Sheldon 1.1 Flashcards
ich denke schon
I think so, I believe so, I guess so, I suppose so
uns geht’s gut
We are fine, we’re good, we’re ok, we are doing (just) fine
Probably, presumably, Likely
Der Schnurrbart (bärte)
Moustache, wiskers
sagst du etwas dazu?
Are you saying something? (About it?)
Ja allerdings
Ganz sicher
Sure, quite sure, quite certain, certainly
Das geht nicht
Thats not possible, it can’t, we can’t do, no can do
Lieber nicht
I prefer not, better not, let`s not
Das reicht
That‘s enough, that‘s right, that‘s it, that‘s all, that will do
Gar nichts ist ok
Nothing is ok
Jetzt gerade
Right now, this moment
Was ist los?
What‘s going on?, what‘s wrong, what‘s the matter, what is it, what‘s happening, what happened, what‘s on
Stört es dich nicht?
Doesn‘t bother you?
Geh schon!
Go on, go already