Shark Musculature (week 2) Flashcards
Mysomeres (myotomes)
Individual trunk muscle segments; propulsion
Connective tissue beteen myomeres
Epaxial muscles
Myomere segments dorsal to the transverse septum
Hypaxial muscles
Myomere segments ventral to the transverse septum
Transverse septum
Separation between epaxial and hypaxial muscle
Ventral gill constrictors
Constricts gill cavities
Dorsal gill constrictors
Constricts gill cavities
Hyoid gill constrictor
Constricts gill cavities
Levator hyomandibulae
Raises jaw
Adductor mandibulae
Closes jaw
Elevares and moves pectoral fin cranially
Levator palatoquadrate
Elevates jaw
Pectoral levators
Elevate pectoral fins
Pectoral depressers
Depress pectoral fin
Opens jaw
Opens jaw