Shallow foundation design Flashcards
Foundation Type
Pad - Square, rectangular or circular only supports one or two column
Strip - Has a length mush larger than it s width and supports walls or a row of closely grouped piles
Raft - Supports part or all of the structure. If theres a void inn the middle its a compensated raft
Drained vs Undrained Analysis
Undrained means low permeability in relation to the loading rate
- Tresca therefore Total Stress analysis
Drained mean high permeability in relation to the loading rate
- Mohr coulomb therefore effective stress analysis
Terzaghi - “ All measurable effects of change in effective stress ( compression, distortion, change in shearing resistance) are all exclusively due to changes in effective stress”
Drained vs Undrained
- FoS
- change in total stress carried by the structure, therefore change in effective stress
- this results in a change of volume and inresed strength
- strength properties are proportional to the total stress (Mohr coulomb)
- No change in volume therefore the change in total stress is carried by change in PWP
- No change in effective stress so short term is critical
- PWP dissipates leading to an increase in effective stress until the PWP is in equilibrium with the hydraulic boundary conditions
Fos = sum(shearing resistacne)/sum(disturbing forces)
Bearing Capacity
The amount of pressure a foundation can take before the geoology bellow undergoes shear failure
Depends on
- Soil properties
- Foundation shape, size , depth
- Inclination of loading and eccentricity
- Soil failure modes
- Application of moments
Bearing capacity symbols
qf = bearing capacity at failure
qw = working bearing capacity
qs = safe bearing capacity (apply FoS to qf)
qi’ = effective qi
qi,net = qi - p0 since its the change in pressure that causes changes. This is opposed to qi,gross
Analytical approches to bearing capactiy
Limit Equilibrium
Limit Analysis (Upper Bound an Lower Bound)
Stress Field Analysis
Top two are approximates
- Good for geometries which are complex for stress feild
- Gives insights into failure mechanisms
Assumption made throughout?
Information each analytical approach provides
- Assumed plain strain for strip footing
Stability = all
Movements = only upper bound limit analysis does this crudely
Adjacent structures = none
- Numerical does it all
- Closed Form solutions doesnt give stability but does give movements and effect on adjacent structures
Limit equilibrium
- Selects an arbitrary slip surface an assumes failure all along it
- Assumes failure throughout a rigid-plastic block
- Find internal forces for equlibrium
- qf = 5.52Su + po
Limit Analysis (Upper bound)
Applies kinematically admissible mechanism of deformation
- Splits the domain into rigid sliding blocks
- Assume a displacement of delta of the foundation and equate internal and external work using a hodograph to get relative displacements
- Gives an unsafe value with q>=qf
Limit Analysis (Lower Bound)
Applies a balance of internal and external loads, assuming that everywhere is in equilibrium
- Split the domain into stress blocks, regions of constant stress
- Determine the forces required for equilibrium using a mohrs circle for each region
- safe q<= qf
- Equilibrium across stress discontinuitys
- Stress shouldnt violate the failre crtiterion
Limit Analysis
- Comparison of upper and lower bound
Upper boud and lower bound conversge to the same solution, one from the top and the other from below with increase in deformation blocks/strress regions
Called the Prandtl Solution
Stress Field Solution
- Most accurate for idealised foundations
Considers stress equilibrium at a point and applied the appropriate failure criterion
Prandtl Solution can be obtained from upper and lower bound Limit analysis therefore “exact”
qf = Nc,strip Su + po
qf’ = c’Nc,strip+p0’Nq,strip +B/2(gamma’)Ngamma,strip
Nc,strip = 2 + pi for an infinite strip
Ni,strip varries with phi’, with a rapid increase after 30 degrees
Limitation of analytical approaches (prandtl)
- assumed infinite strip
- Foundation on soil (no depth)
- Smooth foundation
- Vertical load (no horizontal or moment)
- Idealised soil response ( homogeneous and no water table)
Multiplication factors
Assumes the variation of one property at a time then multiplies them all therefore approximate
- Shape
- depth –> for drained this is only applied to c’ ad still found using drained methods. Not applied to the others since its taken into account in po’ and has no affect on the foundations self weight
- load inclination
Can be applied for base and ground inclinations as well
Shape Factor
Squares have increased bearing capacity since there is a greater volume of soil for the failure surface to pass through per unit of pressure to form a complete failure mechanism
Depth factor
-A deeper foundation requires a the failure surface to travel through more ground for a complete failure mech
-Increases the overburden preassure
Horizontal Loading
-Must check base sliding
Hf = A’Su (undrained) with A’ =B’L’
Hf = VTan(delta) (Drained)
delta = phi’crit for insitu cast conc or 2/3phi’crit for precast foudations
Eccentricity and Moment
-Non-uniform loading can lead to non-unifrom stress distribution below the foundation so to avoid lifting e <= B/6, uin the middle third
- Reduce the area to A’
B’ = B - 2eb
L’ = L - 2el
- Moment decomposed to eccentricity and load
Varying undrained strength
Su increaces with depth
- Sum is at the GL
-Su0 is at the foundations base level
K determined using circular foundations
- Nc,strip changes
- sc found from sc circle
Varying ground water level
Water reduced the nit weight therefore use the worst case scenario for a fluctuating water table
1. GWT bellow foundation depth
- No affect, failure in the dry soil
- GWT at or above the foundations depth
- Failure through submerged soil
gamma’ = gamma_sat - du/dz - For hydrostatic du/dz = gamma_water, other
variation occur in pumped cofferdams or the
construction river piers
- Failure through submerged soil
Sketches of the cases also contained
FoS general definitions
Fb = applied the net bearing capacity (loads)
Fs = applied to strength
- Su
- phi’
- c’
FoS (Undrained)
Fbu = qf,net/qw,net
Fsu = Su,design/Su,mobilised
- qf varies linearly with Su therefore Fbu=Fsu and should be 2.5 to 3 but often taken as 1.4
- qw gives Su,mobilised
FoS (Drained)
Fbd = qf,net’/qw,net’ , 2.5 to 3.5
Fs(phi’) = Tan(phi’_design)/Tan(phi’_mobilised), 1.25
Fsc’ = c’_design/c’_mobilised, 1.25
- Fs(phi’) affect all Ni while Fsc’ only affects c’
- c’ harder to measure than phi’ so usually a higher Fos is used for Fsc’
- Generally Fbd > Fs(phi’)
- Nonlinear relationship that varris with phi’,
increased angle means a steeper curve