SHAKESPEAREAN COMEDY critical quotes Flashcards
“Comedy moves from confusion to order, from ignorance to understanding, from law to liberty.”
Laroque (festive comedy)
“Shakespeare’s festive comedies revel in a carnival spirit of liberty and irreverence… They praise the wisdom of folly, as constancy and happiness are ultimately proved right once the young lovers are allowed to leave the labyrinth of errors, tricks, or illusions.”
Maslen (tragedy and comedy)
“Tragedy dealt with times that were safely past… Comedy, by contrast, dealt with the dangerous present.”
Kerr (comedy 1)
“Comedy cocks an eye upward at the very same man who is straining to divinize himself and notices that he is packing a little extra weight.”
Kerr (comedy 2)
“Comedy occurs when there is no way out.”
Kerr (comedy 3)
“Tragedy speaks always of freedom. Comedy will speak of nothing but limitation.”