Shelf day 2 Flashcards
Treatment of patient with diffuse ST segment elevation, recent URI, chest pain worse when sitting/lying
NSAIDS and colchicine (acute pericarditis)
Indications for placement of implantable cardiodefibrilator
Ventricular arrhythmia (v. tach) with LVEF <35%
Scrotal mass (heavy) separate from testes, improves with elevation, no other associated symptoms (imaging and mechanism)
Varicocele (retrograde venous flow, dilation of paminoform plexus)
Projectile nonbilous vomiting in newborn with a palpable “olive” mass
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
“opening snap”, 2/6 diastolic murmur at apex
mitral stenosis
hard, symmetric, midline structure on the hard palate
torus palanititus (congenital)
abscess on floor of mouth comes from the teeth, requires I&D
Ludwig’s angina
type of shoulder dislocation following seizure
Poster shoulder dislocation
poorly localized, achy anterior knee pain with crepitus, and pain with deep palpation of patella tendon (dx/tx)
patellofemoral pain syndrome, stretching/quad strength exercises
pop followed by visible buldge “pop-eye sign”
biceps tendon rupture
respiratory distress, neurological dysfunction, petechiae
fat embolism syndrome (following fracture)
progressive sore throat, now with difficulty breathing in HIV patient
after severe vomitting, thoracic pain radiating to back, left sided pleural effusion, signs of sepsis
Boerhaver syndrome
continuous “machinery-like” murmur, bounding peripheral pulses in infant dx/tx
patent ductus arteriosus, indomethacin if premature, otherwise need surgery
loud pansystolic murmur and failure to thrive in infant
ventricular-septal defect, dx with echo, tx with surgery