Shakespeare Flashcards
What year was Shakespeare born?
When did Shakespeare die?
April 23rd, 1616
Where did he live?
Stratford upon Avon
Who were Shakespeares parents?
John and Mary Arden Shakespeare
What was his dads job?
He was a glove maker
Who was Mary?
Mary was the daughter of a very wealthy landowner and local politician
What was school like for Shakespeare?
He probably attended kings new school in Stratford. his school day was long and rigorous. Educated in Rhetoric, logic, history, and latin. He dropped out of school in middle school when his father lost his fortune.
Who was Shakespeare married to?
In 1582, he married Anne Hathaway, she was pregnant with their first child.
Did they have children?
They had twins in 1585, Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet died at age 11 from the plague.
What happened during these dates? (1598-1592)
“The lost years” plague at age 11 because no one knew where he was
How old was Shakespeare during the lost years?
He was in his 20’s
What was the name of the Theater?
The Globe Theater
What happened to it in 1613?
Burned down during one of Shakespeares plays
How many plays did Shakespeare write?
38 plays
Where is he buried
Stratford upon Avon in Holy Trinity Church
What is significant about his gravestone?
Covered by a flat stone that puts a curse on anyone who moves his bones
What language did Shakespeare speak?
He wrote in “Early Modern English”
What are some sources of inspiration for his work?
- Pyramus and Thisbe
- Stories already told
- 2 were original based plots
Where was Shakespeare baptized?
Shakespeare was baptized in the perish register at Stratford- upon- Avon
How many kids did his parent loose?
His parents lost 2 daughters (died) . He was the first child to survive.
What was his school schedule like?
At the age of 7 he went to school 6 days a week from 6am- 5:30pm
When did he first get involved in plays?
He performed plays at school
What was his mothers village?
What was his fathers village?
Why are people so fascinated by Shakespeare?
He understood exactly what made people tick and was able to put human relationships in place
5 facts about Shakespeare:
- Christened in Stratford- upon- Avon April 26, 1564
- Married to Anne Hathaway November 27, 1582
- Daughter Susanna christened May 26, 1583 twins, Hamnet and Judith christened February 2, 1592
- Name first appears in print in 1592
- Died in Stratford- upon- Avon April 23, 1616
What was London like during Shakespeares life?
- World of dramatic contrast
- Black Death could kill anyone
- Romantic world (everyone went to theatre)
- Lots of violence
Who are the groundings?
The peasants who had to stand on the floor in the Theatre.
Why were the plays performed during the afternoon?
They were performed in the afternoon because it was brightest and lighting came from the sun
Explain the significance of clothing during Shakespeares age
-Clothing reflected status
- The amount of clothing show prosterity
- The more clothing the more money you had
Why didn’t London officials like the theatre?
They though it was morally wrong and attracted bad people, also spread the plague
Why weren’t woman allowed to perform in the plays?
at the master of rebels said it wasn’t traditional for women to perform
What was the main job for women and what were some of the rules for women?
The main job for women was “arranged” marriage for land or money, and they couldn’t have a vote or education
In 1593, how long had Elizabeth been on the throne?
40 years
How did she feel about the plays?
She loved the plays
Why didn’t Queen Elizabeth marry?
It served her well to be single especially when it came to foreign policy she could bring up marriage for deals then take it away
Why is Romeo and Juliet such a important play in Shakespeares career?
It sets him apart, he broke the mold by mixing comedy, romance, and trajedy.
What is the 18th sonnet about and what do the last two lines suggest?
The stability of love and it’s power to immortalize someone. The last two lines suggest how love differs.