Shakespeare Flashcards
Iife, poem, plays.and criticisms.
- Shakespeare was born at startford-on-avon. Startford was the name of the town where he was born. What was Avon ?
A river on the bank of which startford was situated.
- How many plays did Shakespeare write in all ?
- How many sonnets did Shakespeare write in all ?
- What is Shakespeare Venus and Adonis ?
A narrative poem
- To whom did Shakespeare dedicate his first narrative poem
“Venus and Adonis” ?
Earl of Southampton- Henry wriothesley wealthy patron who supported him during plague from 1592- 1594.
- Who called Shakespeare” An upstart crow beautified with our feathers”?
Robert greene.” An upstart crow beautified with our feathers”?
- Who wrote the malicious pamphlet entitled “ A Goat’s Worth of Wit brought with a Million of Repentance” against Shakespeare.
Robert Greene.
- Who ridiculed Shakespeare by saying that he knew “ little of Latin and less of Greek”
Ben Jonson.
- What said “ Shakespeare has only heroines and no heros “ in his play
- Dryden’s “All for Love” is based on which Shakespeare’s play ?
Antony and Cleopatra.
- The phrase “What’s in a name?That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet”
Occurs in
Romeo and Juliet.
It is said by Juliet in act 2 scene 2
- The title of the novel “ sound and fury” written by Faulkner reminds us of Shakespeares
- Aldous Huxley took hint for the title for his novel brave new world
From so
Shakespeare play.
brave new world - Aldous Huxley
From Tempest
14 Shakespeares King Lear was given a happy ending by
Nahun tate gave King Lear a happy ending
- “…..I’ll break my staff,
Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,
And deeper than did ever plummet sound,
I’ll drown my book.” In these words Shakespeare pronounces the ending of his dramatic career. In which play does he pronounce it ?
The tempest.
- “……the rarer actions is
The virtue than in vengeance” this is summing up of Shakespeare’s philosophy of life. Which play does he express this philosophy?
The Tempest.
Prospero tells this to Ariel.
- Which was the last play written by Shakespeare ?
The Tempest.
18 “Others abide our questions. Thou art free, we ask and ask— thou smilest and art still,
Out-topping knowledge”
Those lines are written in praise of Shakespeare by
“Others vide our questions. Thou art free, we ask and ask— thou smilest and art still,
Out-topping knowledge”
Mathew Arnold.
- “The greatest genius that perhaps human nature has yet produced, our myriad-minded Shakespeare” who makes this observation
“The greatest genius that perhaps human nature has yet produced, our myriad-minded Shakespeare” - Coleridge.
- “Soul of the age!
The applause! Delight! The the Wonder of our stage!
My Shakespeare, rise.”
Who praises Shakespeare in these words
Soul of the age!
The applause! Delight! The the Wonder of our stage!
My Shakespeare, rise
Ben Jonson.
- “thou in our wonder and astonishment,
Has built thyself a live-long monument,
And so sepulchre’d in such pomp dost lie,
That kings for such a Tomb would wish to die.” Who praises Shakespeare in these words.
John Milton.
- Life is a walking shadow , a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more”
Which play do these lines occur?
- Who has written”Tales from Shakespeare” ?
The brother and sister - Charles lamb and Mary lamb
- Which play does Shakespeare attack Puritans ?
Twelfth night - malvalio Steward in Olivia’s house. A puritan, vain, snob and pompous man. Who is portrayed an main antagonist.
- “Age cannot wither her, nor customs stale” about whom are these lines spoken ?
- “Age cannot wither her, nor customs stale her infinite variety” about whom are these lines spoken ?
A friend of Mark Antony says that Cleopatra is overwhelmingly attractive to mennotso much because ofher beauty as because ofherfascinating unpredictability and range of moods.
- Imogen is the heroine of ?
Imogen- Cymbeline.
- Who has written the critical book of “Characters of Shakespeare’s play”
William _______
William Hazlitt - “Characters of Shakespeare’s play”
- Who is the author of “Preface to Shakespeare” ?
Smauel ___________
Smauel Johnson.
the Preface to Shakespeare is characterized by sweeping generalizations about the dramatist’s work and by stunning pronouncements about its merits, judgments that elevated Shakespeare to the top spot among European writers
- Name the play in which the hero dies at the end of the fourth act, but the play continues to the Fifth Act:
Antony and Cleopatra
WhenAntonyfears thatCleopatrahas betrayed him to Caesar, she sends false word that sheisdead, hoping to win over his affections once more.Antony isdevastated by the news and resolves todiehimself. He falls onto his sword andismortally wounded.
- Name the play in which the hero and the heroine die together ?
Romeo and Juliet
- Which of the following is not a Roman play ?
a) Antony and Cleopatra
b) Coriolanus
c) Titus andronicus
d) Timon of Athens.
Timon of Athens is not a Roman play.
- “Fraility, thy name is woman” in which play does this line occur ?
It’s quoted by hamlet himself.
34.”Neither a borrower nor a lender
For loan often loses both itself
And friend”
Is quoted by whom in Hamlet
Polonius to his son laertes.
35 “Sweet are the uses of adversitywhich, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head. “ Which play does it line appear ?
As you like it. Duke Senior, statesthisin act 2 scene 1
Meaning there is sometimes a silver lining even in the worst situations.
- “There’s a Divinity that shapes
our ends,
Rough-hew them how we will”
From which play it’s quoted.
Hamlet means that God is in control of what happens to us, guiding us even as we try to forge our own paths through life.
- “Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never tastes of death but once” which play does this line occur
Caesar rejects Calpurnia’s (ceasers wife) cautionary pleas with the words
- “The quality of mercy is not strained,
It dropped as the gentle rain from heaven,
Upon the place beneath : it is twice blessed;
It blessed him that gives and him that takes” which character says this line in what play ?
Portia in Merchant of Venice.
Portia teaches the importance of mercy to Shylock in the stand.
Says Shylock to have mercy upon Antonio.
- “the lunatic, the lover and the poet.
Are of imagination all compact”
Who says these lines in “A mid summer nights dream”
- “This royal throne of Kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, Demi-paradise”
Who expresses these sentiment in Richard II
John of Gaunt in Richard II
- Who is the messenger of the fairies in “The Tempest” ?
- “We are such stuffs
as dreams are made of And our little life
Is rounded with a sleep”
Who says these lines in tempest ?
Prospero to his daughter Miranda
- Which play does Hermione appear as the heroine ?
The Winter’s tale
- “He was not of an age, but for all times
Nature herself was proud of his designs!”
Who praises Shakespeare in these lines
Ben Jonson.
- “He was a man , who of all modern and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and the most comprehensive soul”
Whose observation is this ?
- What is “Rape of Lucrece” ?
A narrative poem
- Which year did Shakespeare publish his sonnets ?
- “Shakespeare is the greatest thing we have yet done….. Indian Empire will go, at any rate, some day but this Shakespeare does not go; he lasts for ever with us. We cannot give up our Shakespeare”
Who holds this view
Thomas Carlyle.
- For what is the phrase ‘the Mousetrap’ used by Shakespeare in Hamlet ?
The play within the play in Hamlet.
- “…….life is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound
And fury,
Signifying nothing” which play are these lines quoted ?
- Shakespeare life period
Was during
- Shakespeare divided his sonnets in two parts they are
Sonnets 1-126 : addressed to a young man W.H.L
Sonnets 126-154: Addressed to the “Dark lady” a mysterious mistress.
- “Shall I compare thee to a summers day” it’s a opening line of which sonnet ?
Sonnet 18.
- “the time Of year though mayst in me behold” which sonnet doe does line appear ?
Sonnet 73.
- Shakespeare sonnet follows the
Rhyme scheme of
abab, cdcd, efef, and gg (couplet )
- Shakespearean sonnet is also called as
English sonnet.
- Shakespeare took inspiration for Venus and Adonis from one of the Ovids work and what that is ?
58 Shakespeare was a member which acting company ?
Lord Chamberlains men.
One of the city’s two leading companies of actor.