Shinji Flashcards
Shinji quote 1
he was still wearing the same clothes he fished in every day
Shinji quote 2
The realization of this unkown world came pressing in upon him like a distant thunder
Shinji quote 3
their dry chapped lips touched. there was a slight tase of salt its like seaweed shinji thought
Shinji quote 4
He was planning to hide here as a joke instead he deliberately let her know where he was
Shinji quote 5
No matter how much times change very bad things will always disappear before they get to our island
Shinji quote 6
This place of toil had become for him a place of matchless rest
Shinji quote 7
As shinji read the words Hatsues image and voice would finally come into focus together
Shinji quote 8
Uneasiness, despair, confusion and anguish had joined forces and bore down upon him
Shinji quote 9
Double suicide then? Even on the island there had been lovers who took to that solution
Shinji quote 10
The boy felt a consumate accord between himself and this opulent of nature that surrounded him
Shinji quote 11
there flashed across his mind of hatsues photograph
Shinji quote 12
He felt ashamed of himself the way he had been squatting on the deck until now practically cowering