Shock and Resuscitation 2 Flashcards
The delivery of oxygen to the tissues is dependent on:
– Cardiac output of the animal
– Oxygen content of arterial blood
O2 Delivery (DO2) =
Cardiac output (CO) x Oxygen content of arterial blood (CaO2)
- CO = Heart rate x Stroke volume
- CaO2 = (Hemoglobin x 1.34 x SaO2) + (PaO2 x 0.003)
what do we require for proper tissue perfusion, ie for proper CO and CaO2
– Efficient cardiac pump
– Adequate intravascular volume
– Vasomotor tone
– Adequate hemoglobin / red cell mass
– Good lung function
Resuscitation; To do list
-Ensure patent airway & patient ventilating
>Intubate & ventilate if necessary
-Supplement O2
-Provide intravascular volume support
>Crystalloids, colloids, blood products
>Not appropriate for cardiogenic shock
-Administer pain medication
-Treat primary problem
>Correct GDV, thoracocentesis for tension pneumothorax, address hemoabdomen, etc
goal of resuscitation:
– Normalization of vital parameters
O2 Supplementation methods
- Flow by
- Oxygen hood
- Oxygen cage
- Nasal oxygen
how do we monitor oxygenation while supplementing O2
– MM colour
– Pulse oximetry
* Measures amount of O2 bound to hemoglobin
* Max 100%
* Ideal > 97-100%
* Acceptable > 93%
– Arterial blood gases
what does pulse oximetry measure? what are ideal and acceptable values?
- Measures amount of O2 bound to hemoglobin
- Max 100%
- Ideal > 97-100%
- Acceptable > 93%
most common mismanagement for patients who die from trauma
– Inadequate fluid resuscitation
* Type?
* Volume?
* Rate?
when does the interstitial/intracellular compartment need resuscitation and how do we replace fluid deficits here?
- Dehydration
- Fluid deficits replaced with crystalloids
what fluids can we use to replace deficits in the intravascular compartment? How much?
– Crystalloids
* (2/3rd will leak into the other spaces)
– Colloids
– Hypertonic saline – Blood components
what is our first line therapy for IV fluid selection?
- Crystalloids
– Examples of Balanced Electrolyte Solutions - Lactated Ringers Solution (LRS)
- Plasmalyte A , Plasmalyte 148
- Normosol R
- 0.9% NaCl
Crystalloids composition
– Water, electrolytes (concentrations similar to blood)
– Solutions containing small molecules that may easily pass through blood vessels
what happens to crystalloids upon IV administration?
– ~ 1/3 remains in the intravascular space
– ~ 2/3 leaks out into the interstitium
* Volume of crystalloid administration to blood loss 3:1
Endpoint of fluid therapy for a patient in shock is:
the normalization of the vital signs rather than administration of a specific volume of fluids
- Use math to come up with volumes needed
- Recognize calculated amount is a rough estimate
how do we estimate a fluid volume for administration?
- Based on percentage of volume lost
- Hypovolemic shock noted when:
– ≥30% blood loss
– ≥10% dehydration
when do we note hypovolemic shock?
– ≥30% blood loss
– ≥10% dehydration
blood volume of dog, car, horse, and ruminant
– 80-90 ml/kg (Dog)
– 60ml/kg(Cat)
– 100 ml/kg (Horse)
– 60ml/kg(Ruminant)
how much blood loss for clinical signs or shock to be present?
Expect ≥ 30% blood loss for clinical signs of shock to be present
how much crystalloid volume required to replace blood loss?
Crystalloids - only 30% stays in the intravascular space
3x the crystalloid volume required to replace the blood loss
how do crystalloid solutions administered IV redistribute through the body?
shock rate for crystalloids fluids in dog, cat, horse, ruminant:
~ 1 x blood volume
– 80-90 ml/kg (Dog)
– 60ml/kg(Cat)
– 100 ml/kg (Horse)
– 60ml/kg(Ruminant)
shock volume for 11kg dog
- 11kg dog x 90ml/kg = 990ml ~ 1L
Crystalloid Rate for shock
- As fast as necessary
- Conceptualize shock rate delivered over 1 hour
- Administer 1⁄4 dose in 15-minute increments & reassess
30 kg Dog
Shock volume ~ 90 ml/kg
2700 ml » 3 L over 1 hour
= 750 ml / 15 minutes
5 kg Cat; shock volume and timing of admin
Shock volume ~ 60 ml/kg
300 ml over 1 hour
= 75 ml / 15 minutes
is crystalloid rate for shock volume administration set in stone?
no, can increase or decrease as necessary to normalize vital signs
30kg Dog 10% dehydrated
>what is the total fluid deficit?
- Total fluid deficit = % dehydration x BW(kg)
= 10% x 30 = 10/100 x 30 = 0.1 x 30
= 3 L = 3000 ml
re-expansion of what fluid compartment critical of treating shock
Fluid Replacement - Dehydration; what must we do? what if we have to anesthetize vs not?
- Address shock
– Shock rate fluids in 15 min increments until vital signs normalize
With Anesthesia
* Replace 1⁄2 deficits prior to induction
Without Anesthesia
* Replace remaining deficits over next 12-24 hours
* Rehydration of interstitial compartment to occur over longer time
Crystalloid Administration; Rapid intravenous fluid rates require (for dog and cat):
- Catheter:
– Large
– Short - Place the largest catheter possible
– Large dog - 18g+ catheter
– Cat - 20g catheter - Consider additional catheter placement
hypertonic saline; what is it for and how does it work?
- Hyperosmolar solution
- Many Na+ molecules draw water into the intravascular space
- Very rapid intravascular volume expansion
- Short duration of action
– As Na+ molecules are redistributed
what are colloids? what are they used for?
- Solutions containing large molecules that are trapped & stay within the blood vessels
- Provide oncotic support
- As they stay in the vessel, smaller volumes required for intravascular volume expansion
examples and properties of natural colloids
- Plasma,Blood
- Remain in the vessel
- Require collection
- May need to be thawed
examples and properties of synthetic colloids
– Pentastarch (Canada)
– Hetastarch (US)
– Tetrastarch (Voluven)
– Dextrans
* Remain in the vessel+ draw fluid into the vessel
* Readily available
MAX daily dose for synthetic colloids (dog and cat)? how should we administer?
– 20 ml/kg/day (dog)
– 10 ml/kg/day (cat)
- Administer in 1⁄4 aliquots over 5-10 minutes
- Repeat up to 4X as necessary
- Examples:
*5 ml/kg over 5-10 minutes
*Repeat up to 4X if necessary
*2.5 ml/kg over 5-10 minutes
*Repeat up to 4X if necessary
what volume of blood should we give for a transfusion?
- 10-20 ml/kg whole blood
Transfusion triggers – red cell indices:
(dogs and cats)
– Acute anemia / blood loss
* ~PCV <25% - dogs
* ~PCV <15-20% - cats
A drop in PCV may not be seen with acute hemorrhage
how do crystalloid requirements change when colloids, hypertonic saline or blood are used?
– Crystalloid requirements are reduced
* Approximately 1⁄2
– Will note this once animal resuscitated
Over-aggressive fluid administration may:
- Dislodge early clots
- Aggravate fluid extravasation into damaged tissues
– Lungs: pulmonary edema
– Brain: increase intracranial pressures - Contribute to excessive hemodilution
– General rule of thumb: aggressive fluid administration drops PCV and TS by 1/3
– Transfusion suggested if
* PCV acutely<25%,TS<3.5-4.0g/L
how much does aggressive fluid admin drop PCV and TS by?
PCV and TS values where transfusion is recommended
- PCV acutely < 25%, TS < 3.5-4.0g/L
do we often need the full volume calculated to treat shock with shock rate?
no, rarely
analgesia recommendation for shock
* Mainstay of analgesia in shocky patient
* Minimal cardiovascular & respiratory depression
corticosteroid recommendations for shocky patient, and possible adverse effects
- Examples:
– Dexamethasone
– Prednisolone sodium succinate (Solu-delta-cortef)
– Methylprednisolone sodium succinate (Solu Medrol) - Pharmacological effects – Widespread cellular effect
- Adverse effects:
– Increased risk of infection
– GI ulceration
– No improvement in outcome!
when should we give antibiotics to a shocky patient?
- Administer if
– Open wounds
– Bacteremia /sepsis strong differential diagnosis
– Immunocompromised patient - Otherwise, not used routinely
Delays in resuscitation of a previously healthy patient may have what result?
may render them unresponsive to aggressive therapy later on
> decompensatory shock
what values should we monitor in a shocky patient
- Clinical Signs
– Level of consciousness
– Heart rate / rhythm
– Changes in respiratory rate / rhythm
– MM colour
how should we monitor a shocky patient?
- Monitor for Response to Therapy
- Parameters should be re-evaluated frequently
– Every 5 – 15 minutes - Parameters should be trended & should be improving if resuscitative efforts are appropriate.
most important values to monitor during shock/ best prognostic guides:
- Ideal
– Clinical signs
– pH
– Blood lactate
– CO
– Oxygen delivery
– Oxygen consumption
>last two require invasive monitoring; impractical
other values that are good to watch
* BloodPressure
– BP is an indirect assessment of cardiac output / tissue perfusion
- Blood O2 content
– Direct PaO2
– Indirect SpO2 - PCV/TS
- Lactate
- Blood Volume
– Urinary output (palpate bladder)
> Normal 1-2 ml/kg/hr
Possible Consequences of Shock
– GI hemorrhage / ulceration
– Acute renal failure
– Bacterial translocation
– Endotoxemia / sepsis
– Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (Blood clotting abnormalities)
– Respiratory failure (ARDS)
– Multiple organ failure