Sheila quotes Flashcards
In the opening stage directions, Sheila is introduced as “a p__ g__…v__ p__ w__ l__”.
“a pretty girl…very pleased with life”
When the inspector explains to Sheila what happened to Eva Smith, Sheila demonstrates her attitude by saying “I w__ y__ h__ t__ m_”.
“I wish you hadn’t told me”
Sheila’s immaturity is evident when she refers to Mrs. Birling as what?
Sheila’s realisation of the uncaring way in which her father treats his workers is evident when she says “t__ g__ a__ c__ l__ - t__ p__”.
“these girls aren’t cheap labour - they’re people”
Sheila initially can’t believe she’s done anything wrong when she asks “s__ I_ r__ r__?”. She then accepts blame: “i_ w__ m_ o__ f__”.
1) “so I’m really responsible?” 2) “it was my own fault”
The Inspector reflects on Sheila’s actions to summarise that she was “j__ o_ h__” and that “y__ u__ t__ p__ y__ h__…t_ p__ t__ g__”.
1) “jealous of her” 2) “you used the power you had…to punish the girl”
Sheila knows the Inspector somehow knows all, and is just waiting for everyone to admit what they did, when she says “o_ c__ h_ k__” and “I d__ u__ a__ y__”. She says to her mother, “h_ h__ s__ o_ y__ y__”.
1) “of course he knows” 2) “I don’t understand about you” 3) “he hasn’t started on you yet”
Sheila reflects on the complacence of her privileged family: “w_ a__ s__…s_ c__, s_ p__ w__ o__ u__ h_ b__ a__ u_ q__”.
“we all started…so confident, so pleased with ourselves until he began asking us questions”
Sheila warns her mother that her attempts to avoid the Inspector’s questions are futile, and that “y__ m__ t__ t_ b__ u_ a k__ o_ w__ b__ u_ a__ t__ g__”.
“you mustn’t try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl”
When Birling says to the inspector that “I don’t propose to give you much more rope”, Sheila morbidly remarks that “h__ g_ u_ t__ r__ - s_ t__ w__ h___ o__”.
“he’s giving us the rope - so that we’ll hang ourselves”
Sheila accepts her responsibility, and that of the others, in the quote “p__ b__ u_ w_ k__ h__”.
“probably between us we killed her”
Sheila is constantly silenced and told she behaves childishly. For example, her mother tells her to “p__ b_ q__, Sheila”, that “y__ b__ l__ a h__ c__” and “d__ b_ c__, Sheila”.
1) ‘please be quiet, Sheila’ 2) ‘you’re behaving like a hysterical child tonight’ 3) ‘don’t be childish, Sheila’
Sheila objects to being treated like a child when she says “h_ m__ t__ I_ g__ h__ n__”, and “I_ n__ a c__, d__ f__”.
1) ‘he means that I’m getting hysterical now’ 2) ‘I’m not a child, don’t forget’
Sheila bitterly says to Gerald that “y__ w__ t__ w__ F__ P__”. When he admits that he adored Eva treating him like this, she softens, saying that “I r__ r__ y__ m__ t__ I__ e__ d__ b__”.
1) “you were the wonderful Fairy Prince” 2) “I rather respect you more than I’ve ever done before”
Despite gaining a degree of respect for Gerald’s honesty about how he enjoyed being treated like a “Fairy Prince”, Sheila still knows that “y__ a__ I a__ t__ s__ p__ w__ s__ d__ t_ d__”. She “h__ h__ t__ r__”.
1) “you and I aren’t the same people who sat down to dinner” 2) “hands him the ring”
When they find out Goole was not on the police force, and her parents act as if the problem is resolved, Sheila ironically says “I s__ w__ a__ n__ p__ n__”.
“I suppose we’re all nice people now”
Sheila reflects Eric when she reflects that, whether Goole was “real” or not, “h_ i__ u_ a__ r__”. She knows that “e__ w_ s__ h__ r__ h__ h__” and that this is what’s important, “n__ w__ a m__ i_ a p__ o__ o_ n__”.
1) “he inspected us all right” 2) “everything we said happened really had happened” 3) “not whether a man is a police officer or not”
Sheila knows that “b__ u_ w_ d__ t__ g__ t_ c__ s__”.. And, even when Gerald theorises that there was more than one girl, Sheila remarks that “i_ i_ d__ e__ t__…i_ m__ h__ d__”.
1) “between us we drove that girl to commit suicide” 2) “if it didn’t end tragically…it might have done”.
When Gerald theorises that there was more than one girl, he and the parents seem to think that now everything is changed. Sheila tells them twice that “i_ f__ m_ t__ w__y__ t__” and that “y__ j__ b__ t_ p__ a__ o__ a__”. She sarcastically says that “w_ c__ a__ g_ o_ b__ j__ a_ w_ d__”.
1) “it frightens me the way you talk” 2) “you’re just beginning to pretend all over again” 3) “we can all go on behaving just as we did”
Sheila harshly tells her parents that “y__ b__ t_ l__ s__. A__ n__ y__ s__”.
“you began to learn something. And now you’ve stopped”.