Shakespeare Objective - Macbeth Flashcards
Who delivers the new title to Macbeth? What is this title?
Ross. He delivers the title of Thane of Cawdor. (Angus was with him.)
Who talks to the King about the two battles that Macbeth endured through?
A sergeant and Ross.
Why was the Thane of Cawdor sentenced to death?
He was working for Norway (presumably). He also confessed to treason.
What does it mean when MB says “If chance will have me King / Why chance may crown me / Without my stir.”?
If fate wants him to be king, he will be king without him having to do anything.
What was Banquo’s excuse for Macbeth’s distractedness?
That his new title garments are difficult to get used to, and he’s just distracted as he needs to break them in.
Who confirmed the death of Cawdor to the King?
Malcolm did.
What did Duncan mean in “There’s no art / To find the mind’s construction in the face”?
As he was describing Cawdor, he meant that there’s no way to read a man’s mind by looking at his face.
Who is Duncan’s oldest son? What was bestowed upon him?
Malcolm. He bestowed his kingdom and named Malcolm the prince of Cumberland.
Where is Macbeth’s castle located?
What is MB’s problem with Malcolm?
Malcolm became an heir to the throne which means he must overcome him to be king.
When MB’s says “Stars hide your fires! / Let not light see my black and deep desires”, what are his desires?
He desires to be king, and he realizes he must do something to the king and future kings.
What does Lady Macbeth worry about?
She worries that MB doesn’t have the ambition and what it takes to seize the crown. She says he is too good of a man that is filled with kindness.
What does Lady Macbeth plan to do after she reads the letter?
She plans to persuade him and talk him out of whatever is keeping him from going after the crown.
What help does Lady Macbeth need from the spirits?
She wishes to be less like a woman and more like a man, and she wants to be filled with cruelty and she cannot feel remorse.
What does Lady Macbeth say about Macbeth’s face? What advice does she give him?
She says that people can read his face, and he must appear the way people expect him to look. He should look innocent when greeting the king.
What is Lady Macbeth’s plan?
She plans to kill Duncan herself, and she decides to plan the whole thing. She is going to get his 2 servants very drunk, then blame the murder on them.
What compliments do the King and Banquo give about Macbeth’s castle?
They say the air is sweet, and that the summer bird marlin nests here in the summer where air is the nicest.
Why does MB doubt the plan?
He has received many good opinions from other people about him as the King has praised him, and he doesn’t want to throw that away yet.
How does Lady Macbeth convince Macbeth to go on with the plan after his doubts?
She tells him to be a man, and that he swore to murder Duncan. (She gave ex. of her smashing a babies head, as she would do it if she had sworn to.)
What does Macbeth say about Lady Macbeth’s attitude?
That she has a fearless masculine spirit and he wishes for her to give birth to only males because of this.
What does Banquo hand Macbeth?
A diamond from Duncan for their hospitality.
What does Macbeth see right before he kills Duncan? What does he make of it?
He sees an imaginary dagger that he cannot touch but he can see. It’s covered in blood and reminds MB about the same dagger he is about to use as the murder weapon. He decides that there is no dagger there, but it’s just a nightmare thought.
Why couldn’t Lady Macbeth kill Duncan?
He reminded her of her father.