Sheila quotes Flashcards
A quote that shows Sheila’s immature behaviour.
“mummy, daddy”
A quote that shows Sheila isn’t as immature as we thought.
“I can’t help thinking about this girl- destroying herself so horribly”
A quote showing Sheila’s sympathy for abusing her power.
“How could I have known what would happen?”
A quote showing Sheila taking responsibility.
“I know I’m to blame”
A quote showing Sheila’s grief.
“I’m staying here until I know why that girl killed herself.”
A quote showing Sheila’s change after the confrontation.
“You and I aren’t the same people who sat down to dinner”
A quote showing Sheila is angry with her parents.
“You’re beginning all over again like nothing has just happened.”
Quotes showing Sheila being more mature than her parents.
“You don’t seemed to have learnt anything.” and “It’s you two who are being childish.”