Sheila Flashcards
Except for all
Last summer when you never came near me
Oh it’s
Wonderful look mummy isn’t it a beauty
But these girls
Aren’t cheap labour they’re people
She looks at it
Closely gives a half stifled sob and then runs out
So I’m
Really responsible ?
At least I’m
Trying to tell the truth
And it just suited her
She was the right type for it just as I was the wrong type
But she was
Pretty and looked as if she could take care of herself
He means that I’m
Getting hysterical now
Yes you did
And if you really loved me you couldn’t have said that
You mustn’t
To build up a wall between us and that girl if you do the inspector will just break it down
And probably between us
We killed her
You were the wonderful
Fairy prince you must have adored it
In fact in some
Odd way I rather respect you
We’d have to start
All over again getting to know each other
No excuse for putting on
Airs and that if we’ve any sense we won’t try
I think that was cruel and vile
Well it doesn’t to me
And it oughtn’t to you either
It’s you two
Who are being childish trying not to face the facts
It doesn’t make
Any real difference
It frightens me
The way you talk
Everything we said had happened
Really happened if it didn’t end tragically then that’s lucky for us
A pretty girl …
Very pleased with life