short answer Flashcards
white paper
- restricts Jewish immigration. requires Arab consent for more restricts land purchase. Palestinian state in ten years. Arab high commuter refuses.
peel commission
- result: one state solution not plausible. mandate untenable. recommends partition of territory. Arabs say no, Jews (Weizmann & Ben Gurion) say yes.
Jews living in Palestine before the establishment of the state if Israel. minority. old yishuv- pre aaliyahs
nationalist political project. aims to returns Jews to eretz Israel and enjoy national sovereignty there mix of millenarian and tradition Jewish impulses and European nationalism return to Zion answer to Jewish question
revisionist Zionism
jabotinsky: zionisms goal to create a state on both banks of the Jordan river, the Likud. more cultural than religious
liberal Zionism
dominant until ww1, similar to European liberals
Ben Gurion
first prime minister Of Israel, conservative, anti Arab, more secular
golan heights
occupied territory, taken in 67 war, hafiz al Assad tries to take it back in Yom Kippur war, Sadat doesn’t come through
Jewish migration to Palestine. 1st 1881-1903, minor 13-20k, Jews but land. 2nd-1903-1906 spurred by second set of pogroms
Arab revolt
- strikes, attacks on British forces. civil unrest. attempt to force Brits to curb Jewish immigration. more Palestinians killed by Palestinians. land acquisition, Arabs don’t want to to sell to Jews. divided Palestinians rural v urban.
camp David accords
carter & Sadat want to link Sinai to Palestine, begin doesn’t let that happen. begin refers to rights of Palestinians as only wb and hazard, not refugees. Egypt expelled from Arab league
Amin hajj al Hussein
leader of Palestine, radicalized Palestinian position. opposition to Jewish home in Palestine. 30s, visited butler
sabra and chatila
massacre in south of leb
deir yassin
Palestinian village in Jerusalem, massacres in 48 civil war
eretz Israel
territory between rafa and the litani river, the med sea and east Amman/Jordan river. Israel downplays existence of specific region called Palestine, named eretz Israel as a political act