Short discursive essay: which authority plays the most important role in encouraging healthy eating habits amongst children? Flashcards
Contemporary epoch
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: A period of time in which events, trends, or developments are happening at the same time; a specific era or age that is characterized by its particular cultural, social, and technological attributes.
Chinese Meaning: 当代时代
Antonym(s): Historical epoch
Synonym(s): Present era, modern age
Sample sentence: The rapid advancements in technology have defined the contemporary epoch, reshaping the way we live and communicate.
Type of word: Noun
- A particular period of time marked by distinctive events, developments, or characteristics; an era.
- A point in time that is significant or noteworthy.
Chinese Meaning:
- 时代,纪元
- 重要时刻,时点
Antonym(s): None
Synonym(s): Era, age, period
Sample sentence:
- The Renaissance is considered an epoch of significant cultural and artistic growth.
- The invention of the internet marked an epoch in the history of communication and information sharing.
Type of word: Adjective or Verb (present participle of “burgeon”)
Adjective: Growing or expanding rapidly; flourishing; showing signs of vigorous growth.
Verb: To begin to grow or develop rapidly; to expand or flourish.
Chinese Meaning:
Adjective: 迅速增长的,蓬勃发展的
Verb: 迅速发展,蓬勃生长
Antonym(s): Declining, shrinking
Synonym(s): Growing, thriving, blossoming
Sample sentence:
Adjective: The burgeoning tech industry in the city has attracted a lot of young professionals.
Verb: With the increased investment, the small startup began to burgeon into a successful business.
Type of word: Verb (present participle of “sprout”)
- To begin to grow from a seed or a bud; to emerge as a new shoot or branch.
- To start developing or appearing gradually.
Chinese Meaning:
- 发芽,抽芽
- 逐渐出现,逐渐发展
Antonym(s): Withering, wilting
Synonym(s): Growing, budding, emerging
Sample sentence:
- The first signs of spring were evident as flowers started sprouting in the garden.
- Small businesses were sprouting up in the neighborhood, creating a more vibrant local economy.
like mushrooms after the rain
Type of word: Idiomatic expression
Meaning: Referring to a sudden and rapid increase or proliferation of something, usually in a short period of time; similar to how mushrooms tend to grow quickly and abundantly after a rainfall.
Chinese Meaning: 像雨后的蘑菇一样迅速增加
Antonym(s): Sparse, scarce
Synonym(s): Rapidly, abundantly, proliferating
Sample sentence: New coffee shops were opening up like mushrooms after the rain in the trendy part of town.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Scattered or thinly distributed; having a small amount, number, or density of something; not densely populated or crowded.
Chinese Meaning: 稀疏的,稀少的
Antonym(s): Dense, abundant
Synonym(s): Thin, scarce, limited
Sample sentence: The forest was so dense in some areas and so sparse in others that it created a stark contrast in the landscape.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Relating to society as a whole; concerning or affecting the larger community or social group rather than individuals in isolation.
Chinese Meaning: 社会的,社会上的
Antonym(s): Individual, personal
Synonym(s): Social, communal, collective
Sample sentence: The issue of healthcare is a significant societal concern, as it affects the well-being of the entire population.
Type of word: Verb (past tense of “posit”)
- To assume or postulate something as a basis for further discussion, argument, or analysis.
- To put forward an idea, theory, or assertion for consideration.
Chinese Meaning:
- 假设,假定
- 提出,提议
Antonym(s): Refuted, rejected
Synonym(s): Proposed, suggested, asserted
Sample sentence:
- The researcher posited that the increase in temperature would lead to changes in the ecosystem.
- He posited a new hypothesis to explain the unusual behavior observed in the experiment.
non-communicable diseases
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: Diseases that are not directly caused by infectious agents (such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites) and cannot be spread from person to person; often referred to as chronic diseases and include conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory diseases.
Chinese Meaning: 非传染性疾病,慢性病
Antonym(s): Communicable diseases (infectious diseases)
Synonym(s): Chronic diseases, lifestyle diseases
Sample sentence: Non-communicable diseases are a major public health concern due to their long-term impact on individuals’ well-being and healthcare systems.
alarming statistic
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: A data point or numerical value that causes concern, shock, or unease due to its significance, implications, or implications.
Chinese Meaning: 令人担忧的统计数据
Antonym(s): Reassuring statistic
Synonym(s): Disturbing statistic, concerning figure
Sample sentence: The alarming statistic of increasing pollution levels in the city raised awareness about the urgent need for environmental action.
can indeed shed light on gravity of …
Type of word: Phrase
Meaning: Expresses that a particular action or information can provide valuable insight or understanding about the seriousness or severity of a situation.
Chinese Meaning: 的确可以阐明…的严重性
Antonym(s): Cannot shed light on
Synonym(s): Can illuminate, can clarify, can reveal
Sample sentence: Analyzing the historical data can indeed shed light on the gravity of the economic challenges faced by the region.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Relating to or concerning the food that one consumes; related to diet and nutrition.
Chinese Meaning: 膳食的,饮食的
Antonym(s): Non-dietary
Synonym(s): Nutritional, alimentary, food-related
Sample sentence: The dietary habits of an individual play a significant role in their overall health and well-being.
just an act of jumping on the bandwagon
Type of word: Idiomatic expression
Meaning: Referring to someone adopting a trend, belief, or activity simply because it is popular or fashionable at the moment, without genuinely understanding or committing to it.
Chinese Meaning: 跟风,随大流
Antonym(s): Original, independent
Synonym(s): Following the crowd, conforming
Sample sentence: Her sudden interest in veganism seemed more like just an act of jumping on the bandwagon, as she had never shown any concern for animal rights before.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Of crucial importance or significance; playing a central or essential role in a situation, event, or process.
Chinese Meaning: 关键的,中枢的
Antonym(s): Insignificant, trivial
Synonym(s): Crucial, central, essential
Sample sentence: The CEO’s decision to invest in research and development proved to be pivotal in the company’s success in the competitive market.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically; practical and focused on achieving practical results; guided by practical considerations rather than theoretical ideals.
Chinese Meaning: 实际的,务实的
Antonym(s): Idealistic, theoretical
Synonym(s): Practical, realistic, sensible
Sample sentence: Her pragmatic approach to problem-solving helped the team navigate challenges and find efficient solutions.
Type of word: Verb
- To promote the growth or development of something; to nurture, encourage, or support the progress of an idea, relationship, or situation.
- To provide care and support to a child or young living being that is not one’s biological offspring.
Chinese Meaning:
- 促进,培养
- 养育,抚养
Antonym(s): Hinder, discourage
Synonym(s): Promote, nurture, cultivate
Sample sentence:
- The company aims to foster a culture of innovation to encourage new ideas from its employees.
- The couple decided to foster a child who needed a loving and supportive home.
health-adhering consumables
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: Items or products that are consumed as part of a lifestyle focused on maintaining or promoting good health; foods, beverages, or supplements that are chosen with a priority on their health benefits.
Chinese Meaning: 注重健康的消费品,有益健康的消费品
Antonym(s): Unhealthy consumables
Synonym(s): Nutritious products, wellness-focused items
Sample sentence: The market for health-adhering consumables has been growing as more people seek out products that align with their wellness goals.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Describing something that follows or adheres to principles, practices, or behaviors that contribute to good health and well-being.
Chinese Meaning: 注重健康的,遵循健康原则的
Antonym(s): Unhealthy, non-adhering
Synonym(s): Wellness-focused, health-conscious
Sample sentence: Her health-adhering lifestyle includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques.
Type of word: Noun (plural form of “consumable”)
Meaning: Items or products that are used up or depleted as they are used, typically in the course of daily activities or processes; things that are meant to be consumed or expended.
Chinese Meaning: 消耗品,可耗费品
Antonym(s): Durable goods
Synonym(s): Supplies, provisions, materials
Sample sentence: The office manager ordered more printer ink and paper, as these consumables were running low and needed replenishing.
diet regime
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: A structured plan or system of eating and drinking that is followed for the purpose of maintaining or improving one’s health, managing weight, or achieving specific dietary goals.
Chinese Meaning: 饮食计划,膳食方案
Antonym(s): Unregulated eating
Synonym(s): Dietary plan, eating regimen
Sample sentence: She decided to adopt a strict diet regime that included balanced meals and portion control to achieve her fitness goals.
Type of word: Noun
- A system or organized method of rule or government, often used to describe a government or political system, especially when it is authoritarian or controlling.
- A prescribed plan or routine, typically related to diet, exercise, or lifestyle.
Chinese Meaning:
- 政权体制,政权机构
- 体系,制度
Antonym(s): Anarchy, disorder
Synonym(s): Government, administration, system
Sample sentence:
- The new regime implemented strict policies that limited personal freedoms and suppressed dissent.
- His exercise regime included daily workouts, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep.
Type of word: Noun
Meaning: The state of being everywhere or being present, found, or experienced everywhere at the same time; the quality of being omnipresent or widespread.
Chinese Meaning: 无处不在,无所不在
Antonym(s): Rarity, scarcity
Synonym(s): Omnipresence, pervasiveness, universality
Sample sentence: With the ubiquity of smartphones, accessing information and staying connected has become an integral part of modern life.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Describing an environment or factors that contribute to the development of obesity or encourage unhealthy eating habits and sedentary behavior.
Chinese Meaning: 促使肥胖的,导致肥胖的
Antonym(s): Health-promoting
Synonym(s): Obesity-inducing, weight-gaining
Sample sentence: The prevalence of fast-food restaurants and lack of recreational facilities in the neighborhood contribute to the obesogenic nature of the community.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Of the utmost importance or significance; superior or supreme in rank, authority, or influence.
Chinese Meaning: 极其重要的,至高无上的
Antonym(s): Insignificant, minor
Synonym(s): Supreme, predominant, crucial
Sample sentence: In emergency situations, the safety of the passengers is of paramount importance to the airline crew.
paramount importance
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: Referring to a level of importance that is of the highest or utmost degree; indicating that something holds the greatest significance or priority.
Chinese Meaning: 极端重要,至关重要
Antonym(s): Insignificant importance
Synonym(s): Supreme importance, utmost significance
Sample sentence: The preservation of the fragile ecosystem in the national park is of paramount importance to the conservation efforts.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Creating favorable conditions or providing an environment that is likely to promote or facilitate a particular outcome, behavior, or state.
Chinese Meaning: 有利于,有助于
Antonym(s): Inhibiting, hindering
Synonym(s): Favorable, advantageous, helpful
Sample sentence: The quiet and peaceful surroundings were conducive to studying and focused work.
behaviour modelling
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: The process of learning and adopting certain behaviors, attitudes, or actions by observing and imitating the behavior of others, often with the intent to replicate or emulate those behaviors.
Chinese Meaning: 行为模仿,行为塑造
Antonym(s): None
Synonym(s): Behavior imitation, behavior learning
Sample sentence: Children often engage in behavior modelling, learning from their parents, teachers, and peers how to interact and respond in various situations.
Type of word: Noun (plural form of “tendency”)
Meaning: Inclinations or predispositions towards a particular behavior, action, or direction; the likelihood or propensity for something to happen or occur in a certain way.
Chinese Meaning: 倾向,趋势
Antonym(s): Resistance, opposition
Synonym(s): Inclinations, predispositions, propensities
Sample sentence: Her tendencies toward perfectionism often led her to spend extra time ensuring every detail was just right.
Type of word: Noun (plural form of “inclination”)
Meaning: Natural tendencies, preferences, or feelings that lead someone to behave or think in a particular way; a leaning or disposition towards something.
Chinese Meaning: 倾向,爱好
Antonym(s): Aversion, disinclination
Synonym(s): Tendencies, predispositions, proclivities
Sample sentence: His artistic inclinations were evident from a young age, as he was always drawn to creative activities like painting and sculpting.
Type of word: Verb (present participle of “mimic”)
- Imitating or copying the actions, behavior, speech, or appearance of someone or something else, often for the purpose of amusement, learning, or communication.
- Replicating or reproducing something closely, especially in terms of sound, appearance, or behavior.
Chinese Meaning: 模仿,仿效
Antonym(s): Original, unique
Synonym(s): Imitating, copying, emulating
Sample sentence:
- The children were mimicking the teacher’s accent and gestures, causing laughter in the classroom.
- His ability to mimic various accents and voices made him a hit at parties.
formative years
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: The period of early life, often referring to childhood and adolescence, during which a person’s character, personality, and identity are significantly shaped and influenced by experiences, education, and environment.
Chinese Meaning: 形成性的年岁,成长时期
Antonym(s): None
Synonym(s): Early development, foundational years
Sample sentence: The values and beliefs instilled during her formative years played a crucial role in shaping her worldview as an adult.
Type of word: Adjective
- Pertaining to the process of forming, shaping, or developing something.
- Influential in shaping a person’s character, identity, or development, usually referring to early stages of life.
Chinese Meaning:
- 形成的,塑造的
- 影响发展的,塑造性的
Antonym(s): Conclusive, final
Synonym(s): Shaping, developmental, influential
Sample sentence:
- The formative stages of a project involve brainstorming and idea generation.
- The experiences she had during her formative years greatly impacted her career choices and values.
Type of word: Verb (past tense of “reap”)
Meaning: To harvest or gather a crop or resources, typically referring to agricultural produce; to obtain or receive something as a result of effort or action.
Chinese Meaning: 收割,获得
Antonym(s): Sowed, planted
Synonym(s): Harvested, collected, gained
Sample sentence: After months of hard work, they reaped the benefits of their labor with a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables.
Type of word: Adjective or Verb (past tense of “skew”)
Adjective: Not balanced or symmetrical; distorted or biased in a particular direction, often referring to data, information, or perceptions.
Verb: To cause something to be unbalanced or distorted; to make something not straight or aligned.
Chinese Meaning:
Adjective: 歪斜的,倾斜的
Verb: 歪曲,使偏斜
Antonym(s): Balanced, symmetrical
Synonym(s): Distorted, biased, slanted
Sample sentence:
Adjective: The survey results showed a skewed distribution of responses, with most participants expressing extreme opinions.
Verb: The strong winds skewed the angle of the rooftop antenna.
Type of word: Noun
- The act of strengthening or making something more robust.
- Something that is added to improve, strengthen, or support a structure, system, belief, behavior, or idea.
- In psychology, a stimulus that increases the likelihood of a particular behavior being repeated.
Chinese Meaning:
- 加固,加强
- 增强物,支持物
- 增强,强化
Antonym(s): Weakening, reduction
Synonym(s): Strengthening, support, enhancement
Sample sentence:
- The reinforcement of the bridge’s supports was necessary to ensure its stability.
- The positive feedback provided by her colleagues served as a reinforcement for her diligent work.
- In dog training, treats are often used as positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors.
digital literacy
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: The ability to understand, use, and navigate digital technologies, tools, and platforms effectively; having the skills and knowledge to engage with digital content, communicate online, and solve problems in a digital environment.
Chinese Meaning: 数字素养,数字能力
Antonym(s): Digital illiteracy
Synonym(s): Tech literacy, computer literacy
Sample sentence: In today’s interconnected world, digital literacy is crucial for accessing information, participating in online discussions, and adapting to technological advancements.
Type of word: Adjective
- Considering the whole rather than analyzing or focusing on individual parts; emphasizing the interdependence and interconnectedness of different aspects.
- Pertaining to a comprehensive approach that takes into account all factors and elements, often in relation to health, well-being, or problem-solving.
Chinese Meaning:
- 整体的,全面的
- 全面的,综合的
Antonym(s): Fragmented, narrow
Synonym(s): Comprehensive, integrated, all-encompassing
Sample sentence:
- The holistic approach to education involves addressing students’ intellectual, emotional, and social development.
- Holistic medicine considers not only physical symptoms but also the patient’s mental and emotional well-being.
Type of word: Verb
Meaning: To become subject to or experience something undesirable, usually involving costs, expenses, or consequences; to bring about a particular situation or result.
Chinese Meaning: 遭受,招致
Antonym(s): Avoid, prevent
Synonym(s): Experience, suffer, bear
Sample sentence: Failing to follow safety protocols can incur significant risks to both employees’ well-being and the company’s reputation.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Cautious and watchful, especially in the face of potential danger, risk, or deception; being cautious or hesitant about making decisions or trusting something or someone.
Chinese Meaning: 谨慎的,小心翼翼的
Antonym(s): Trusting, confident
Synonym(s): Cautious, alert, vigilant
Sample sentence: After the previous incident, she remained wary of unfamiliar emails and checked for signs of phishing before clicking any links.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Diverse, having many different parts, elements, or aspects; varied in nature or character.
Chinese Meaning: 多种多样的,多方面的
Antonym(s): Homogeneous, uniform
Synonym(s): Diverse, varied, assorted
Sample sentence: The museum’s collection was incredibly multifarious, ranging from ancient artifacts to modern artworks representing various cultures and styles.
Type of word: Noun (plural form of “pitfall”)
Meaning: Hidden or unsuspected problems, dangers, or difficulties that can arise in a particular situation; potential traps or drawbacks that are not immediately obvious.
Chinese Meaning: 陷阱,隐患
Antonym(s): Benefits, advantages
Synonym(s): Traps, hazards, obstacles
Sample sentence: Before making a decision, it’s important to carefully consider the potential pitfalls and challenges that might arise.
Type of word: Noun
- The act of controlling or influencing something or someone, often with skillful or deceptive tactics.
- The practice of altering or adjusting something in order to achieve a desired outcome.
- In a negative context, the act of using dishonest or unethical means to control or deceive others.
Chinese Meaning:
- 操控,操纵
- 调整,修改
- 操纵,欺骗
Antonym(s): Honesty, integrity
Synonym(s): Control, influence, alteration
Sample sentence:
- The politician’s manipulation of public opinion through carefully crafted speeches raised concerns about transparency.
- The data manipulation led to inaccurate conclusions in the research study.
- She felt that his constant emotional manipulation was affecting her self-esteem and well-being.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Attractive, appealing, or captivating in a way that lures or tempts someone to engage with or be interested in something.
Chinese Meaning: 诱人的,吸引人的
Antonym(s): Unappealing, unattractive
Synonym(s): Alluring, attractive, tempting
Sample sentence: The enticing aroma of freshly baked bread coming from the bakery enticed passersby to step inside and explore.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Acceptable, agreeable, or pleasing to the taste, senses, or mind; easily tolerated or accepted.
Chinese Meaning: 可口的,合意的
Antonym(s): Unpalatable, disagreeable
Synonym(s): Pleasant, tasty, agreeable
Sample sentence: The chef’s innovative recipe turned the usually bitter vegetable into a palatable and delicious dish.
Type of word: Noun
- The act of publicly expressing support, approval, or recommendation for a person, product, idea, or organization.
- An official or formal statement that confirms the authenticity, validity, or authorization of something.
Chinese Meaning:
- 支持,认可
- 认可,批准
Antonym(s): Opposition, disapproval
Synonym(s): Approval, recommendation, sanction
Sample sentence:
- The celebrity’s endorsement of the new clothing line boosted its popularity and sales.
- The government issued an official endorsement of the new environmental policies to address climate change.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Easily seen, noticeable, or standing out in a way that attracts attention; readily visible or prominent.
Chinese Meaning: 显眼的,引人注目的
Antonym(s): Inconspicuous, hidden
Synonym(s): Noticeable, prominent, visible
Sample sentence: Her bright red hat made her quite conspicuous in the crowd of people wearing neutral colors.
paint a black picture
Type of word: Idiomatic expression
Meaning: To present a negative, gloomy, or pessimistic view of a situation; to describe something in a way that emphasizes its difficulties, problems, or negative aspects.
Chinese Meaning: 描绘一副悲观的画面
Antonym(s): Paint a rosy picture
Synonym(s): Portray negatively, depict bleakly
Sample sentence: The news articles about the economic downturn seemed to paint a black picture of the job market, causing worry among many people.
swallow the bitter pill
Type of word: Idiomatic expression
Meaning: To accept or endure a difficult, unpleasant, or unwelcome situation or truth; to face and deal with something unpleasant or challenging, often with a sense of resignation.
Chinese Meaning: 忍受困难,接受现实
Antonym(s): Reject the bitter pill
Synonym(s): Accept the harsh reality, endure hardships
Sample sentence: After the company’s financial losses, the employees had to swallow the bitter pill of pay cuts to keep the business afloat.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Serving as a desirable example or model; commendable and worthy of imitation; characterized by outstanding qualities, behavior, or achievements.
Chinese Meaning: 典范的,模范的
Antonym(s): Mediocre, subpar
Synonym(s): Outstanding, commendable, admirable
Sample sentence: His exemplary work ethic and dedication to his team made him a role model for his colleagues.
Type of word: Noun (plural form of “stimulus”)
Meaning: Plural form of “stimulus,” referring to things or events that evoke a response, reaction, or change in a person, organism, or system.
Chinese Meaning: 刺激物,刺激因素
Antonym(s): Suppressants, inhibitors
Synonym(s): Triggers, incitements, inducements
Sample sentence: The research study investigated how different stimuli, such as light and sound, affected participants’ cognitive performance.
cognitive priming
Type of word: Noun phrase
Meaning: A psychological phenomenon where exposure to certain stimuli or information influences a person’s subsequent cognitive processes, perception, or behavior without conscious awareness.
Chinese Meaning: 认知启动,认知启动效应
Antonym(s): None
Synonym(s): Cognitive influence, mental priming
Sample sentence: The experiment demonstrated that cognitive priming through exposure to positive words led to participants exhibiting more optimistic attitudes in subsequent tasks.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning: Relating to cognition, which refers to mental processes such as thinking, perception, memory, reasoning, and decision-making.
Chinese Meaning: 认知的,认识的
Antonym(s): Non-cognitive, non-intellectual
Synonym(s): Mental, intellectual, cognitive
Sample sentence: The cognitive development of children involves the progressive improvement of their problem-solving abilities and language skills.
Type of word: Verb
1. To express approval, support, or recommendation for something, often publicly.
2. To officially approve or validate a document, product, or idea.
Chinese Meaning(s):
1. 赞同,支持
2. 批准,认可
Antonym(s): Oppose, reject
Synonym(s): Approve, support, back
Sample sentence: The famous actor agreed to endorse the new luxury watch brand, boosting its credibility and popularity.e
Type of word: Verb
1. To adopt or support a belief, cause, or idea, often with enthusiasm.
2. To marry or become a spouse.
Chinese Meaning(s):
1. 支持,拥护
2. 结婚,成为配偶
Antonym(s): Reject, oppose
Synonym(s): Embrace, support, advocate
Sample sentence: She passionately espouses environmental conservation and actively participates in various green initiatives.
Type of word: Verb
1. To depict or represent someone or something in a particular way, often through art, literature, or acting.
2. To play the role of a character in a performance.
Chinese Meaning(s):
1. 描绘,刻画
2. 扮演,饰演
Antonym(s): Misrepresent, distort
Synonym(s): Depicting, representing, illustrating
Sample sentence: The artist is portraying the beauty of nature through vibrant colors and intricate details in their paintings.
Type of word: Verb
1. To gradually introduce or implant an idea, value, or skill into someone’s mind or consciousness.
2. To infuse or cause a substance to enter gradually into something.
Chinese Meaning(s):
1. 逐渐灌输,逐渐培养
2. 逐渐注入,逐渐渗入
Antonym(s): Remove, erase
Synonym(s): Implant, infuse, introduce
Sample sentence: Parents play a crucial role in instilling good manners and values in their children from a young age.
Type of word: Adjective
Meaning(s): Carried out effectively and successfully; put into practice in a competent and skillful manner.
Chinese Meaning(s): 良好实施的,成功的
Antonym(s): Poorly implemented, unsuccessful
Synonym(s): Effectively executed, skillfully carried out
Sample sentence: The well-implemented strategies resulted in significant improvements in the company’s productivity and profitability.