Shock Flashcards
What non-cardiac conditions can mimic cardiogenic shock?
Aortic Dissection, Pulmonary Edema
Broad causes of cardiogenic shock?
Traumatic - Cardiac Tamponade
Atraumatic - 1) Mechanical: LVOT, Acute MR, Ventricular septal/free wall/aneurym rupture. 2) Myopathic: AMI, Myocarditis, RVF, Dilated CM
Clinical presentation of cardiogenic shock?
1) Shock features: Hypotension, Tachycardia (unless on beta blockers), Pallor, Diaphoretic, Cold and Clammy peripheries, Thready pulse, End Organ Dysfunction i.e. AMS, Oliguria
2) Cardiac features like Murmurs, S3 and those of LVF (pulmonary oedema): Dyspnea, Wheezing, Crackles, RVF: JV distension. Also, features of cardiac tamponade
What is Beck’s Triad?
JV distension, Pulsus paradoxus, Muffled/distant heart sounds
Management of Cardiogenic Shock?
1) Treat Shock to prevent Ischemia
2) Treat underlying cause
1) Treat shock:
- ABC - maintain airway, intubate if required, high flow oxygen via NBM to maintain SpO2 90%, Large bore IV cannula, Intravenous fluids (monitor progress with TTE findings on IVC) * do not be aggressive in case APO
- Morphine 2-4mg to relieve pain, sedate and reduce adrenergic discharge
- if SBP
What class of shock is Neurogenic, and what other shocks fall under this class?
Distributive. Anaphylactic and septic shock.
What are the two main effects of neurogenic shock and why?
Hypotension and Bradycardia, caused by injury/dysfunction of the sympathethic chain and loss of sympathetic tone from the level of injury downwards. This prevents tonic and reflexive vasoconstriction or tachycardia.
Causes of Neurogenic shock?
Traumatic - Medullary Brainstem injury, cervical & upper thoracic spine injury
Atraumatic- Iatrogenic e.g. regional anesthesia, hemorrhagic shock.
Classic clinical features of Neurogenic Shock?
- Hypotension + Bradycardia
- Warm and Flushed skin/peripheries
- Focal Neurological deficits
- Lax anal tone, priapism, loss of bulbocavernosus reflex
Management of Neurogenic Shock
ABC, Monitor, High flow O2 via NBM, IV cannula and workup
1)Fill the tank - Intravenous IV crystalloids 1-2L
2)Strengthen the tank - Vasopressors like Dopamine in mod/high dose to concurrently provide chronotropic support.
Consider atropine for chronotropy too.
3)Consult Neurosurg and Ortho
What is the main problem in Hypovolemic Shock?
Inadequate volume
Mx of Hypovolemic shock?
1) Aggressive fluid resuscitation 1-2L crystalloids.
2) Then, pressers like IV Dopamine 5-20mcg/kg/min or Noradrenaline 0.5-30mcg/min
What is the problem in Hemorrhagic shock?
Inadequate volume and oxygen binding capacity. Thus, fluid resuscitation alone will not help.
Management of Hemorrhagic Shock
ABC, Vitals, High flow O2 via NBM, Large bore IV Cannula and work up including GXM, PT/PTT, U/E/Cr.
1) Localise and stop the bleed
2) Strategies: If BP normal- avoid aggressive fluid resuscitation as this can dislodge clots and dilute clotting factors; If BP low- fluid resuscitation, 6 units GXM and transfuse with Whole blood, pRBCs, FFP, Platelets.
Little place for vasopressors or inotropes.