Short Answers Flashcards


What are the two different, independent dimension of parenting and how do they relate to the four parenting styles discussed in the text? Parenting adolescent page 205 – 208


First dimension control; second dimension warmth
Warm & controlling: authoritative parents: listen to their children and take their wants and desires into account when making rules and decisions
Cold & controlling: authoritarian parents: strict disciplinarians. They make decisions based on what they want and what they believe is right; there is little discussion about rules and family practices
Warm & undemanding: permissive parents: overindulgent. They believe that the best way to express their love is to give in their children wishes.
Cold & undemanding: uninvolved parents: do not seem to care about their children as they let their children do whatever they (the children) wish.

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List and explain five different approaches to the study of adolescence. Approaches to studying adolescent pages 5 -6


List and explain five different approaches to the study of adolescence. Approaches to studying adolescent pages 5 -6

Eclectic approach: to study of adolescents: interdisciplinary, emphasizing not one aspect of adolescent develop but all of them, recognizing that no single discipline has a monopoly on the true.

Biological approach: which focuses on the process of sexual maturation and physical growth that takes place during puberty
Examples: involves maturation, functions of the male and female organs; development of secondary sexual characteristics; neurological development; and growth trends in height, weight, and body compositions

Cognitive approach: the study of the effect that these cognitive changes have on the adolescents personality, behavior, learning, problem solving, decision making and IQ
Qualitative changes that take place in the way adolescents think and reason
Quantitative changes that take place in attention, memory and intelligence.

Psychosexual approach: the development of emotions and of the self, including the development of self-concept, gender role and identity; also with mental health and the effect of stress on the adolescents

Social relationships: concern with the ways that teenagers interact with member of families and peers; sexual behaviors, peer pressures,

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With regard to the theoretical perspectives on human development of adolescence; give one example of each on adolescent biology, adolescent maturation, learning and culture. Chapter 2, 4, 5 & 10


CH2-Biology: G.Stanley Hall: Sturm und Drang
G. Stanley Hall believed adolescents are on an emotional seesaw: giddy one moment and depressed the next, apathetic today and impassioned tomorrow.

CH4 adolescent maturation:
Boys: before puberty, the epididymis is relatively large in comparison with testes; after maturity, the epididymis is only about one-ninth the size of the testes
Girls: adolescent girls begins her menstrual cycle about the age 12, although she may mature considerably earlier or later

CH 5 learning: adolescents are able to assume the role of scientist because they have the capacity to construct and test theories. Ex: adolescent participants were shown a pendulum suspended by a string. The problem was to discover which factors would affect the speed by which the pendulum would swing. Pg 121-122
Piaget formal operational stage, - he or she becomes able to construct theories and can test these theories using scientific methods.

CH10 culture: adult culture is different from adolescent culture. For example, several attitudes surveys have revealed that in some ways the sexual attitudes of adolescents diverge from those of adults. For example, today’s teens are less likely to view oral sex as “having sex” than are adults.

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Give one example of each for physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes of the adolescent from age 12 – 18. My Virtual Teen.


Physical: Changes in height and weight differences from 12 years old to 18 years old
The average height and weight for a 12 year old boy is 58-62 inches and 85-100lbs; for an 18 year old boy is 68-70 inches and 150-160lbs
The average height and weight for a 12 year old girl is 60-63 inches and 95-105lbs; at 18 years old 64 inches 125-130lbs.

Cognitive: The start of moral development at age 13, grades, driver license

Social : Age where they want to hang out with friend more than family; starting to style the same as friends

Emotional: Attracting for the opposite sex, emotions of arrival of new siblings.

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