Shinnin no Maki 神人巻 Flashcards
Isami Tasuki Nage 勇 襷 投
A diagonal, over-shoulder or “Pile Driver” throw
Obi Hane Goshi 帶 跳 腰
A variation of Hane Goshi
Tsurikomi Taoshi 釣 込 倒
An off-balance throw, using the arms
Momiji Nage 紅 葉 投
Strangle opponent after being thrown
Gyaku Hayanada 逆 早 刀
A surprise reverse arm-bar
Hiza Nage 膝 投
Knee wheel
Osaekomi Gyakute Tori 抑 込 逆 手 捕
Counter Eri Gatame with arm bar
Kobushi Shime 拳 絞
A knee dislocator
Kesa Hazushi 袈 裟 外
Breaking out of a diagonal body clasp from the rear
Kubi Shime Tomoe Gyakute 首 絞 巴 逆 手
A counter for Momiji Nage
Ninin Nage 二 人 投
Break from two man carry away and throw
Gyakute Gaeshi 逆 手 返
An arm whip
Hizaori Nage 膝 折 投
A combination art, applied when opponent is bending over to prevent being thrown
Gyaku Hagai 逆 羽 交
A double arm lock
Ushiro Kannuki 後 閂
A double armlock from the rear
Mae Kannuki 前 閂
A front double arm bar
Hikitate Tori Shime 引 立 捕 絞
A reverse armbar from knee sitting position
Ude Garami 腕 搦
Arm lock/entanglement
Ebi Shime 蝦 絞
Shrimp constriction
Ushiro Ebi Shime 後 蝦 絞
Rear shrimp constriction
Ushiro Nage 後 投
A rear throw
Gyaku Eri Shime 逆 襟 絞
Quick standing strangle
Shigarami Shime 腕 手 搦 絞
A short arm scissors
Ashi Kannuki 足 閂
Triangular leg lock
Kesa Koroshi 袈 裟 殺
Head butt to solar plexus
Hando Shime 半 胴 絞
Side scissors armbar and strangle
Ashi Gyaku 足 逆
A corkscrew leglock
Kabe Shime 壁 絞
A standing strangle
Ashi Karami Tori 足 絡 捕
Break Ashi Karami and apply leg and armbar and strangle
Nidan Gaeshi 二 段 返
An arm-whip from stomach bump, followed by a kick and Ebi Shime
Satsuma Shime 薩 摩 絞
A strangle applied while opponent is in kneeling position
Tataki Komi 叩 込
A surfboard hold applied after knocking opponent down onto his face
Ushiro Nage Tori 後 投 捕
A one hand cross arm lock after throwing Ushiro Nage
Saru Shigarami 猿 手 搦
An arm stretch from right angles to the body
Sandan Gaeshi 三 段 返
Three level counter