Short Form Ashtanga Flashcards
- Big Toe Pose - Primary Series
Inhale - hop or step feet hip distance apart
Exhale - place your hands at your waist
Inhale - look up and bend back slightly
Exhale - fold forward and clasp the big toes with your peace fingers
Inhale - lift chest halfway up, look up
Exhale - pull yourself towards your toes keeping back and neck long, look towards your toes - hold for 5 breaths (Padangusthasana)
- Hand Under Foot Pose - Primary Series
Inhale - lift chest halfway up, look up
Exhale - release toes, now slide hands under the soles of your feet to your wrist
Inhale - lift chest and look up
Exhale - fold forward, look at your naval or through your legs, hold for 5 breaths (Padahastasana)
Inhale - lift chest and look up
Exhale - release and bring hands to waist
Inhale - come up to standing
Exhale - step or jump feet together at the top of your mat, palms together at chest center, look forward - finish in sam-sthiti
Utthita Trikonasana
- Triangle - Primary Series
Inhale - jump or step out to the right side of your mat, turn right foot out, bring arms to a strong T
Exhale - stretch and reach out with the right hand over the right hip and then bring that hand to the toes, ankle, or shin
Inhale - stretch and look up through the left fingertips - hold for 5 breaths (Utthita Trikonasana)
Exhale - look down
Inhale - come up to strong T and change sides
Parivrtta Trikonasana
- Revolved Triangle - Primary Series
Inhale - switch feet again to the right, turning hips to follow, extend left arm up
Exhale - left hand comes down beside right foot
Inhale - wave right arm up to the sky, look towards right hand, heart is open - hold for 5 breaths (Parivrtta Trikonasana - Revolved Triangle)
Exhale - look down
Inhale - Come up to a strong T - switch feet and turn feet and hips to the left, extending right arm up
Exhale - right hand comes down beside left foot
Inhale - wave left arm up to the sky, look towards that left hand, heart is again open - hold for 5 breaths
Exhale - look down
Inhale - come up to a strong T
Exhale - jump or step feet together at the top of the mat, bring psalm to heart center, sama-sthiti
Utthita Parsvakonasana
- Side Angle - Primary Series -
Inhale - jump or step a little wider than before to the right side of your mat, turn right foot out, bring arms to a strong T
Exhale - bend into right knee, place right forearm on the thigh or place right hand outside the right foot, back foot is flat
Inhale - swim left arm overhead, left chest opens to sky, look towards left hand - take 5 breaths
Exhale - look down
Inhale - come up to a strong T and change sides
Exhale - bend into left knee, place left forearm on the thigh or place left hand outside the left foot, back foot is flat
Inhale - swim right arm overhead, right chest opens to the sky, look towards right hand - take 5 breaths
Exhale - look down
Inhale - back up to a strong T
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
- Prayer Pose - Primary Series
Inhale - change sides, rotating hips to the right
Exhale - bend into the right knee, bring palms together in prayer, hook left elbow outside right lunging knee
Inhale - twist and gaze up over the right shoulder - hold for 5 breaths
Exhale - look down
Inhale - back up to a strong T, change sides, rotate hips to the left
Exhale - bend into the left knee, bring palms together in prayer, hook right elbow outside left lunging knee
Inhale - Twist and gaze towards left shoulder - hold for 5 breaths
Exhale - look down
Inhale - come up to a strong T
Exhale - step feet together at the top of the mat - sama-shiti
Prasarita Padottanasana A
- Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend (A: Hands to mat
Inhale - Turn and step out feet out wide, toes turned straight ahead, bring arms to a strong T
Exhale - fold forward and bring hands about 1 foot apart in line with heels
Inhale - lift chest up halfway, look up, keep lower back straight
Exhale - fold forward, working to bring the crown of your head toward the floor, keep chin tucked, gaze at the naval or look between the legs - hold for 5 breaths
Inhale -lift halfway up and look forward
Exhale - bring hands to hips
Inhale - hands on hips coming all the way up
Exhale - adjust or root your feet
Prasarita Padottanasana B
- Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend Hands to Hips - Primary Series
Inhale - bring arms back to a strong T
Exhale - Hands to hip
Inhale - Look up towards the sky
Exhale - Keeping hands at hips, fold forward - hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - come all the way up
Exhale - adjust or root your feet
Prasarita Padottanasana C
- Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend - Hands Clasp Behind Back - Primary Series
Inhale - bring arms to strong T
Exhale - clasp the hands, interlace the fingers, or hold elbows behind the hips,
Inhale - bend back slightly to open the heart
Exhale - fold forward pulling the hands to the floor with legs straight - hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - come all the way up to standing
Exhale - hands to hips, adjust or root feet
Prasarita Padottanasana D
- Wide Angle Standing Forward Bend - Big Toe - Primary Series
Inhale - bring arms to a stong T
Exhale - fold forward and clasp the big toes with the peace fingers
Inhale - halfway up, lengthen the spine, gaze forward
Exhale - fold deep, elbows out, heels out slightly, working to bring crown of head toward the floor, gaze at your naval or look through your legs, hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - halfway up, look up
Exhale - keeping the fold and flat back, release grip and bring hands to hips
Inhale - come all the way up to standing, arms to a strong T
Exhale - jump or step to the front of mat, sama-sthiti
- Pyramid Pose - Primary Series
Inhale - hop to step out to the right about 2 feet apart, toes turn straight ahead, arms to a strong T
Exhale - bring palms together behind the back, reverse namaste if it’s within your practice
Inhale - turn both feet slight to the right, rotate hips to follow, look up and overhead
Exhale - now fold out over the right leg, look towards your shin, or head to knee, hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - come up and change sides
Exhale - adjust the hands between shoulder blades
Inhale - lift chest, sight backbend, look up and overhead
Exhale - now fold out over the left leg - hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - come all the way up, open arms to a strong T
Exhale - jump or step feet together, finish in Sama-sthiti
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A
- Extended Hand Big Toe Pose - Standing Series
Inhale - adjust or root your feet, move off your mat or towards a wall for support
Exhale - hands to hips and put weight into your left leg
Inhale - draw right knee into chest, catch knee with right hand
Exhale - grab the big toe with the right hands peace fingers
Inhale -extend leg out in front of you, gaze forward, hold for 5 breaths
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B
- Extended Hand Big Toe Open Hip Pose - Standing Series
Exhale - open up to the right hip, take the right foot to the side, turn gaze to the left, pull toes back - hold for 5 breaths
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana C
- Extended Leg, Head to Knee - Standing Series
Inhale - bring leg back through center
Exhale - catch foot with both hands and hug in, head to knee
Inhale - keep holding leg and lift chest back up
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana D
- Karate kick Pose - Standing Series
Exhale - bring hands to hips, keeping right leg extended high in front of you, look forward, take 5 breaths
Inhale - lift right foot a bit higher
Exhale - bring the foot to the floor and change sides
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
- Standing Half Bound Lotus - Standing Series
Inhale - lift the right foot with both hands, rocking hip like a baby, then folding it into the crease of your left thigh, or simply rest right foot across left thigh
Exhale - Reach behind the back with right hand and work to clasp the foot, or elbow, or get into tree pose
Inhale - raise the left arm
Exhale - fold forward with left hand, or both hands, to the floor, look at the knee, hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - come halfway up, gaze forward
Exhale - bend the knee, bring hands to hips
Inhale - come to standing, extending right leg forward, look forward
Exhale - lower the foot to the floor, change sides
Finish with Full Vinyasa
- Fierce Pose - Standing Series
Exhale - float feet between hands and bend knees as you land, bring big toes together
Inhale - sweep arms above head, sitting back lower, belly draws away from inner thighs - take 5 breaths
Exhale - fold over straight legs
Take a Full Vinasa to Downdog
Virabhadrasana A
- Warrior A - Standing Series
From Downdog
Exhale - step right foot between the hands, back heel pivots
Inhale - raise arms overhead, palms facing, gaze up, hold for 5 breaths, (Warrior A) on the last breath, straighten the right leg and keeping gaze towards your hands, pivot and turn to the other side
Exhale - bend the left knee deeply and hold for 5 breaths, gaze remains lifted
Virabhadrasana B
- Warrior II - Standing Series
from Warrior A and open to the left side with your arms parallel to the floor in line with the legs, square the hips - hold for 5 breaths - (Warrior B)
Inhale - straighten left leg and pivot turn to the right side
Exhale - bend into the right knee and look forward beyond the left fingertips for 5 breaths
Inhale - last inhale is deep
Exhale - hands surround the front, right foot
Take Full Vinyasa to seated
- Staff Pose - Seated Series =
Inhale - plant hands by the hips and sit up tall
Exhale - tuck chin, legs active, stare at the toes - hold for 5 breaths (Dandasana/Stick Posture)
Paschimottanasana A
- Seated Foward Bend - Big Toes - Seated
Inhale - stretch arms up overhead, gaze forward
Exhale - fold forward, clasp the big toes with peace fingers
Inhale - lengthen and look up
Exhale - fold forward, chest to thighs, look at the toes, and hold for 5 breaths (Paschimottanasana A)
Paschimottanasana B
- Seated Forward Bend - Clasp Foot/Thumb Under Toe - Seated Series
Inhale - lift and look up
Exhale - release the toes, wrap hands around the outside of your feet with thumbs under big toes
Inhale - lift chest up
Exhale - fold forward, look ahead, and hold for 5 breaths (Paschimottansana B)
Paschimottanasana C
- Variation - Seated Forward Bend - Clasp Hands Around Foot - Seated Series
Wrap the hands around the feet and hold for 5 breaths (Paschimottansana C)
- Reverse Table/Plank - Seated Series
ON next Inhale - lift chest up
Exhale - release your grip and plant hands behind you, fingers facing towards heels
Inhale - lift your hips up to reverse plank, gaze back towards your nose, hold for 5 breaths (Purvottanasana, Reverse Table)
Janusirsasna A
- Head to Knee - Seated Series
Exhale - bring right foot to inner left thigh
Inhale - reach arms overhead
Exhale - fold over left leg, reaching for the foot
Inhale - lift chest for length
Exhale - fold over left leg, slight twist to the right, look under the left armpit, hold for 5 breaths (Janusirsansa A)
Inhale - lift chest up
Exhale - release the left foot and changes sides, straighten right leg and bring left knee inside
Inhale - reach arms overhead
Exhale - fold over right leg, reaching for the foot
Inhale - lift chest for length
Exhale - fold over right leg, slight twist to the left, look under right armpit, hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - lift chest up
Exhale - release the right foot
Marichyasana C
- Sitting Twist/Model Pose - Seated Series
Inhale - bend right knee and bring the heel towards the inside of left thigh, heal close to hip
Exhale - place right hand behind right hip
Inhale - stretch left arm up, look up
Exhale - hook left elbow outside right knee, twist to the right, gaze over right shoulder, hold for 5 breaths (Marichyasana C)
Inhale - look forward
Exhale - unwind arms and extend both legs forward
Inhale - bend left knee and bring the heel towards the inside of the right thigh, heal close to the hip
Exhale - place left hand behind the left hip
Inhale - stretch right arm up, look up
Exhale - hook right elbow outside left knee, twist to the left, gaze over left shoulder, hold for 5 breaths
Inhale - look forward
Exhale - unwind arms and extend both legs forward
- Boat Pose - Seated Series
Inhale - lift legs 45 degrees for boat pose, extend arms forward, hold for 5 breaths
Exhale - Plant hands in front of hips, cross legs
Inhale - bump up, lifting hips, legs, and maybe feet off the floor
Exhale - set bottom back down
Inhale - bump up, lift the body up
Exhale - set bottom back down
Inhale - bump up, lift the body up
Exhale - Swing legs through to Chatarunga
Inhale - Upward facing-dog
Exhale - downward-facing dog
Full inhale
Exhale- step, jump, or float to seated
Baddha Konasana
- Butterfly - Seated Series
Inhale - adjust yourself in seated
Exhale - Bend your knees, bring the heels/feet together, open feet like a book
Inhale - lift chin and look up
Exhale - fold forward, keep elbows close to ribs, chest toward the feet, gaze forward, hold for 5 breaths (Baddha Konasana)
Inhale - sit up
Exhale - Release the grip
Upavishta Konasna
Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend - Seated Series
Exhale - open your feet to a wide straddle, with legs straight, grab your big toes
Inhale - halfway up
Exhale - fold forward, working to take chest and chin to the floor, look forward, hold for 5 breaths (Upavishta Konasana)
Inhale - halfway up
Exhale - release
Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Bridge Pose - Finishing Series
Inhale - adjust your seat
Exhale - lie on your back, bend knees and place the feet near the butt at hips width apart
Inhale - reach with the hands towards your ankles, leave shoulders on the floor, press hips up bring your naval to the ceiling, hold for 5 breaths (Urdhva Dhanurasana, Bridge Pose)
Exhale - tuck chin to chest and lower body
Inhale - leave shoulders on the floor, this time clasp your hands, press hips up bring your naval to the ceiling, hold for 5 breaths
Exhale - tuck chin and lower body to briefly touch bottom
Inhale - press hands and legs to lift mid-body, hold for 5 breaths
Exhale - come down and give your knees a big hug, hold for a few breaths, rocking from side to side
- Seated Foward Bend
Inhale - Rock up to stead and extend legs, reach arms overhead
Exhale - fold forward, reach for towards the toes
Inhale - lift chest, look up
Exhale - fold forward and hold for 15 breaths (Pachimottansasana II)
Inhale - lift chest
Exhale - release grip and lie down on your back, extend legs and squeeze them together, point toes, hold for 5 breaths
Salamba Sarvangasana
- Shoulder Stand - Finishing Series
Inhale - lift legs up and point to the ceiling in preparation for shoulder stand
Exhale - swing legs up and roll up onto the shoulders
Inhale - straighten legs toward the ceiling, hold for 5 breaths (Salamba Sarvangasana, shoulder stand)
- Plow Posture - Finishing Series
Stay there or
Exhale - bring legs down behind head to the floor, clasp hands beind back or keep in place for support, hold for 5 breaths (Halasana, Plow Posture)
- Ear Pressure Posture - Finishing Series
Stay there or
Inhale - bend knees and bring them down toward ears, pressing knees to ears, hold for 5 breaths
Exhale - roll out whatever posture you’re on to lying on your back
- Fish Posture - Finishing Series
Inhale - bring with legs together on the floor
Exhale - extend arms beside you, point toes up
Inhale - arch your neck and bring the crown of your head to the flood, hold for 5 breaths (Matsyasana, Fish Posture)
Stay there or
Inhale - lift legs 45 degrees, extend them out straight, bring arms together over chest, palms together - hold for 5 breaths (Uttana Padasana, advance fish posture)
Exhale - bring arms and legs down, tuck chic, draw knees into chest for a hug
Baddha Padmasana
- Bound Lotus Pose - Finishing Series
Inhale - Roll up to seated
Exhale - stay seated or bring yourself into lotus posture if its in your practice, bringing ankles to hip creases
Inhale - clasp hands behind the back, look up
Exhale - fold forward, look down, and hold for 5 breaths (Baddha Padmasana, Bound Lotus Posture)
- Lotus/Meditation Pose - Finishing Series
Inhale - Sit up
Exhale - Plae the back of your hands on the knees, bring first finger and thumb together, tuck chin, look at your naval, hold for 10 breaths (Padmasana, Lotus Posture)
Utpluthi Tolasana
- Scale Pose - Finishing Series
Inhale - Place hands next to hips, lift up and balance, hold for 25 breaths of Bhastrika Pranayama (fire breath), this is an active inhale and exhale. This breath should be more powerful than the rest of your pratice. Each inhale and exhale should be drawn in and pushed out through the nose. Full and Deep.
- Corpse Pose - Finishing Series
Inhale - move to your back
Exhale - extend legs out with ankles mat width apart, arms relax to the sides, palms open, relax the body completely, release the breath and any locks and come back to natural inhales and exhales, close your eyes (Savasana, Corpse Posture) - Hold for 5 to 10 minutes