Shakespeare Flashcards
How does sonnet 18 immortalize poetry
Says that poetry immortalizes a person so even when they die, they still live on thru poetry
Shakespeare was born in
Died in
Lived in
John: glove maker, local politician
Mary arden: daughter of a wealthy landowner
How many siblings did he have
He married
Anna hathaway 1582
1 daughter, 2 twins one named hamnet who died at 11 from the plague
Moved to london and began working in theater, known as the lost yrs, he was in his 20s
Kings new school, grammar school. School was long and rigorous
Educated in
Rhetoric, logic, history, latin
Dropped out in
Middle school when he was 12 bc his fathers illegal wool selling buisness was exposed and he lost his fortune
Shakespeare invested in
Globe theater, part of lord chamberlins/kings men
When did his theater burn down
Total plays
Types of plays he wrote
Comedies, histories, tragedies, romances
Buried at
Holy trinity church stratford upon avon
Gravestone was significant bc
Bears a warning for anyone who would disturb his bones
He spoke
Early modern english
Invented words such as
Critical, majestic, dwindle
Only two plays were original, everything else was based on events/other stories
Catholic v protestant
Dad forced to deface medival paintings, school was split between protestant and catholics, grew up in a split age
Why are people so fascinated with Shakespeare
He understood people’s lives and captured human emotion in his work
one daughter susanna and two wins, hamnet and judith. hamnet died from the plague
first appeared in
1592 when ppl called him a upstart crow
who are the groundings
Poor ppl who had to sit on the ground during plays
why were plays preformed in the afternoon
bc the sunlight was the light
significance of clothing
were bright to contrast all the greys in the ground, especially the groundlings. Costumes were gifts from nobles who could afford color. some color was exclusive like purple. Color determined rank
why didnt london officials like theaters
spread diseases, attracted pickpockets, plague spreading etc, moral diseases, also ppl skiped work
no voting, no legal rights, barely any education, job as arranged marriage, couldnt be a teacher lawyer etc, daughters had to honor their parents by marrying
in 1593 how long has elizabeth been on the throne
40 yrs