Shaping and Prompting Flashcards
The term for behaviours that are problematic because they occur too often.
Behavioural Excesses
Behavioural deficits are…
Behaviours that should occur, but do not
The term that describes ‘The process of learning a new behaviour”
Behavioural Acquisition
The development of new behaviour through reinforcement of successive approximations is called…..
Shaping is used to change a d__________ of behaviour
First step of shaping is to D________ the target behaviour
The development of complex behaviour through reinforcement of a specified sequence of behaviours is called …….
In a chain of behaviours each link in the chain can serve as both a _______ for the next behaviour in the chain and a _________ for the previous behaviour
SD and reinforcer
detailed specification of all the component steps within a behavioural chain is known as what ?
Task analysis
method in which behaviours in a chain are taught sequentially, from first to last.
Forward Chaining
method in which behaviours in a chain are taught from last to first.
Backward Chaining
In backward chaining, learners access the f________ r___________ on every practice trial
final reinforcer
procedure in which the entire chain of behaviours is taught in a single presentation.
Total task presentation
What type of chaining method should you use when the learner is competent in each of the individual steps
Total Task Presentation
SDs that have been altered in some way to make them more noticeable and more likely to prompt a correct behaviour
Within-stimulus Prompts
additional stimuli presented in conjunction with the SD to help a person make the correct response.
Extra-stimulus Prompts
Once the behaviour occurs without prompting, we say we have transferred…
Stimulus Control
the gradual removal of prompts so that the behaviour comes under the control of a discriminative stimulus.
procedure in which more intrusive prompts gradually are replaced with less intrusive prompts.
Fading across prompts
procedure in which a particular prompt is made less and less noticeable across trials.
Fading within prompts