Shemot Summary Flashcards
פרק א
Slaves in Egypt
פרק ב
Introduction to Moshe
פרק ג
Burning Bush 1
פרק ד
Burning Bush 2, Moshe returns to Egypt and convincing Bnei Yisrael
פרק ה
Moshe and Aaron go to Pharaoh, the Israelites get abused
פרק ו
Moshe can’t convince Israel, doubts himself, generations of clans
פרק ז
Moshe and Aaron go to Pharaoh again, Magicians, Blood
פרק ח
Frogs, Lice, ערב
פרק ט
Dead Livestock, Boils, Hail
פרק י
Locusts and Darkness
פרק יא
Preparation for the final plague
פרק יב
Sacrificial Lambs, Blood on door posts, Pesach, Death of the Firstborn, Leaving Egypt
פרק יג
Consecration of the First Born, The travels of the Jewish People, Pillar of Cloud and Fire
פרק יד
Pharaoh chases the Israelites, Splitting the Sea
פרק טו
Song of the Sea, Miriam’s Song, Sweet Water