Ship Specific Pt. 3 Flashcards
Describe the purpose of EW
Anti-ship Missile Defense
Define and state the purpose of the following EW components
- EP
- EA
- ES
a) EP: Electronic Protect.
b) EA: Electronic Attack.
c) ES: Electronic Support.
Three basic components of radar
a) Transmitter - Produces radio waves
b) Receiver - Collects RF energy from the antenna
c) Antenna - Routes RF energy to the receiver.
List the tactical data processors utilized to manipulate OPELINT information
a) GALE-Lite: Generic Area Limitation - Lite.
b) GCCS-M - Global Command and Control System - Maritime.
c) STRED - Standard Tactical Receive Equipment Display.
Anti ship missile defense.
Joint restricted frequency list. Tie oriented and geographically oriented listing of taboo, protected, and guarded functions, nets, and frequencies.
Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
Hull to Emitter Correlation
Technical ELINT
Analysis of foreign non-comm signals
Operational ELINT
Location and tactics of foreign non-comm signals`