Shakspear vocab Flashcards
What does Repose mean?
State of resting after exertion or strain
What does palpable mean?
Capable of being touched or felt
What does infirm mean?
Physical or mental weakness
What does Equivocate mean?
To avoid committing oneself in what one says
What does Paracide mean?
Someone who kills a close relative
What does commend mean?
To praise formally or officially
What does rebuke mean?
To criticize sharply
What does vile mean?
Extremely unpleasant
What does grapple mean?
To engage in a close fight
What does obscure mean?
Not clear
What does sacreligious mean
Misuse of what is considered sacred
What does malice mean?
Intention or desire to do evil
What does renown mean?
Condition of being known or popular