Shapes & Structures Of Molecules Part 2 Flashcards
How many electrons in an orbital?
What are degenerate orbitals?
These with the same energy, such as the three 2p orbitals.
How many quantum numbers are used to describe the movement and trajectories of each electron in an atom?
4- n, l, ml and ms.
Any electron in an atom has a unique set of four quantum numbers.
What is the principal quantum number, n?
Describes the energy of an electron and its most probable distance from the nucleus- which SHELL it is in.
Integers n=1,2,3,4…
What is the angular momentum (azimuthal) quantum number, l?
Determines the SHAPE of an orbital (sub shell) as well as the orbital angular momentum of an electron (momentum as it moves about in the orbital).
L takes integer values from 0 to n-1.
L=0(s), 1(p), 2(d), 3(f)…
How is orbital angular momentum calculated?
Where ħ is reduced Plancks constant= h/2pi
What is the magnetic quantum number, ml?
Distinguishes the available orbitals in a sub-shell and defines their orientation (specifically the component of the angular momentum on a particular axis).
For l=0, ml=0
For l=1, ml=-1,0,+1
Which quantum numbers define an electron’s spin angular momentum?
s= 1/2 (magnitude) ms= +1/2,-1/2 (orientation
What is a wave function?
A mathematical function describing the properties of a particle such as an electron.
Psi^2 gives the probability of finding the electron at a given set of coordinates (prob. density).
Is an orbital a wave function?
Yes, a one-electron wavefunction.
Each orbital has a different wavefunction (so electron has different properties) defined by the quantum numbers n, l, and ml.
How can the wavefunctions for one-electron systems be calculated?
Solving Schrödingers equation. The solutions are the atomic orbitals.
How to calculate the energy associated with each wavefunction for a one-electron system?
En= - Rh x (z/n)^2
Where Rh is the Rydberg constant, with units of energy.
Thus for a given nucleus, the energy of an orbital depends on n only (I.e., for one-electron systems, 2s and 2p are degenerate).
Why are the energies of orbitals negative?
As n gets larger, En tends towards zero.
At zero energy, n is so large that the electron and nucleus are separate.
Thus Rh corresponds to the ionisation energy for the atom.
What is the advantage of writing the wavefunction in polar coordinate form instead of Cartesian form?
It can then be written as the product of two functions.
R(r) x Y(theta, phi)
Where R is the radial part, defined by n and l.
Where Y is the angular part, defined by l and ml.
Why are s orbitals said to have spherical symmetry?
The wavefunction is independent of theta and phi and depends only on r
What is the Radial Distribution Function, RDF?
Shows the electron density at a distance r from the nucleus, summed over all angles. It may be thought of as the sum of the electron density in a thin shell at a radius r from the nucleus.
RDF= [R(r)]^2 x 4pi*r^2
The radial part of the wavefunction for the 2s orbital equals 0 (/RDF=0) at a radius of about 2 Bohr radii. What does this mean?
There is a radial node here.
The electron will not be found here.
Why are the radial parts of the wavefunctions for all 3 2p orbitals all the same?
They do not depend on the value of ml.
None have radial nodes (but at r=0, psi=0).
Why are the angular parts of the wavefunctions of the 2p orbitals different?
They do depend on ml; hence they have different orientations (ie. along each axis) and one angular node each (e.g. 2px orbital has angular node in yz plane).
How many radial nodes does the 3s orbital have ?
2 (change of sign/phase twice).
How many nodes do the 3p orbitals have?
2- one radial and one angular.
How many nodes do the 3d orbitals have?
2 (both angular nodes)
There define planes for the xy, xz, yz and x2-y2 orbitals, and nodal cones for the z2 orbitals (semi-angles theta= 54.7 and 125.3 degrees).
Give formulae for the total number of nodes possessed by an orbital.
Total no. of nodes = n-1
No. of angular nodes = l
No. of radial nodes = n-1-l
Why is it impossible to solve the Schrödinger equation for multi-electron systems?
In addition to attraction between the nucleus and electrons there is also electron-electron repulsion, which complicates things.