differences between a (G)ARCH model and a stochastic volatility model?
• Innovation is introduced in the conditional variance equation in SV
• While in the GARCH model, σ_t only depends on information known at date t −1, in the SV model σ_t^2 depends on the innovation v_t, so that σ_t^2is not measurable on I_(t-1)
• While GARCH models are written in discrete time, SV models come from continuous time literature.
1c. Give the main characteristics of an Integrated GARCH model and explain why it fits many financial time series very well.
Model :σ_t^2=ω+(1-β_1 ) ϵ_(t-1)^2+β_1 σ_(t-1)^2
Unconditional variance of ϵ_t = not CS but still strictly stationary
IGARCH process may reflect other dynamics for volatility. For instance, if the true model is a regime-switching model for volatility, estimating a GARCH model will generally result in a nearly integrated volatility process.
1d. Why are GARCH models expected to take non-normality of innovations into account?
An attractive feature of GARCH models is that even when the conditional distribution of innovations is normal, the unconditional distribution of the error term ε_t has fatter tails than the normal distribution. It is then possible to capture a high unconditional skewness using a conditional distribution with a small skewness. Even in the case where innovations are assumed to be normal, a GARCH model yields to an unconditional distribution with fatter tails than the normal distribution.
1e. What are the advantages and drawbacks of the Garm-Charlier distribution?
• For moments (m3,m4) distant from normality (0,3), g(z |η) may be negative for some z.
• For other pairs, the pdf g(z |η) may be multimodal.
• The domain of definition, for which the distribution is well defined, is small
• Additional flexibility over a normal distribution
• Two additional parameters m3 and m4 are directly the third and fourth moments.
1f. How is defined the sandwich estimator in QML estimation?
Ω=A_0^(-1) B_0 A_0^(-1)
A_0=-1/T∑E[(∂^2 logl(θ_0 ))/(∂θ∂θ’ )]
B_0=1/T∑E[∂logl(θ_0 )/∂θ ∂logl(θ_0 )’/∂θ]
1g. How do you define the excess distribution function in extreme value theory?
Definition: Let u be a fixed real number, the threshold, in the support of Xt . The excess distribution of the r.v. Xt over the threshold u is defined as
F_u (x)=Pr[X_t-u≤x│X_t>u]=(F_X (x+u)-F_X (u))/(1-F_X (u) )
The excess distribution measures the probability that the excess realization relative to the threshold (X_t-u) is below a certain value, given that u is exceeded.
1j. How can we use the method of moments for estimating copula parameters?
Estimator of the parameter is obtained by equalizing the theoretical and empirical quantities using usin Kendall’s tau or Spearson’s rho
1a. What is the dynamics of the squared return for a standard GARCH(1,1) model?
Therefore, ε_t^2 is an ARMA(1,1) process.
1c. What is the main difference between the data generating process of GARCH models and stochastic volatility models?
Innovation is introduced in the conditional variance equation.
1e. What are the main difficulties in the use of the Hill’s estimator of the tail index?
A problem with the Hill estimator is that it depends on the choice of the portion q/T of the sample used for computing the statistics.
- If we choose a threshold too much in the tail, one obtains very inaccurate estimates, because just too few observations are used in the estimation.
- If we use too many observations, tail observations are contaminated by observations from the central part.
1c. What kind of information about the volatility is provided by the news impact curve?
The news impact curve relates past return shocks (news) to current volatility. It measures how new information is incorporated into volatility estimates.
1d. When does the Gram-Charlier distribution fail to fit financial returns?
When Kurtosis and Skewness fall out of domain of definition.