Shareholders rights Flashcards
Board of directors decisions made by?
Ordinary majority
board powers come from?
who are the members in general meeting + stat
112 CA 2006
1 subscribers of first memorandum (basically first shreholders).
2. every other person in members register
How do members make decisions
- resolutions at general meetings (all reg. comp.)
- OR written resolutions (private reg. comp.)
- OR Unanimous assent (common law)
Ordinary resolutions require + stat
simple majority of votes (above 50%) s 282 (1) CA 2006
Special resolutions require special majority of + stat
75% at gen. meeting s 283 (1)
How come shareholders hold ultimate power + stat
they may dismiss directors by ordinary resolution s.168
Certain matters can only be determined by special resolution like what?
Altering articles s21
Art 4 of model articles:
Shareholders can instruct directors (not)to take certain action
Overview general meeting + stat
- All members=right to attend GM
- Members attend&vote personally, audio-vis, thru proxies
- Right to appoint proxy s325
- PLCs must hold annual meetings s336(1)
members with full paid shares of at least 5% or at least 100 members with shares paid up to £100 each on average may: +stat
- require company to give notice of a resolution that they want tabled at next AGM s338
- Require that a matter be included on AGM agenda
Rules regarding notice for GMs + stat
- at least 14 days notice gen. required
- for PLCs 21
- for ‘traded comps.’ 21 days
- GMs that aren’t Annual GMs can be called by directors (if its 8months till next AGM) s302
- directors can be instructed to do so by members representing 5% of paid up shares (at least) s303
- courts have discretionary power to order GM s306
Effectiveness of GMs
- do little to empower because
- attendance impractical as members are round globe
- large %age of shares held by institutional shareholders (organisations)
- proxies=matters decided before meeting
- important matters, usually rubber stamped
Can shareholders effectively hold board accountable?
1- in reality, board of PLC holds much power
2- issues e.g. distance mean that shareholders dont interfere with board
3- argument: director=not accountable. esp. in big businesses where short term finance performance satisfies shareholders
4- inadequate supervision of directors can lead to comp. collapse and finance scandals
Duty in s172(1) (effort to remedy lack of director supervision)
director must act in a way, in a good faith, that he believes will promote the success of company for members as a whole. In doing so they must HAVE REGARD TO (list of 6 in stat book)
is ‘have regard’ too vague to have effect on director conduct?