Short Essay Flashcards
- Where must all revelation about God start?
Why must it start there?
Where is that source?
From God’s self-revelation
Because we are fallen
In the Bible
- Around How many OT verse state that God is absolutley numerically one?
Around 3,000
- What is the faulty approach or “lens” that Trinitarians bring to the NT? What does it do to the OT revelation of God?
2-4 century philosophy > NT > OT cross it out
- What is the better approach or “lens” that oneness people being to the NT? What does it do the later philosophy?
OT > NT > 2-4 century philosophy cross it out
- How does our approach to the OT reveal our conscious or unconscious attitude to God’s revelation?
Oneness people respect the OT and prove they take God’s process of self-revelation seriously
- Explain how Genesis 1:26 is not about a trinity
He’s talking to the angels. Job 38:4-7 they were present at creation. 1 Kings 22:19-22 He talked to and requested their opinion before
- How do you explain the “God” or “elohim” in Genesis 1:1 is not a proof of the trinity?
It is a uni-plural noun with singular modifiers
- When “elohim” is used of God what is it always accompanied by?
Singular verbs or modifiers
- If “elohim” is used on more than one false god what is it always accompanied by?
Plural verbs or modifiers
- When Scripture says Moses (Ex 7:1), Samuel (1 Sam 28:13-14), and all of the individual judges of Israel (Psalm 82:6) are called “elohim” what does this prove regarding God?
They can’t be a trinity and neither can God
- How does the inspired NT translation of the inspired OT verse calling God “elohim” prove that God is absolutely numerically one?
NT “Elohim” is always translated as God in the singular, never plural
- What are the two things represented in Daniel 7 and Revelation 5?
What’s missing?
The eternal God in the man Jesus
So called third person in the trinity
- How do you prove Revelation 5 is not about persons in a so called trinity?
No Trinitarian would say Jesus will be called a lion and yet actually be a slain lamb standing with seven eyes and even horns.
- How does the Bible show in another passage that Daniel 7 and Revelation 5 are not separate persons?
In Revelation 1 we see a blended picture of the son of man and ancient of days in Christ
- Explain why Isaiah 6:3 repeating “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty…” does not prove a trinity
No superlative in Hebrew is uses repetition instead. Such as “oh earth, earth, eath”
- Did the Oneness message disappear after the fourth century and slowly make a come back in the 19th century?
No, it always existed
- According to Tertullian’s writing “Against Praxeus” what was the dominant belief still in the 2nd century and what was the minority veiw?
Majority belief was Oneness. Minority view was Trinitarian
- What two things does “Father/Son” language in the NT show?
What God did as humanity and as deity
- How did God make the world by the Son?
Created the world with Christ in view
- Prove Jesus is not having a conversation with another person in the trinity on the cross by sowing what He is quoting
Quoting Psalm 22
- What is Jesus saying will happen through His suffering?
He will reign
- What are the two major questions you ask almost all “passages of distinction” that prove the distinction is about the human/divine relationship not persons in the trinty?
Where is the missing Holy Spirit?
Can this be about a coequal trinity?
- Prove that Jesus’ prayers cannot be about a trinity explaining why the essence of the doctrine of the trinity would be violated
Coequal God can’t pray to God or one isn’t He is no longer coequal.
- At His baptism what three roles is Jesus stepping into?
Prophet, Priest, and King
- Show why it was important for Jesus as a man to be baptized and anointed and include a statement from Christ Himself as to point of doing this.
To fulfill all righteousness as the OT commands. As Priest He was to be washed and like all Prophets, Priest, and Kings He was to be anointed.
- What two images are represented in Philippians 2:5-11
Adam and suffering servant
- What role did Jesus have to fulfill and what would have violated it?
Suffering servant.
To make Himself of any reputation
- How does Philippians 2:5-11 show the language of exaltation is about the man Jesus and refute the doctrine of coequality?
He would’ve been exalted higher than ever before above the Father and the Spirit.
- What two witnesses does Jesus say testify of the truthfulness of His ministry?
Perfect man Jesus and the working of the eternal Spirit through Him.
- What is the best way to reach a trinitarian?
Show them that Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit are all the same Spirit.
- How does the “trinitarian shield” help us in witnessing by moving us to a more specific starting point of conversation?
By not proving Jesus is God and there’s only one God, but showing Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit are all the same Spirit.
40.When did the Trinity become fully developed in history and what two things from class did we show this prove about the doctrine.
It was finally finished in 31 A.D. and
It proves its not in the NT
It was developed by men